Approval Line Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Line sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number to which the current line is associated.
Level This field shows the level of the approval hierarchy that the approval object lines relate to, and thus the order in which they are to be approved. This field only applies if the Level Prioritized check box is selected in the tab of the related approval hierarchy.
Effective This field shows whether or not the actual approvals are marked as effective. In-effective approval headers and lines show the history.
Active This field shows whether or not the approval object is currently active.
Approval Status This field shows the approval status of the current line. The value in the New Approval Status field is transferred to this field when you use the Execute Approval action. This field cannot be changed manually.
New Approval Status

Select the status you wish to assign to the current approval object line when you use the Execute Approval action.

The following statuses are available:
  • Blank
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Released
Remarks Enter remarks relating to the current line.
Deadline This field shows the deadline by which the approval must be completed.
Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Approval Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the date on which the current line was approved.
Approval Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the time that the current line was approved.
Approver This field show the employee name and number of the designated approver who approved the approval object.
Substitute This field shows the employee name and number of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the employee name and number of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated approver who can approve the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Name Enter or select the name of the designated substitute approver who can approve the approval object.
Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated super approver who can approve the approval object.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver This field shows the employee number of the employee who approved the current approval object.
Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can approve approval objects.

Any approval object, such as time sheet lines, falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute This field shows the name of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver Reference, Field This field shows the internal field name that the Approver Reference relates to.
Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the Approver.
Substitute Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a substitute approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the name of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Super Approver Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a super approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Current Approval Status Details This field shows details regarding the latest approval status of the current line.
Current Approval Status This field shows the latest approval status of the current line.
Last Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the last user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Last Approval or Rejection Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest date on which the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest time when the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Comment If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the latest comment for the associated approval object.
Line Can Be Approved by Current User This field shows whether the current line can be approved by the current user.
Current Status This field shows the latest status of the current line.
Submitted By This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field shows the date the current line was submitted.
Time Submitted This field shows the time the current line was submitted.
Journal Type The journal type. You cannot delete or rename this.
Journal No. The number of the journal to which the entry was posted.
Line No. The number of the allocation line in the current invoice.
Type This field shows whether the information in the window is for an invoice ("Credit") or a credit memo ("Debit").
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor to which the employee is associated.
Pay to Vendor No. The number of the vendor who is to receive payment for the vendor invoice.
Entry Date This is the entry date registered on the invoice.
Invoice Date The entry's invoice date from the vendor.
Due Date The due date of the invoice.
Trans. No. The transaction number of the invoice.
Invoice No. The invoice number of the vendor invoice
Std. Description This field shows the standard text.
Description The description of the entry that is manually added when registration of the entry takes place.
Amount Incl. Tax Base This is the base amount inclusive tax registered on the vendor invoice.
Currency The currency of the invoice.
Amount Incl. Tax, Currency This is the invoice amount in the currency of the invoice. If the invoice is subject to tax, you must enter the full amount, including tax, and also specify the relevant G/L tax code in the Tax Code field.
Tax Amount, Currency This field shows the tax amount.
Tax Code 1 This field shows the G/L tax code, if any, used on the entry.
Responsible This field shows the name of the person responsible for the job.
Location This field shows the location dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Entity This field shows the entity dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Project This field shows the project dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Allocation Started This field indicates whether Allocation lines have been created, but have not yet been submitted or fully allocated.
Released for Posting This field shows whether the invoice allocation has been approved for posting. If this field is marked, the invoice journal has been approved for posting.
Tax Amount, Base This is the tax amount on the amount in the "Price, Base," expressed into the base currency. The amount cannot be changed here.
Purch. Order No. This field shows the purchase order number.
Payment Mode The method used to pay the vendor.
Payer Identification The vendor invoice's payer identification. It is used by Maconomy to create payment files for electronic payment of vendors.
For Inventory Purch. When creating a vendor invoice, you can mark this field if you want Maconomy to make a purchase transaction when the invoice is posted. If the field "For Inventory Purch." in the window System Information is marked, Maconomy will automatically mark this field. If this field is marked, Maconomy automatically creates an allocation line in the table part of the window Invoice Allocation for the full invoice amount. This means that when the invoice is posted, a purchase transaction is created for the amount in the field "Inventory Amount." Purchase transactions are shown in the Invoice Reconciliation window and are used for balancing item receipts from the Item Purchase Orders and A/P modules against vendor invoices. You must thus create a purchase transaction if the invoice is for items to your warehouse and are received in the Item Receipt or Purchase Receipt window.
Packing Slip No.

