Events Per Contact Company Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Events per Contact Company tab.

Contact Company Island

Field Description
Contact Company This field shows the name and number of the current contact company. The table part thus shows the events which have been assigned to this contact company and match any selection criteria specified in the island Selection Criteria.
Customer No. If the current contact company is assigned to a customer, the number of the customer in question is shown in this field.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Start Date In this field, you can specify a range of dates. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which were started on a date within the specified range.
Planned Starting Date In this field, you can specify a range of dates. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which have a planned starting date within the specified range.
Planned Ending Date In this field, you can specify a range of dates. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which have a planned ending date within the specified range.
Employee No. In this field, you can specify a range of employee numbers. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which are to be carried out by an employee with a number within the specified range.
Contact Mode In this field, you can select a contact mode. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which have the selected contact mode.
Event Type In this field, you can select an event type. The table part only shows those events concerning the current contact company which have the selected event type.
Include Closed Mark this field if you want the table part to include events which have been closed, that is, events for which the field “Closed” has been marked.