Print Layout Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Layout Selection tab.

Printout Island

Field Description
Printout This field shows the name of a printout in Maconomy, for example, Print Invoice or Print Employee. The print layout selection rule created in the workspace is thus only relevant in printouts of that particular type. You cannot manually create printouts in this workspace, but you can browse through all printouts by using the toolbar arrows.
Internal Layout Name This field shows the internal name of the layout to be used when printing items matching the criteria defined in the sub-tab of the workspace. Furthermore, this name is used in references to layouts in the workspaces Print Layout Selection and Printer Selection.
External Layout Name This field shows the external name of the current layout. The name can be changed manually. The layout name can be seen when selecting the layout in various pop-up menus in print workspaces, and in, for example, Find workspaces. The external name can be changed in this field.
Name in Layout Designer If the current layout was created using the Maconomy Layout Designer, this field contains the name assigned to the current layout in the Layout Designer.
Table This field shows the name of the table on the basis of which the printout displayed in the workspace is based. For instance, the Standard layout for packing slips shows entries in the table PackingSlip as each of the entries in this table represents a packing slip. In the sub-tab of the workspace, you can set up criteria for the contents of the fields in this table.
Priority In this field, you can specify the priority of the current print layout rule in relation to other print layout rules.

You can create several print layout selection rules for the same combination of printout and table. In this way, you can, for example, create a print layout rule for each layout created for the printout in question. The print layout rules created for the same combination of printout and table may have overlapping criteria in the sub-tab of the workspace, and therefore you can assign a priority to each layout. When printing an item, Maconomy checks if the item fulfills the criteria of more than one print layout rule with the same combination of printout and table, picking the layout with the lowest priority number if there is a match. Priority “0” is the highest priority.

If an item to be printed does not fulfill the criteria of any of the created print layout rules, Maconomy will use the layout selected before the printout was initiated.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.