This field shows the number of the delivery note which accompanied the delivery. You must enter a value for reference.

If the receipt includes any items, the delivery note number is printed on the item transaction created when you use the Approve Receipt action.

Name This field shows the name of the vendor entered in the above Vendor No. field.
Allocation Code

In this field, you can enter an allocation code. You can use the allocation codes created in the Allocation Codes window in the G/L module. Allocation codes are used for easing registration of standard entries.

When you enter an allocation code and press Return, Maconomy will automatically create the number of allocation lines that the code specifies, and this field is subsequently blanked. In this way, specifying an allocation code in this field corresponds to creating an invoice allocation line in the Invoice Allocation window. However, the allocation lines that are created are not shown in this window, but can be inspected and edited in the table part of the Invoice Allocation window. In this connection, you should use allocation codes with positive percentages.

If you do not enter an allocation code in this field, and a standard allocation code has been specified in the information card of the vendor for whom the invoice is created, the standard allocation code of the vendor is automatically transferred to the vendor invoice, and allocation lines are created in the same way as if you had manually specified an allocation code.

Exchange Rate The exchange rate used when the invoice was posted.
Fixed Exchange Rate at Payment If this field is marked, the exchange rate in which the entry is posted will be fixed when the payment is posted, even though the exchange rate may have changed according to the current exchange rate table.
Allocated by Copy to come.
Payment Description This field shows the code for the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice if the vendor invoice concerns import.
Card Type Code The vendor invoice card type code used by Maconomy to create payment files for the electronic payment of vendors.
Import Date The date on which the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice were imported. Maconomy uses the import date in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module.
Company Tax Code This field shows the company's tax code.
Registration Code This field shows a registration code from the window Registration Codes in the G/L module.
Purpose This is the purpose entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Spec.1-3 The specification 1-3 entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Local Spec. 1-3 The specification 1-3 entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Company No This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job.
Disclosable This field shows whether the vendor registered on the invoice has been marked as disclosable.
Cash Discount Date This field displays a cash discount date, if any, assigned to the current vendor entry. The date displayed in this field is thus the latest date on which payment should take place if cash discount is to be granted for the current vendor invoice.
Job No. If a job number was specified on the original vendor invoice, this field shows the job number in question. It also shows the name of the specified job.
Allocation Account This field shows the number of the account on which allocation entries should be posted.
Date Posted The date the entry was posted to the accounts payable and general ledger.
Posted This field shows whether or not the journal is posted.
Entry Line No. Copy to come.
Reallocation Date This is the reallocation date registered on the invoice.
Amt. for Realloc., Currency Copy to come.
Tax for Realloc., Currency Copy to come.
Amt. for Realloc., Base Copy to come.
Tax for Realloc., Base Copy to come.
Amt. for Realloc., Enterprise Copy to come.
Tax for Realloc., Enterprise Copy to come.
Journal No., Reallocation Copy to come.
Journal Line No., Reallocation Copy to come.
Copy from vendor no.

In this field, you can enter a vendor number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. If you fill in this field, you must also enter an invoice number in the field "Copy From Invoice No." on the line.

If you want to copy the information form one invoice to a new invoice, you enter a new transaction number and a new invoice number on the line, fill in this field and the field "Copy From Invoice No," and press Return, and Maconomy copies the vendor invoice specified including any assigned allocation lines. However, these lines cannot be inspected in this window, but are displayed in the Invoice Allocation window. Fields filled in by the user on the new invoice are not affected by the copying.

