Job Budget Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description In this field, you enter a text, which is attached to the activity on quotes and order confirmations.
Line Type In this pop-up field, you select the type of the current job budget line. Selecting a value is mandatory.
Line No. This field shows the budget line number. Note this may not be unique. For indented lines numbering restarts so several indented lines may have, for example, line number 1.
Instance Key This field shows the instance key of the budget line.
Parent Job Budget Line For indented budget lines this field shows the instance key of the parent budget line. For a top level budget line it is blank.
First Instance Key This field shows the instance key of the first revision of this budget line.
Job Budget Line Reference If job budget merging functionality is used this field may hold a reference to the first instance key of another budget type.
Approved as Instance Key This field shows the instance key of the budget line in the latest approved revision.
Task In this field, you can specify the task to which the job budget line is to be assigned.
Act. No. In this field, you enter the number of the activity for which you wish to make a budget estimate. If both this field and the field “Task” are blank, the line is a text line. If this field shows “*,” the line is a summary line which creates a subtotal when the budget is printed using the “Standard” layout.

Empl. Cat. No. In this field, you can assign a certain employee category to the job budget. If no specific employee has been specified for this line, Maconomy will instead use the cost, intercompany or billing price for the specified employee category for price calculations, if the field “Hourly Rate” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module has been set to “By Employee” or “Employee Priority.”

Quantity In this field, you enter the budgeted quantity for the line.
Quantity, Days The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Quantity” above. However, this field only applies to time activities, and you enter the budgeted quantity as a number of days instead of a number of hours.
Cost, Base In this field, you enter the budgeted cost in the base currency for one unit of the activity on the budget line. For a further descrip­tion of how Maconomy calculates these prices, please refer to “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module.”
Cost Per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Cost, Base” converted into a cost per day.
Total Cost, Base This field shows the total estimated cost in base currency for the budget line. The total cost is found by multiplying the number in the “Quantity” field by the cost per piece in the “Cost” field.
Billing Price, Curr. In this field, you enter the budgeted billing price in the job’s currency of one unit of the activity on the budget line. If the activity is non-invoiceable, you cannot enter a price here, and the value must be “0.00.”

Billing Price Per Day, Curr. This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Standard Billing Price, Currency” converted into a standard billing price per day.

Total Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budget lines total budgeted billing price in the job currency. The total billing price is calculated by multiplying the number in the “Quantity” field by the billing price per piece in the “Billing Price, Currency” field.
Markup % In this field, you enter the budgeted gross margin % for the activity on the budget line.
Line Specific Billing Price If the current job is set up for price control from budgets (see “Price control from budgets”), this field indicates if the billing price differs from the price originally derived from the employee category on the current line. If the line is not marked, the price is the original price.
Cost Type This field shows the cost type selected for the current activity in the window Activities: “Turnover” or “Outlays.”
Inc. in Fixed Price In this field, you can mark whether or not the entry applying to the line should be included in the fixed price of a job. The set-up of the job in question determines whether or not this field is automatically marked when a line is created. The field can be marked/unmarked manually.
Planned Starting Date In this field, you can enter the date you plan to begin the activity. Maconomy uses the prices valid per this date when deciding which version of the price list assigned to the job, if any, should be used for price calculation on job budget lines. If you do not specify a date in this field, Maconomy uses today’s date for the calculation of prices.
Planned Duration In this field, you can enter a planned duration of the activity. This duration will always be the number of days from the planned starting date to the planned ending date.
Planned Ending Date In this field, you can enter the date you plan to end the activity. The date specified will be of importance in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module as the date specified in this field will be copied to planning lines created on the basis of the budget in question.
Milestone This box is checked if the budget line is of type “Milestone.”
Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the currency of the job.
Standard Billing Price Per Day, Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Standard Billing Price, Currency” converted into a standard billing price per day.
Total Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the currency of the job.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance, the activity, employee, or dimension values. For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields that cause the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.” If the system parameter is not marked, and you wish to ensure that all prices reflect the current set-up of the budget lines, use the “Recalculate Job Budget” action.

