
This section shows the actions available in the Job Budgets Table API workspace.

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Field Description
Create Requisitions When you select this action, Maconomy automatically creates requisitions for those amount activities in the job budget that have a vendor number and a mark in the “Selected” field. A requisition is an internal request for the approval of the purchase of services. This means that you can use this action to create requisitions that the person or department responsible for approving purchases can evaluate and approve, and this person or department can then, based on the input from the requisition, place the necessary orders with the relevant suppliers by means of a purchase order. You can only use this action if the budget shown in the window is the current one, and if the job in question has not been blocked.

Maconomy creates a requisition for each combination of vendor and purchase order currency specified on the marked lines, and each of the requisitions is assigned to a separate, new purchase process (see “Purchase Processes” in the A/P module). The earliest date in the “Planned Starting Date” field on lines with the same combination of vendor and currency is used as the preferred delivery date in the card part of the resulting requisition. If there is no planned date, Maconomy uses today’s date. Requisitions can be edited in the Requisitions window in the Accounts Payable module.

When you create requisitions, Maconomy updates the “Number of Requisitions” field on the budget lines.

Information such as payment terms and delivery mode is retrieved from the vendor information card in the A/P module.

The currency of each requisition is taken from the “Currency, Purchase Creation” field on the budget lines that result in the requisition in question. If this field is blank, the currency is taken from the vendor’s information card. If fixed exchange rate information has been specified for the job in the Job Price Information window, the specified fixed exchange rate information is applied, but only if the system parameter “Fixed exchange rates in budgets only” has not been marked.

If you have assigned texts to the job budget lines in the Job Budget Texts window, and if the “Text Lines for Purchase” field in the Job Information window is marked, the texts will be transferred to the relevant purchase orders.

Create Purchase Orders When you select this action, Maconomy automatically creates purchase orders for those amount activities in the job budget that have a vendor number and a mark in the “Selected” field. A purchase order is an order for the vendor service described by the budget line’s amount activity. The amount on the purchase order line will be the cost sum on the budget line less the sum of previously created purchase order lines. If this amount is negative, the amount on the purchase order line will be 0. You can only use this action if the budget shown in the window is the current one, and if the job in question has not been blocked.

Maconomy checks that none of the lines selected for purchase order creation will cause budget violations according to the rules set up in the job parameter attributes “Limit Purchase Amount to Budget,” “Limit Purchase Sum or Line Level,” “Limit Purchase, Currency Margin,” and “Limit Purchase, Percentage Margin” for the job. If even one line causes a budget violation, the action is cancelled for all lines, including lines that do not cause any budget violations. Budget violations can, for example, take place if purchase orders already exist for the lines, and the new purchases, combined with existing purchases, will cause the budgeted amount to be exceeded. For further information, see the descriptions of these attributes in the job parameter “Budgeting.”

Maconomy creates a purchase order for each combination of vendor and purchase order currency specified on the marked lines, and each of the purchase orders is assigned to a separate, new purchase process (see “Purchase Processes” in the A/P module). The earliest date in the “Planned Starting Date” field on lines with the same combination of vendor and currency is used as the preferred delivery date in the card part of the resulting purchase order. If there is no planned date, Maconomy uses today’s date. Purchase orders can be edited in the Purchase Orders window in the Accounts Payable module.

When you create purchase orders, Maconomy updates the “Number of Purchase Orders” and “Purchase Order Total” fields on the budget lines. The purchase order number is then shown in the “Last Purchase Order No.” field on every budget line.

Information such as payment terms and delivery mode is retrieved from the vendor information card in the A/P module.

The currency of each purchase order is taken from the “Currency, Purchase Creation” field on the budget lines that result in the purchase order in question. If this field is blank, the currency is taken from the vendor’s information card. If fixed exchange rate information has been specified for the job in the Job Price Information window, the specified fixed exchange rate information is applied, but only if the system parameter “Fixed exchange rates in budgets only” has not been marked.

If you have assigned texts to the job budget lines in the Job Budget Texts window, and if the “Text Lines for Purchase” field in the Job Information window is marked, the texts will be transferred to the relevant purchase orders.

Transfer to Sales Order When you select this action, Maconomy automatically creates sales order lines for job budget item lines, which are assigned to job budget lines marked in the “Create Sales Order” field. Text lines created in the Job Budget Item Lines window are also transferred. If you have previously created a sales order line for a job budget item line, it will not be processed again. The order lines are added to a sales order for the job. If such an order does not exist, Maconomy automatically creates a sales order for the job with a mark in the “Invoice in Job Cost” field. If there is more than one order assigned to the job, Maconomy chooses the order with the highest order number.

If the “New Order when Transf. To Sales” field in the System Information window in the Set-Up module has been marked, an order will always be created when the action “Transfer to Sales Order” is selected.

When you create sales order lines on the basis of job budget item lines, Maconomy copies the budgeted billing price to the order line. If you wish this price to be recalculated before it is transferred, use the “Recalculate Prices” action in the Job Budget Item Lines window.

You cannot select this action if the current job has been closed. However, you can reopen a job using the “Reopen Job” action in the Jobs window.