Entering a vendor number in this field can also be used for reversing the effect of an already posted invoice. See the description of the field "Reverse At Copying' for further information on the functionality of copying and reversing vendor entries.

Copy from invoice no. In this field, you can enter an invoice number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a vendor number in the field "Copy From Vendor No." on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field "Copy From Vendor No.," you should see the description of that field for further information.
Copy from journal no. In this field, you can enter a journal number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. You can fill in this field, if you do not know either the vendor number or the invoice number of the invoice that you want to copy. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a journal line number in the field "Copy From Journal Line No." on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field "Copy From Vendor No.," you should see the description of that field for further information.
Copy from journal line no. In this field, you can enter a journal line number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. You can fill in this field if you do not know either the vendor number or the invoice number of the invoice that you want to copy. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a journal number in the field "Copy From Journal No." on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field "Copy from vendor No.," you should see the description of that field for further information.
Reverse at Copying In this field, you can choose whether the new vendor invoice should reverse an existing invoice at copying. If you mark this field, the new entry is assigned the opposite value in the field "Debit/Credit" as the existing entry; that is, if the original entry is a credit entry (a vendor invoice), the new entry will be a debit entry (a credit memo). In this way, the new entry reverses the effect of the existing entry. If the invoice or credit memo being copied has not already been reconciled, it is automatically reconciled against the new invoice or credit memo. To avoid exchange rate differences when copying, mark the field "Use Original Exchange Rate" below.
Document Archive No. This field shows the document archive number assigned to the job.
File Name Copy to come.
Responsible for Allocation In this field, you can enter the name of the person to be responsible for the allocation of the invoice. The field is for information only.
Attn. This field shows the customer's attention person.
Remarks 1-5 These fields show any notes or comments regarding the employee.
Non-allocated Excl. Tax, Currency Copy to come.
Non-allocated Tax, Currency Copy to come.
Non-allocated Excl. Tax, Base Copy to come.
Non-allocated Tax, Base Copy to come.
Status This field shows the job's current status.
Reference Date This field shows the entry reference date.
Instance Key This field shows the current employee's unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Amount Rounding, Base This is the rounding amount, in base currency. If currency rounding is used (in the Currency Rounding window), then the total interest amount should be rounded up, based on the currency rounding.
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field shows the date the current line was submitted.
Possible Cash Discount, Currency In this field, you can view the cash discount which can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date specified above.
Possible Cash Discount % In this field, you can view the cash discount percentage which can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date specified above.
Intercompany Invoice This field shows the intercompany invoice.
Name 1-5, Vendor This is the name and address of the vendor.
Zip Code, Vendor This is the zip code of the vendor.
Postal District, Vendor This is the postal district of the vendor.
Attention, Vendor This is the name of the vendor's attention person.
Country, Vendor This is the vendor's country.
Telephone, Vendor This is the vendor's telephone number.
Telefax, Vendor This is the fax number of the vendor.
Telex, Vendor This is the telex number of the vendor.
Giro, Vendor This field shows the giro number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.
E-mail, Vendor This field shows the vendor's email address.
Global Location No.

If a global location number has been specified on the vendor invoice, you can enter the global location number here. Global location numbers are used in electronic invoices, and there this field will typically be completed automatically on electronically read vendor invoices.

Global location numbers are set up in the Company Locations window in the G/L module and indicate the company, department, warehouse, or other entity to receive the invoice. For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the Company Locations window in the G/L module.

When a global location number is specified, any registration code and allocation responsible specified for the global location number are transferred to the invoice as if they were entered manually.

