Print Layouts Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Layouts sub-tab.

Field Description
Internal Layout Name This field shows the internal name of the current layout. The name in this field is used when making references to layouts in the workspaces Print Layout Selection and Printer Selection.
External Layout Name This field shows the external name of the current layout. This name can be seen when selecting the layout in various pop-up menus in print workspaces, and in, for example, Find workspaces. The external name can be changed in this field.
Paper Format This field shows the name of the paper format used for the current layout.
Paper Orientation This field shows whether the current layout is printed “Landscape” or “Portrait.”
Priority In this field, you can specify the priority of the current print layout in relation to other print layouts when Maconomy is using a print selection rule to determine which layout to use for printing an item. For instance, when printing several invoices, Maconomy can choose the correct layout for each invoice.

In the workspace Print Layout Selection, you can create several print layout selection rules for the same combination of printout and table. In this way, you can, for example, create a print layout rule for each layout created for the printout in question. The print layout rules created for the same combination of printout and table may have overlapping criteria in the sub-tab of the workspace Print Layout Selection, and therefore you can assign a priority to each layout. When printing an item, Maconomy checks if the item fulfills the criteria of more than one print layout rule with the same combination of printout and table, and picks the layout with the lowest priority number if there is a match. Priority “0” is the highest priority.

If an item to be printed does not fulfill the criteria of any of the created print layout rules, Maconomy will use the layout selected before the printout was initiated.

For more information about automatic selection of print layouts using print layout rules, please see the description of the workspace Print Layout Selection.

Original This field shows whether the current layout is an original layout for the current printout. Maconomy comes with an original layout for every printout, which contains a standard appearance of the printout. This layout cannot be deleted, but you can export it, edit it, and re-import it, to make the imported layout a “shadow” of the original. The layout created on the basis of an original layout is thus a “shadow layout.”
Customized This field shows whether the current layout has been customized by the user. If an original layout has been customized and reimported, thus acting as a “shadow layout,” this field will be marked.
Validated This field shows whether the current layout has been validated. Validation takes place when the layout is translated, and this field is marked if the translation of the current layout was successful. If the field is not marked, the current layout has not been validated. This means that the translation produced an error.
Original Layout This field shows the name of the layout used as the basis of the current layout.
Access Level In this field, you can enter an access level for the current layout. A user will only have access to the layout if he or she has access to the specified access level.
Created by This field shows the name of the employee who created the current information about the layout.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current information about the layout was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the employee who last changed information about the layout.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the information about the layout was last changed.
Version This field shows a version number. The version number is increased by one every time the current information is changed.
Name in Layout Designer If the current layout was created using the Maconomy Layout Designer, this field contains the name assigned to the current layout in the Layout Designer.
Localization Desired In this field, you can specify that the layout on the current line should be localized by means of dynamic translation. If the “Dynamic Translation” add-on is installed on the server, the users can choose a client language in the workspace Preferences in the Edit menu. In order for the current print layout to be translated dynamically, please follow these steps:
  1. The exported layout file will contain strings in the selected client language, and localization is always based on US English. Therefore, make sure that your client uses Maconomy standard English terminology. To verify this, open the workspace Language Selection in the Settings menu in the Windows client). If “US” is selected here, you can be sure that your client uses Maconomy standard English terminology.
  2. Export the layout as described below under the action “Export Layout” or “Export Original Layout,” depending on whether the layout in question is the original layout.
  3. Edit the resultant text file in a text editor as described in the manual “Printout Design using MPL.” Note that you cannot enter new items in the layout, only edit existing ones.
  4. Import the edited text file as described below under “Import Custom Layout.”
  5. Verify that the field “Localization Desired” is marked for the imported print layout.

The imported layout will now be localized as any other layout in the system.