Approval Line Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Line sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number to which the current line is associated.
Level This field shows the level of the approval hierarchy that the approval object lines relate to, and thus the order in which they are to be approved. This field only applies if the Level Prioritized check box is selected in the tab of the related approval hierarchy.
Effective This field shows whether or not the actual approvals are marked as effective. In-effective approval headers and lines show the history.
Active This field shows whether or not the approval object is currently active.
Approval Status This field shows the approval status of the current line. The value in the New Approval Status field is transferred to this field when you use the Execute Approval action. This field cannot be changed manually.
New Approval Status

Select the status you wish to assign to the current approval object line when you use the Execute Approval action.

The following statuses are available:
  • Blank
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Released
Remarks Enter remarks relating to the current line.
Deadline This field shows the deadline by which the approval must be completed.
Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Approval Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the date on which the current line was approved.
Approval Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the time that the current line was approved.
Approver This field show the employee name and number of the designated approver who approved the approval object.
Substitute This field shows the employee name and number of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the employee name and number of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated approver who can approve the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Name Enter or select the name of the designated substitute approver who can approve the approval object.
Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated super approver who can approve the approval object.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver This field shows the employee number of the employee who approved the current approval object.
Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can approve approval objects.

Any approval object, such as time sheet lines, falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute This field shows the name of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver Reference, Field This field shows the internal field name that the Approver Reference relates to.
Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the Approver.
Substitute Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a substitute approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the name of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Super Approver Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a super approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Current Approval Status Details This field shows details regarding the latest approval status of the current line.
Current Approval Status This field shows the latest approval status of the current line.
Last Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the last user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Last Approval or Rejection Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest date on which the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest time when the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Comment If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the latest comment for the associated approval object.
Line Can Be Approved by Current User This field shows whether the current line can be approved by the current user.
Current Status This field shows the latest status of the current line.
Submitted By This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field shows the date the current line was submitted.
Time Submitted This field shows the time the current line was submitted.
Job No. This field shows the job number, which is the unique identification of the job.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job is assigned.
Status This field shows the job’s current status.
Responsible This field shows the name of the person responsible for the job.
Blocked for Time Registrations This field shows whether the job is blocked for registration.
Description 1-3 These fields show descriptions related to the job.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer associated with the job.
Name 1-5 These fields show the customer’s name and address.
Attn. This field shows the customer’s attention person.
Reference This field shows the name of the customer representative dealing with the order.
Phone This field shows the customer’s phone number.
Fax This field shows the customer’s fax number.
Telex This field shows the customer's telex number.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number of the customer receiving the invoice.
Location This field shows the location dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Entity This field shows the entity dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Project This field shows the project dimension value which is assigned to the approval line.
Payment Terms This field shows the payment terms that apply to the invoices for the job.
Blanket Invoice This field specifies whether the job is to be included in a blanket invoice or blanket credit note to the customer.
Tax This field specifies whether invoices for the job are subject to tax.
Department This field shows the department associated with the job.
Customer Group This field shows the customer group to which the customer is assigned.
Country This field shows the customer’s country code.
Language This field shows the language code for the job.
Sales Rep. This field shows the employee name and number of the sales representative associated to the job.
Currency This field shows the currency of the current job.
Item Price List, Sales This field shows the price list used in the pricing of items used in connection with the current job.
Price Step, Sales This field shows the price step used in the current job. The prices suggested for the items used for the job are from a fixed-price step in the selected price list.
Invoice Discount % This field shows the current job’s invoice discount percentage.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the job.
Created on This field shows the date the job was created.
Start Date This field shows the date the job was started.
Estimated Ending Date This field shows the date on which the job is expected to be finished.
Actual Completion This field shows the date when the job was closed.
Budgeted Cost, Base This field shows the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s base currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Base This field shows the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s base currency.
Net on Account, Currency This field shows the amount to invoice on account in the job’s currency.
Net on Account, Base This field shows the amount to invoice on account in the job’s base currency.
Tax on Account, Currency This field shows the tax net on account in the job’s currency.
Tax on Account, Base This field shows the tax net on account in the job’s base currency.
Approved for Invoicing This field specifies whether the job is approved for invoicing.
Preferred Inv. Date This field shows the preferred invoice date, which is written on the invoice when it is printed.