Settling Company No. This field shows the name of the settling company that applies to the current job.
Use Original Exchange Rate

If you are reversing an existing vendor invoice, you can mark this field to use the same exchange rate as was used for the original vendor invoice. If you do this, there will be no exchange rate differences when you reverse the vendor invoice, unless the original currency has moved in relation to the enterprise currency. If this is the case, the difference must be handled at the time of posting.

The vendor invoices can be inspected in the Show Vendor Invoices window.

Pay when Paid

This field shows whether payment when paid functionality applies to the current vendor invoice. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the payment term selected for the current invoice. The field can only be marked if the system parameter "Enable Payment when Paid" has been marked.

Payment when paid functionality is used in the Banking module to ensure that vendor invoices are not paid until they are allocated, and that vendor invoices allocated to jobs are not paid until you have received payment from the customer of the job in question.

The value in this field does not have any effect on the vendor invoice itself, but the value here is suggested in the corresponding field on the vendor entries created as a result of posting the invoice. This means that in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor, you can change the value for the individual vendor invoices resulting from the allocation of the invoice. Therefore, the effects of the field are described in the section about the field "Pay when Paid" in the window Payment Selection by Vendor.

Amount Rounding, Enterprise This shows the rounding amount, in enterprise currency if currency rounding is used (in the Currency Rounding window).
Job Exchange Rate Variance, Base Copy to come.
Job Exchange Rate Variance, Enterprise Copy to come.
Open Job Exchange Rate Variance, Base Copy to come.
Tax For Realloc., Spec. Entry Key Copy to come.
Non-allocation Tax, Spec. Entry Key Copy to come.
Tax Code 1-3 This field displays the tax code for the expense registered on the line.
Tax Amount 1-3, Currency This field shows the tax amount for the current request for quote line.
Tax Amount 1-3, Base This field shows the tax amount for the current request for quote line.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the entry.
Amount Excl. Tax, Currency This field shows the price less tax of the allocation line in the currency of the vendor invoice
Amount Incl. Tax, Enterprise Copy to come.
Tax Amount, Enterprise Copy to come.
Tax Spec. Entry Key Copy to come.
Non-allocated Excl. Tax, Enterprise Copy to come.
Non-allocated Tax, Enterprise Copy to come.
Giro This field shows the giro number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Bank Acct. No. This field shows the bank account number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Reg. No. This field shows the registration number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Credit Card No. This field shows the credit card number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
CPC No. This field shows the CPC number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Amount Excl. Tax, Base This field displays the base amount excluding tax.
Amount Excl. Tax, Enterprise This field displays the enterprise amount excluding tax.
Reopened This field shows whether the job was reopened.
Job Balancing Exchange Rate Variance, Enterprise Copy to come.
Open Job Balancing Exchange Rate Variance, Enterprise Copy to come.
Credit Memo Reference This field is the invoice number of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Journal No. Reference This field is the journal number of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Journal Line No. Reference This field is the line number of the entry in the journal of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Approval Group, Instance Key This field shows the current approval group's unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Submitted A check mark in this field shows if the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted.
Approved by This field shows the name of the project manager who assigned the current approval status (shown in the Approval, Project Manager field) to the current expense sheet line.
Approval Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the date on which the current line was approved.
Purchase Transaction Type This field indicates the type of purchase the line represents. The available values are:
  • Fixed Asset
  • Inventory
  • Job Cost
  • G/L
  • Text Line
  • Subcontractor Reconciliation
Enterprise This field specifies an enterprise for the purchase order.
Segment This field specifies a segment for the purchase order.
Area This field specifies an area for the purchase order.
Self Invoice This field specifies whether the purchase order is a self-invoice.
Spec. 4-10 These fields show the specifications assigned to the current line.
Local Spec. 4-10 These fields show the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Time Unit This field displays the time unit used for filing time (either hours or days).
Job Name This field shows the job name.
Project Manager Number This field shows the employee number of the project manager who can approve and reject lines on the current job.
Project Manager This field shows the name and number of the project manager.
Customer Number This field displays the customer number.
Customer This field shows the customer selected on the job.