Job Budgets API Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budgets API tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This is the number of the job to which the budget applies. The value cannot be changed manually, but you can retrieve other jobs using the search functions in the Find menu.
Job Name This is the job’s name. It cannot be changed here. The name is entered and can be changed in the Jobs window.
Start Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is scheduled to start. It is purely for reference.
Estimated Ending Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is expected to be finished. This date is for information only.

Revision Island

Field Description
Job Budget Revision This field shows revision number for the job budget type.
Submitted This field shows if the job budget has been submitted.
Approved This field shows if the job budget has been approved.
Reopened This field shows if the job budget has been reopened.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks These fields show comments related to the job budget revision.

Job Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you choose the budget you wish to view.
Current Budget This field shows the Current Budget for the job.
Forecast Budget This field shows the Forecast Budget for the job.
Planning Budget This field shows the Planning Budget for the job.
Baseline Budget This field shows the Baseline Budget for the job.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in new job budget lines added to the job budget.

Job Progress Island

Field Description
Latest Estimate Date This field shows the latest date of job progress evaluation.
Completed (Original) This field shows how many budgeted hours have been completed.
Estimated Time To Compl. (Original) This field is applicable for time activities and amount activities for progress by quantity only when the unit of measure is Hours.

This field shows the number of hours/quantity or the expected costs required to complete the planning budget line as of the date specified in the “Date” field. The field thus shows the suggested estimate to completion.

ETC Deviation (Original) This field is applicable for time activities and amount activities for progress by quantity only when the unit of measure is Hours.

This field shows the deviation of the “Total” field compared to the same field of the previous row. If no previous row exists, this field will have the value “0.” In other words, this field shows the difference between the current and the previous job progress evaluation with respect to the total number of hours or costs as planned in the planning budget.

Total (Original) This field shows the sum of used and estimate to completion quantity, also for amount activities marked for progress by quantity.

This field shows the new estimated total as of the estimate date. This field equals the sum of the values of the “Actual” and “Estimate to Completion” fields. The field corresponds to the total estimate of the “Quantity” field in the Job Budgets window.

Completed (Updated) This field shows the updated value of budgeted hours completed.
Estimated Time To Compl. (Updated) This field shows the updated value of time estimated to job completion.
Total (Updated) This field is applicable for time activities and amount activities for progress by quantity only when the unit of measure is Hours.

This field shows the resulting total number of hours/quantity or costs estimated for the job. The number is calculated as the sum of the “Actual” and “Estimate to Compl.” fields, and the sum total corresponds to the value of the “Quantity” field (if you are currently showing Hours) or the “Total Cost, Base” field (if you are currently showing Cost Price) in the Job Budgets window.

Job Budget Resource Allocation island

Field Description
Resource Allocation Complete

Select this check box to update the budgeted number of hours in the latest revision of the planning budget to the sum of the allocated hours sent from People Planner.

For budget lines on amount activities, the total cost price is similarly updated to the sum of the allocated cost sent from People Planner.

However, if you have performed job progress evaluation on the latest budget revision when selecting this check box, the budgeted number of hours is updated to the sum of the actual hours registered as of the progress evaluation date and the hours allocated to future periods.

For budget lines on amount activities, the budgeted cost is updated to the actual cost plus the cost of hours allocated to future periods.

When you select this check box, the Update Job Budget action in the Update Job Budget Resource Allocations single dialog workspace updates budget quantity and budgeted cost as described above.

If you select this check box when you perform a progress evaluation, the estimated hours/cost to completion is found as the hours/cost from resource allocations after the estimate date. With this setup, any estimated hours to completion on time sheets are ignored during progress evaluation.

Copy Resource Allocations When you select this check box, the Copy Budget action also copies any resource allocations assigned to the job budget.