Approve Users by Employee Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Users by Employee tab.

Employee Information island

Field Description
Current Employee No. This field displays the employee number for the currently logged in user.
Employee No. Enter or select an employee number to view the approval lines for that employee. By default, this field displays the same value as the Current Employee No. field.
Employee Type This field displays the selected employee's employee type.

Approver Role island

Field Description
Show My Approval Lines Select this checkbox to display approval items where you are the designated approver.
Show Substitute Lines

Select this checkbox to show the approval items for which you are a substitute approver.

When you select this checkbox, the Approver field is displayed. Refer to the field description below for more information.

Show Super Approver Lines

Select this checkbox to show approval items for which you are a super approver.

When you select this checkbox, the Approver field is displayed. Refer to the field description below for more information.

Approver Select or enter the employee number or name of an employee to display all approval items that are originally assigned to him or her, and of which you are the substitute or super approver.
Note: This field is shown only when you select the Show Substitute Lines or Show Super Approver Lines checkboxes.

Overwrite Existing island

Field Description
Approval Status If existing information is already available in the Approval Status field of the Approval Line sub-tab, select this checkbox to enable the system to overwrite it.
Remark If existing information is already available in the Remark field of the Approval Line sub-tab, select this checkbox to enable the system to overwrite it.

General Selection Criteria island

Field Description
Show Lines For Approval

Select this checkbox to show items available for approval.

This is enabled by default.

Show Non-Active Lines Select this checkbox to show approval items that are not yet active.
Show Rejected Lines Select this checkbox to show rejected approval items.

Approver Reference Type island

Field Description
Show Approvable by All Approval Lines Select this check box to view all approval items that can be approved by any user.