Opportunity Types Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Opportunity Types tab.

Opportunity Type Island

Field Description
Opportunity Type In this field, you can specify an opportunity type name when creating an opportunity type. Both letters and numbers can be used in the name. Once the opportunity type has been created, the name can no longer be changed.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current opportunity type.

Event Flow Type Island

Field Description
Event Flow Type In this field, you must specify the name of the event flow type to be assigned to opportunities of the current type. This means that when you create an opportunity of the current type, the event flow automatically created and assigned to the new opportunity will be assigned this event flow type. For further information, see the field “Event Flow Type” in the description of the window Opportunities.
Description This field shows a description of the event flow type specified in the field “Event Flow Type” above.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can enter the description and name of an access level created in the window Access Levels. Users only have access to information about the current opportunity type and to referring to the current opportunity types in other windows if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to opportunity types may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, this field has no influence on whether the user has access to information about the current opportunity type.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Remarks Island

In this island you can enter additional remarks about the current opportunity type.

Status Update Island

Field Description
Won, Phase If the current opportunity can be considered won when entering a given phase, you can specify the phase in question in this field. When the opportunity enters the specified phase as a result of the event flow status of the event flow assigned to the opportunity being changed to the value in this field, Maconomy will automatically close the opportunity as won by running the action “Close as Won.” This, in turn, causes the event flow assigned to the opportunity to be closed.

Using this functionality, you can cause the opportunity to be closed automatically when the event flow reaches a point indicating a closed sale.

Please note that manually closing the opportunity as won will not cause the event flow status to be changed to the value in this field.

Lost, Phase If the current opportunity can be considered lost when entering a given phase, you can specify the phase in question in this field. When the opportunity enters the specified phase as a result of the event flow status of the event flow assigned to the opportunity being changed to the value in this field, Maconomy will automatically close the opportunity as lost by running the action “Close as Lost.” This, in turn, causes the event flow assigned to the opportunity to be closed.

Using this functionality, you can cause the opportunity to be closed automatically when the event flow reaches a point indicating a lost sale.

Campaign Island

Field Description
Campaign In this field, you can specify the name and number of a campaign to be assigned to opportunities of the current type. This means that when you create an opportunity of the current type, the event flow automatically created and assigned to the new opportunity will be assigned to this campaign. For further information, see the field “Campaign No.” in the description of the window Opportunities.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List In these fields, you can specify the option lists containing the values that should be available for further specification in the fields “Value 1-5” in this island and on opportunities of the current type. This means that the fields “Value 1-5” in this island can only be completed with options available in the corresponding option lists specified here. If you leave a given field empty, any value can be specified in the corresponding value field. Furthermore, when entering the current type on an opportunity created in the window Opportunities, these option lists are suggested in the corresponding island on the opportunity.
Value In these fields, you can specify a number of values for further specification of the current compensation type and new opportunities of the type in question. You can only use values available in the respective option lists specified in this island. If a given option list field in the compensation type has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.

When an opportunity of the current type is created, the values are also suggested in the corresponding fields on the new opportunity.