
This section shows the Actions available in the Document Archives workspace.

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Field Description
Update Document This action is only available if the currently active line has not been locked by another user (see the field “Locked”). When you select this action, Maconomy displays a file selection dialog in which you can choose the file to be imported to the current line. The name of the file chosen must be identical to the name of the file in the document archive on which you have placed the cursor.

If the latest revision of the line has been closed, a revision is automatically created, and the selected file is imported to the new revision. The previous revision will appear in the workspace Document Revision History.

If the latest revision of the line is open, the file imported will overwrite the file currently stored in the latest revision. However, if the field “Close on Import” has been marked, the latest revision of the line is automatically closed when this action is selected, thus ensuring that the file imported is stored in a separate, new revision.

Export Document When you select this action, Maconomy displays a file selection dialog in which you can choose a destination for the file to be exported. By means of this action you can, for example, export a document in the archive to your own desktop, if you need to read or make changes to the document in question or you can export the document to any other relevant folder. Note that when you export a file, the file is not removed from the document archive in question.
View Document When you select this action, the file assigned to the archive line on which you have placed the cursor is displayed in a third party program, such as, for example, Acrobat Reader, a word processing application or a browser.
Lock Document This action is only available if the field “Edit Control” has been marked for the current document archive.

When you select this action, the document on the line on which you have placed the cursor is locked. For further information about the effects of locking a document, see the description of the fields “Edit Control” and “Locked.”

Unlock Document This action is only available if the field “Edit Control” has been marked for the current document archive and the currently active line has been locked.

When you select this action, the document on the line on which you have placed the cursor is unlocked. A locked line can only be unlocked by the user who locked it or a user who has been granted access to unconditionally unlock document archive lines. This access is granted in the workspace Actions. For further information about locked documents, see the description of the fields “Edit Control” and “Locked.”

Close Latest Revision This action is only available if the field “Revision Control” has been marked for the current document archive. When you select this action, the latest revision of the line on which you have placed the cursor is closed. For further information about the effects of closing a revision, please see the description of the fields “Revision Control” and “Latest Revision Closed.”
Delete Document Archive Use this action to delete a document archive.

An error displays if you delete a document archive that is used in an invoice edit, previous edit, or an invoice.