Addresses Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Addresses sub-tab.

Field Description
Description Enter a description for the address. You must provide a value for this field.
Name 2-3 Enter lines 1-2 of the contact company address.
Zip Code Enter the contact company address ZIP code.
Postal District Enter the contact company address Postal District code.
Name 4-5 Enter lines 3-4 of the contact company address.
Attn. Enter the contact company address attention person.
Country Enter the country in which the contact company address is located.
Phone Enter the contact company address telephone number.
Fax Enter the contact company address fax number.
Telex Enter the contact company address Telex number. You can enter the contact company’s home page address if there is no Telex number.
E-mail Enter the contact company e-mail address.
Primary Select this check box to keep the primary address synchronized with the contact company card.