Released for Invoicing This field specifies whether the job is released for invoicing.
Capitalize This field specifies whether the job is capitalized.
Last Quote This field shows the number of the last quote sent to the customer on the current line.
Last Order Confirmation This field shows the number of the last order confirmation sent to the customer on the current line.
Last Invoice This field shows the number of the last invoice sent to the customer on the current line.
No. of Quotes This field shows the number of quotes that have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Order Confirmations This field shows the number of order confirmations that have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Invoices This field shows the number of quotes that have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Copies This field shows the number of invoices that have been printed for the customer on the current line.
Main Job No. If the Blanket Invoicing per Main Job system parameter is enabled, this field shows the main job’s number. The sub-tab shows the main job and all of the subjobs that are set up for blanket invoicing.
No. of Subjobs This field shows the number of underlying jobs assigned to the job.
Customer Remarks This field shows any customer remarks related to the job.
Maximum Time This field shows the maximum time set up for the job.
Maximum Cost, Base This field shows the maximum cost set up for the job in the base currency.
Maximum Billing Price, Currency This field shows the maximum billing price set up for the customer in the job currency.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who made the latest change to the current line.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the latest change to the current line was made.
Version This field shows the version number of the favorite on the line in question. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the line.
Closed This field specifies whether the job is closed.
Last Credit Memo This field shows the date of the latest credit memo sent to the customer on the current line.
No. of Creditings This field shows the number of credit memos that have been created for the customer on the current line.
No. of Credit Memo Printouts This field shows the number of credit memos which have been printed for the customer on the current line.
Zip Code This field shows the zip code of the postal district entered on the current line.
Postal District This field shows the postal district of the address.
Tax No. This field shows the customer’s tax number.
Sales Rep. No. This field show the employee number of the sales representative assigned to the job.
Job Name This field shows the job name.
Non-Invoiceable This field specifies whether the field is non-invoiceable.
Internal Job This field specifies whether the job is an internal job.
Quote Price, Currency This field shows the quote price in job currency.
Billing Price for Invoicing, Currency This field shows the billing price of the invoice.
Approved for Invoicing On Account This field specifies whether the job is approved for invoicing on account.
Fixed Markup (Amts.) This field specifies whether the job uses a standard fixed gross margin.
Markup % This field specifies whether the job uses a standard fixed gross margin percentage.
Text 1-20 These fields show various information about the job.
Date 1-5 These fields show dates connected to the job.
Popup 1-5 These fields show various information about the job.
On Account Reduction This field shows the maximum amount by which the net invoiced on account amount can be reduced at the next normal invoicing or crediting.
Approved for Invoice Editing If the Invoice Approval job parameter for the current job specifies that invoice editing is required, this field specifies whether the invoice selection is approved.
Warehouse This field shows the warehouse from which the item is to be delivered.
Unit, Unit Analysis This field shows the unit of the job.
Quantity, Unit Analysis This field shows the quantity of units for the job.
Current Budget This field shows which budget is currently used for the job.
Text Lines for Purchase This field specifies whether the texts entered in the Job Budget workspace should be transferred to purchase orders created from the job budget lines.
Task List This field shows the task list assigned to the job.
Job Allocation Combination This field shows the job allocation combination rule used for the job.
Access Level This field shows the access level assigned to the job.
Enterprise This field shows the enterprise assigned to the job.
Segment This field shows the segment assigned to the job.
Area This field shows the area assigned to the job.
Company Tax Code This field shows the company’s tax code.
Job Price List, Sales This field shows the job price list used to calculate the prices of the activities used for the job.
End Invoiced This field specifies whether the job has been end invoiced.
Close at End Inv. This field specifies whether the job is to be closed at end invoicing.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the specifications assigned to the current line.
Purpose This field shows the purpose assigned to the current line.
Overwrite Location This field specifies whether the value in the Location field can be overwritten.
Overwrite Entity This field specifies whether the value in the Entity field can be overwritten.
Overwrite Project This field specifies whether the value in the Project field can be overwritten.
Overwrite Spec. 1-3 These fields specify whether the values in the Spec. 1-3 fields can be overwritten.
Overwrite Purpose This field specifies whether the value in the Purpose field can be overwritten.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Overwrite Local Spec. 1-3 These fields specify whether the values in the Local Spec. 1-3 fields can be overwritten.
