Installation Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Installation Information tab.

Address Island

This island shows your company’s name and address. They cannot be changed here, but you can change them in the workspace Company Information.

Information Island

Field Description
Phone This shows your company’s telephone number.
Fax This shows your company’s fax number.
Contact Person Here you can enter your contact person in PPU Maconomy. PPU Maconomy will address the control number to this person.
Dealer Enter the name of your Maconomy dealer. You must enter a name.
Sales Rep. Here you can enter the name of the sales representative who sold you Maconomy.

Version Island

Field Description
Installation No. This field shows the installation number for your installation of Maconomy. It was entered when Maconomy was installed and cannot be changed.
Reg. No. This is the registration number for your version of Maconomy. It was entered when Maconomy was installed. It cannot be changed.
Control No. This field shows the control number for your installation of Maconomy. It was entered when Maconomy was installed and cannot be changed.
Named Users This field displays the allowed number of named users for this Maconomy installation.
Named Users Code In this field, enter the license key provided by your account manager. Once you save your edit, Maconomy immediately updates the value displayed in the Named Users field.