Reporting Hierarchy Nodes Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to assign children to nodes in reporting hierarchies.

The components that make up each tree are called nodes; a node that is located directly below another node is called a child. You can build the entire hierarchical structure in the Reporting Hierarchies workspace, but the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes workspace provides a better view because you work with one parent node at a time.

In the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes tab of this workspace, you can browse through the nodes in the individual reporting hierarchies and specify information about the currently selected node. If your Find menu includes the Automatic Find function, you can use this workspace together with the Reporting Hierarchies workspace, because you can select a node in this workspace by selecting it in the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes sub-tab of in the Reporting Hierarchies workspace.

The Reporting Hierarchy Nodes sub-tab of the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes workspace displays the children of the node that you select in the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes tab. You can assign new child nodes by adding new lines. Creating a line in this workspace corresponds to creating a line in the Reporting Hierarchies workspace and assigning it to the parent node that you selected in the Reporting Hierarchies tab of the Reporting Hierarchies workspace. Therefore, lines that you create in this workspace also appear in the Reporting Hierarchy Nodes sub-tab of the Reporting Hierarchies workspace, and vice versa.

On lines that represent leaves, you can specify the object (account, dimension value, job, and so on) whose figures should be summed in the leaf in question. Maconomy determines the type of object that you can assign to the leaves by the type of hierarchy to which the node belongs. For information about assigning objects to nodes, see the description of the Type field in the tab of this workspace and the <Key Value 1-3> field in the sub-tab of this workspace.