Settling Company No. This field displays the number of the company which has been specified as the settling company for the job, whose job budget is displayed on the current line.
Item Price List, Intercomp. This field shows the intercompany price list used in the pricing of work carried out on the job by employees assigned to other companies.
Job Surcharge Rule This field shows the name of the job surcharge rule used for the current job.
Cust. Payment Mode This field shows the customer payment mode for the customer on the current line.
Converted by This field shows the name of the employee who converted the job from quote to order.
Date of Conversion This field shows the date the job was converted from quote to order.
Employee 1-10 These fields show the employees assigned to the current job.
Invoice Layout This field shows the invoice layout rule to be used when creating invoices for the main job.
Invoice Selection Approved Copy to come.
Job Price List, Intercomp. This field shows the job price list used for calculating intercompany prices.
Job Price List, Cost This field shows the job price list used for calculating cost prices.
Probability % This field shows the probability percentage rating for whether the current job, which is on quote, will result in an order.
Forecast Budget This field shows the budget used as the current job’s forecast budget.
Planning Budget This field shows the budget used as the current job’s planning budget.
Customer Popup 1-5 These fields show various information about the customer.
Employee Control This field specifies how you want to check which employees can be used in entries on the job.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company responsible for the current job.
Blanket Invoice Ref. This field shows information used as a reference for the job. The text is displayed on the invoice if you use blanket invoicing, and if the invoice layout rule applied to the job indicates that the text should be shown.
Blocked for Invoicing This field shows whether the job is blocked for invoicing.
Project Manager No. This field shows the employee number of the project manager who can approve and reject lines on the current job.
Approval, Supervisor This field shows the status assigned by the supervisor on the current line to the job.
Approval, Project Manager This field shows the status assigned by the project manager on the current line to the job.
Current Phase This field shows the name of the current job phase, if a job phase list has been assigned to the job.
Planned Phase Ending Date Copy to come.
Amount for Invoicing on Account, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount set for invoicing on account in the job’s invoice currency.
Job Processing Status This field shows the current job processing status.
Job Processing Copy to come.
Result Type Copy to come.
Note No. This field shows the number of a note relating to the current job.
Maximum Cost, Enterprise This field shows the maximum cost set up for the job in the enterprise currency.
Maximum Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the maximum billing price set up for the customer in the enterprise currency.
Budgeted Cost, Enterprise This field shows the budgeted cost set up for the job in the enterprise currency.
Quote Price, Enterprise This field shows the quote price amount for the job in the enterprise currency.
On Account Tax, Enterprise This field shows the on account tax amount for the job in the enterprise currency.
Net On Account, Enterprise This field shows the net on account amount for the job in the enterprise currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the maximum cost set up for the job in the enterprise currency.
Fixed Exchange Rate Date This field shows the date for selecting exchange rate table entries from the system tables.
Fixed Exch. Rate Tbl, Purch. This field specifies the exchange rate table to use for purchase-related currency calculations. This exchange rate table is used in connection with purchase orders and vendor invoices relating to the job.
Fixed Exchange Rate Tbl., Sales This field specifies the exchange rate table to use for job-related currency calculations. This exchange rate table is used in connection with calculation of sales prices on the basis of budgeted or registered expenses on the job.
Dimension Comb. No. This field shows the number of the dimension combination used when deriving dimensions from the current job.
Overwrite Company This field specifies whether the value in the Company field can be overwritten.
Approved for Inv. on Main Job This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing on its main job.
Approved for Inv. by This field shows the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing.
Invoice Approval Date This field shows the date on which the job was approved for invoicing.
Work Completed On This field shows the date the work for the job is completed.
Note: You cannot enter time and expense entries on a given job after the date specified on this field, unless you are assigned project manager of the job.
Document Archive No. This field shows the document archive number assigned to the job.
Booking Type This field shows the default booking type to apply to all budget lines for the planning budget, as well as to all detailed planning lines associated with the budget lines.
Selected for Transfer Copy to come.
JobHeader Instance Key This field shows the current job’s unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Template If the current job is created from a template, this field shows the template job name of the job it was based on.
Template Job No. If the current job is created from a template, this field shows the template job number of the job it was based on.
Reference Job No. If the current job has been copied from another job using the Copy Job action, this field shows the job number from which the new job was copied. If the job has been created from a template job, this field shows the job number of the relevant template job.
