Remove Contact Data Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Remove Contact Data tab.

Contact Companies Island

Field Description
Remove Contact Companies If you wish to remove contact companies as well as the events and contact persons to whom the contact companies in question have been assigned, it is necessary to mark this field. If you do not mark the field, no data will be removed.
Last Contact Before It is necessary to specify a date in this field if you only wish to remove contact companies to which no contact entries have been assigned since the specified date. When you enter a date, a contact company will only be removed if the event last created falls within the specified date.
Remove Contact Companies created as Customers If you wish to remove a contact company even though it has been created as a customer, it is necessary to mark this field. If you do not mark the field, only contact companies, which have not been created as customers, will be removed.

Events Island

Field Description
Events If you only wish to remove contact entries but not the contact company to which the event has been assigned, it is necessary to mark this field. If you do not mark the field, no data will be removed.
Entered Before It is necessary to specify a date in this field if you only wish to remove events entered before the specified date. When you specify a date, an event will only be removed if it has been entered before the specified date.
Campaign No. If you only wish to remove events which have been assigned to a particular interval of campaigns, it is necessary to specify an interval in this field. If you do not specify an interval and no date has been entered in the field above, all events, which have been entered before the specified date, will be removed in all campaigns.