Approval Heirarchy Line Tab

Copy to come.

General Information island

Field Description
Approval Type Copy to come.
Line No. Copy to come.
Approval Hierarchy No. Copy to come.
Level Copy to come.
Approval Relation Copy to come.
Selection Criterion Specification No. Copy to come.
Selection Criterion Specification Type Copy to come.
Instance Key Copy to come.
Transaction Timestamp Copy to come.
Allow Self Approval Copy to come.

Approver Information island

Field Description
Approver Copy to come.
Reference Copy to come.
Employee Type Copy to come.
Reference Relation Copy to come.
Reference Field Copy to come.
Reference Employee Copy to come.
Notification Type Copy to come.
Advanced Reference Copy to come.

Substitute Information island

Field Description
Substitute Copy to come.
Reference Copy to come.
Employee Type Copy to come.
Reference Relation Copy to come.
Reference Field Copy to come.
Reference Employee Copy to come.
Notification Type Copy to come.
Advanced Reference Copy to come.

Super Approver Information

Field Description
Super Approver Copy to come.
Reference Copy to come.
Employee Type Copy to come.
Reference Relation Copy to come.
Reference Field Copy to come.
Reference Employee Copy to come.
Notification Type Copy to come.
Advanced Reference Copy to come.