Blocked for Budgeting This field shows whether the job is blocked for budgeting.
Job Price List, Standard Sales This field shows the job price list used for calculating the standard billing prices of the activities used for the job.
Approval, Supervisor, Exp. Copy to come.
Approval, Project Manager, Exp. Copy to come.
E-mail This field shows the customer’s email address.
On Hold This field specifies whether the job has been put on hold.
By This field shows the name of the user who put the current job on hold, if the On Hold check box is selected.
Date This field shows the date the current job was on hold, if the On Hold check box is selected.
Resumed This field specifies whether the job has been resumed.
By This field shows the name of the user who resumed the current job, if the Resumed check box is selected.
Date This field shows the date the current job was resumed, if the Resumed check box is selected.
Expected Resume Date This field shows the date when the current job is to be resumed, if it is currently on hold.
Automatic Allocation Method This field specifies whether the current job uses an automatic allocation method.
Team 1-6 These fields show the teams assigned to the current job.
Global Location No. If the customer has requested that you use a specific global location number on invoices pertaining to the current job, this field shows the location number.
Top Job No. Copy to come.
Opportunity No. This field shows the number of an opportunity to which the event should be assigned.
Opportunity Template Copy to come.
Favorites should be available for specified employees This field specifies whether favorites are available for specified employees. If this field is selected, when you use the Distribute to Employees action, Maconomy distributes the registration combinations as favorites to the employees selected in the sub-tab.
Only specified employees can register on the job This field specifies whether only specified employees can register on the job. If this field is selected, when you use the Distribute to Employees action, only the employees selected in the sub-tab can register time and expenses on the job.
Delete employees’ own favorites on the job This field specifies whether you can delete employees’ own favorites on the job. If this field is s, when you use the Distribute to Employees action, Maconomy deletes all favorites on which the current job is specified. Note that this applies to all employees.
Hours Per Man Day This field specifies how many hours are in a man day.
Default Line Type This field shows the default value for the Line Type field.
Use Daily Descriptions This field specifies whether daily descriptions are enabled by default for all tasks registered on the job.
Include in Forecast This field specifies whether the forecast of the current job should be included in forecast reports.
Transaction Timestamp This field shows the time of creation or, if the record has been updated, the time of the latest update of the record.
Tax On Account Spec. Entry Key Copy to come.
Task Group Status This field indicates whether the job entries associated with the present job are assigned to the correct task groups.
Allow PM Invoice Proposals This field specifies whether project managers are allowed to propose changes to invoiceable hours and amounts from employees’ time sheet and expense sheet registrations. If the field is marked, the project manager can propose a number of invoiceable hours, as well as invoiceable amounts in the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace and propose invoiceable amounts in the Approve Expense Sheet Lines workspace.
Allow Employee Invoice Proposals This field specifies whether employees are allowed to propose changes to invoiceable hours on their time sheet registrations. If the field is marked, employees can propose a number of invoiceable hours when filling in time sheet lines in the Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheet and SpeedSheet workspaces. This allows employees to provide input on invoiceable hours to the project manager and the invoicing department while entering their time sheets.
Blocked for Amount Registrations This field shows whether the job is blocked for amount registration.
Job Invoice Allocation This field specifies whether the current line is set up to match and allocate the job entry against invoices on account.
Job Invoice Allocation on Main Job Copy to come.
Amount for Invoice Allocation This row of fields shows the following amounts:
  • On Account: This is the amount for allocation (reconciliation) on the invoices on account on the job. You can change this amount and let Maconomy set the amount for reconciliation on the open invoices on account accordingly.
  • Job Entries: This is the amount for allocation on the selected job entries on the job. The field is closed for editing.
  • Balance: This shows the difference between the two other fields. You can only submit the job invoice allocation if the balance is zero.
Revert Job Invoice Allocation Number Copy to come.
Job Invoice Allocation Submitted This field specifies whether the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted.
Job Invoice Allocation Submitted By If the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted, this field shows the name of the employee who submitted it.
Job Invoice Allocation Submitted, Date If the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted, this field shows the date when it was submitted.
Preferred Job Invoice Allocation Copy to come.
Selected in Batch Job Invoice Allocation This field indicates whether the current line is included in a batch job invoice allocation.
