Documents Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Documents sub-tab.

Field Description
Document Name This field shows the name of the file assigned to the document archive. The field is automatically filled in by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.
Document Type This field shows the type of the file assigned to the document archive. The files to be stored in a given document archive can be of any format, for example, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on. The field is automatically filled in by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.
Document Size (Bytes) This field shows the size of the file assigned to the document archive. The size is displayed in bytes.
Locked This field shows whether the current line has been locked. Lines are locked using the action “Lock.” For further information about the effects of locking a document, and how to unlock a locked line, see the description of the field “Edit Control.”
Locked By If the field “Locked” above is marked, this field shows the name of the user who locked the current line. A locked line can only be unlocked by the user who locked it or by a user granted access to unconditionally unlock document archive lines. This permission is granted in the workspace Actions.
Revision No. This field shows the number of the latest revision of the document archive line. If revision control is not used in the current document archive, the number is always 1.
Revision Text In this field, you can enter a description of the latest revision of the document archive line. The description is stored when the latest revision is closed, thus appearing in the workspace Document Revision History.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the file was last modified. If the file has not been modified, the field shows the date on which the file was placed in the archive.
Time of change This field shows the time at which the file was last modified. If the file has not been modified, the field shows the time at which the file was placed in the archive.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user to import a file to the current line.
Latest Revision is Closed This field shows whether the latest revision of the document archive line is closed. If the revision is closed, importing a file to the line will result in a revision being created, causing the file to be imported to the new revision. If the revision is not closed, importing a file to the line will cause the file stored in the latest revision to be overwritten and lost. Please note, however, that if the field “Close Revision on Import” has been marked in the tab, the latest revision is automatically closed when a file is imported, ensuring that a file being imported is always stored in a new, separate revision.

You can close the latest revision by selecting the action “Close Latest Revision.” This action can only be selected if the field “Revision Control” is marked in the tab. For further information, see the description of the field “Revision Control.”

Closed, Date If the latest revision has been closed (see the field “Latest Revision Closed” above), this field shows the date on which the revision was closed.
Closed, Time If the latest revision has been closed (see the field “Latest Revision Closed” above), this field shows the time when the revision was closed.
Closed By If the latest revision has been closed (see the field “Latest Revision Closed” above), this field shows the name of the user who closed the revision.
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current document archive line if you have been assigned to the same or a higher level in the workspace User Access Levels. This means that in other workspaces, you can only refer to document archive lines to which you have access. Furthermore, a given user can only see the document archive line to which he or she has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to document archive lines may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System.”

If no access level is specified, this field has no influence on user access to the current document archive.

Remarks 1-10 In these fields, you can enter remarks to the file assigned to the line in question. If a revision of the current line is created, the values in these fields are automatically copied to the new revision.