Daily Time Sheet Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Daily Time Sheet Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee who submitted the current daily time sheet line.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee who submitted the current daily time sheet line.
Line No. This field shows the line number of the current daily time sheet line.
Date This field shows the date of the current daily time sheet line.
Job No. This field shows the job number of the current daily time sheet line.
Activity No. This field shows the activity number of the current daily time sheet line.
Task This field shows the task name of the current daily time sheet line.
Quantity This field shows the number of hours entered for the current daily time sheet line.
Time Unit This field shows the time unit of the time sheet line.
Description This field shows if any description entered on the current daily time sheet line.
Approved by Superior This field shows if the current daily time sheet line has been approved by the time sheet user’s superior.
Released by Superior This field shows if the current daily time sheet line has been released by the time sheet user’s superior.