Purchase Currency In this field, you can select a currency. Depending on whether you have entered the cost in base currency or in another currency, the value is calculated in the “Cost, Base” field or in the “Cost, Purchase Currency” field by means of this currency. If another currency is subsequently selected, the value in the “Cost, Purchase Currency” field is then recalculated. For a further description of how Maconomy calculates these prices, please refer to “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

If the job budget is structured hierarchically, selecting a purchase currency on a group header line makes it possible to see the total purchase amount for the subordinate lines in a specific currency.

Cost, Purchase Currency In this field, you can enter or see the cost in the currency selected in the “Purchase Currency” field. If you enter a value here, the value in the “Cost, Base” field will be calculated. If a value is entered in the “Cost, Base” field, the calculated cost is displayed in the currency in this field. The two fields cannot be filled in at the same time. For a further description of how Maconomy calculates these prices, please refer to “Appendix A” Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance, the activity, employee, or dimension values. For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields that cause the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.” If the system parameter is not marked, and you wish to ensure that all prices reflect the current setup of the budget lines, use the “Recalculate Job Budget” action.

If the user does not have access to cost for time, as specified in the Actions window in the Set-Up module, the value here will be zero and cannot be changed.

Maconomy multiplies the cost in this field with the figure in the “Quantity” field, so that the total cost is calculated in the “Total Cost, Purchase Currency” field.

If purchase order lines have been created from the current line, and you decrease the amount in this field, Maconomy checks whether the new amount causes budget violations according to the rules set up in the job parameter attributes “Limit Purchase Amount to Budget,” “Limit Purchase on Sum or Line Level,” “Limit Purchase, Currency Margin,” and “Limit Purchase, Percentage Margin” for the job. If the change causes a budget violation, an error message is displayed.

Cost Per Day, Purchase Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Cost, Purchase Currency” converted into a cost per day.
Total Cost, Purchase Currency In this field, you can see the total budgeted cost in the current job’s currency. The total cost price is calculated by multiplying the figure in the field “Quantity” by the cost per unit in the field “Cost, Purchase Currency.
Billing Price, Purchase Currency If you want to enter the billing price in another currency than the job’s currency, you can use this field.
Billing Price Per Day, Purchase Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Billing Price, Purchase Currency” converted into a billing price per day.
Billing Price Total, Purchase Currency This field shows the total billing price on the current budget line converted into the purchase currency.
Deliv. Remarks In this field, you can enter delivery remarks to be used in connection with the delivery of the items.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the amount from the field “Billing Price, Currency” on the current budget line converted into the base currency.
Billing Price Per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the value in the field “Billing Price, Base” converted into a billing price per day.
Billing Price Total, Base This field shows the amount from the field “Billing Price Total, Currency” on the current budget line converted into the base currency.
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the base currency of the company.
Total Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the currency of the job.
Exec. Company No. This field shows the name of the company carrying out the specified activity. The field cannot be changed.
Name This field shows the name of the executing company.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the Dimension Derivation window in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the System Parameters window in the Set-Up module.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, changing the location on a line will cause the prices on the line to be recalculated according to the method described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.” If the current job is set up for price control from budgets (see “Price control from budgets”), and the “Line Specific Billing Price” field is marked for the current line, the billing price is not changed upon recalculation.

If the budget controls prices, the function of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” is different. Even if the parameter is set, changing dimensions does not affect the prices. Only changing the employee category on lines related to a time activity will cause a recalculation of the price, and the line will be considered line-specific. To recalculate the price after changing dimensions, use the “Recalculate Job Budget” action.

See the section on dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L Module,” as well as the description of the Dimension Derivation window, for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Location” field above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Location” field above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Location” field above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Location” field above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Location” field above.
Net Cost, Base This field shows the budgeted net cost of the job in the job’s base currency.
Net Cost Per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the net cost per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Net Cost, Base” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window “Jobs.”
Tax Code This field shows a G/L tax receivable code if the activity on the line is an amount activity.
Activity Name This field displays the text defined for the current activity.
Task Description This field shows the text defined for the current task, if a description has been entered in the field “Task.”
Empl. Cat. Name This field shows the name of the employee category specified in the field “Empl. Cat. No.” above.
Job Budget Text In the window Job Budget Texts, it is possible to assign text lines to a job budget line. This field, which cannot be changed, displays whether such text lines are assigned to the current line.
Remarks 1-10 In these fields, you can assign remarks to the current job budget line. The remarks are for information only and can be used in reports.