Layout Selection Rules Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Layout Selection Rules sub-tab.

Field Description
Internal Field Name In this field, you can specify the name of the field whose contents you wish to use as a criterion for using the current print layout selection rule. Only fields being part of the table displayed in the tab can be selected. Thus, the fields “From” and “To” are used for setting up a range of values to apply to this field. You can use the function “Find Database Field” in the Find menu to search for the relevant fields.
From Along with the field “To,” this field forms a range of values. An entry will thus only match the criterion on the current line if the entry contains a value within this range in the internal field specified on the line. If the field “Internal Field Name” contains the name of a pop-up field, you cannot specify a range of values. Instead, you specify a value in this field and leave the field “To” blank. Only entries with the selected pop-up value will match the criterion. Similarly, check boxes should only contain a value in this field. The field should contain a 0 or a 1, 0 meaning unmarked and 1 meaning marked.
To See the description of the field “From” above.
Type This field shows the field type of the field specified in the field “Internal Field Name.”
Popup Type This field shows the pop-up type in question if the field “Internal Field Name” contains the name of a pop-up field.
External Field Name This field shows the external name of the field specified in the field “Internal Field Name” on the current line. The external field name is the name shown in the Find workspace for the table in question unless the name has been changed using the Maconomy Layout Designer or user dependent layouts (see the workspaces Window Layout Groups and Layouts).
User Selected Layout If you specify a value in this field, the layout selection in the printout of a given entry depends on whether the printout is made from a parameter workspace or by selecting a function in the Action or File menu. If the printout was started in a parameter workspace, for example, the workspace Print Picking List, the criterion on the line will only be a match if the user selected this layout manually. If the printout was caused by the selection of a function, the criterion will only be a match if the layout in this field is the layout automatically used by Maconomy when the function is selected.