First Job Closure By Copy to come.
First Job Closure Date Copy to come.
Job Invoice Allocation Completion Date This field shows the date when the following conditions were first satisfied: The open billing price must be zero, all invoices on account must be reconciled, and the reconciled amount must equal the fixed price all within Job Invoice Allocation.
Bill to Customer Appropriation This field shows the source of funding for the job.
Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency for the line. If a bill-to customer is specified on the line, then the invoice currency of this bill-to customer is shown. If no bill-to customer is specified, then the field shows the invoice currency of the job.
Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between the job currency and invoice currency for the bill-to customer specified on the job. By default, the exchange rate is the current exchange rate specified in the table for the job on the preferred invoice date (or current date if no preferred invoice date is set), but if the Specify Exchange Rate check box is selected, then the exchange rate is fixed at the rate you specify. If you change the exchange rate, the Amount for Invoicing on Account, Currency field is recalculated and Specify Exchange Rate check box is automatically selected. If the exchange rate deviates from the exchange rate table by more than 10%, a warning is displayed.
Specify Exchange Rate This field specifies whether you can set the exchange rate manually. If this field is not selected, the Currency Exchange Rate field follows the exchange rate table for the bill-to customer specified on the job.
Blanket Invoice Collection Key Copy to come.
Main Job Invoicing This field shows whether the subjob is being invoiced together with its main job.
Select Invoice On Main Job Copy to come.
Combine Printout Lines This field specifies whether the current subjob is part of blanket invoicing where lines on the invoice printout combines and summarizes registrations from all subjobs.
Job Collection No. This field shows the number of the job collection.
Open For Invoice Selection This check box indicates whether the job is open for invoice selection.
Invoice Name This field shows the name of the invoice.
Use Fixed Exchange Rates From Job This field specifies whether you can create job specific exchange rates.
Updated Copy to come.
Updated By Copy to come.
Date Copy to come.
Fixed Job Exch. Rate Tbl. Version
Pending Job Actions Updated Date
Transfer to People Planner
Time Budget In Days
Detailed Time Budgeting
Customer Job Option List 1-3
Selected Customer Job Value 1-3
Post Vendor Exch. Rate Variances on Job This field specifies how to post exchange rate variances that occur when you register vendor payments.
  • If you select this check box, the exchange rate variances are posted to the jobs to which the paid vendor invoices were allocated.
  • If you do not select this check box, the exchange rage variances are posted.
Invoicing Group This field shows the invoicing group assigned to the job.
Year This field defaults to the current year when creating a job.
Detailed Invoice Specification This field shows the detailed invoice specification assigned to the job.
Use Job for Blanker Invoice Header Copy to come.
Account Manager No. This field displays the account manager employee number.
Standard Invoice Text List This field shows the standard invoice text list selected on the job.
Submitted Draft This field indicates whether at least one invoice draft was submitted.
Submitted Draft by This field shows the name of user who submitted this draft.
Submitted Draft Date This field shows the date when the draft was submitted.
Contracted Billing Price for Time This field shows the contracted billing price for time activities for the job.
Recurring Annually This field indicates whether the job should recur annually.
Rolled Forward to Job No. If the job has been rolled forward, this field displays the number of the new job.
Time Unit This field specifies the default time unit for prices on time activities.
Invoice Type This field shows the type of the invoice to approve when you approve the invoice selection.
Combine T&M, On Account by Default This check box is selected on a new job if the Combine T&M with On Account by Default job parameter is enabled. If this check box is selected, the Invoice Type field switches to T&M and On Account when you set an amount for invoicing on account.
Spec. 4-10 These fields show the specifications assigned to the current line.
Local Spec. 4-10 These fields show the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Overwrite Spec. 4-10 These fields specify whether the values in the Spec. 4-10 fields can be overwritten.
Overwrite Local Spec. 4-10 These fields specify whether the values in the Local Spec. 4-10 fields can be overwritten.
Types of Lines Transferred from Invoicing Plan This field shows that line type that was transferred from the invoicing plan.
Restore Pre-Invoices This field specifies whether the cancellation of any pre-invoices that were cancelled on the invoice was reversed.
Job/Base Currency Fixed Exchange Rate is Hedged This field indicates whether the sales currency has been financially hedged against exchange rate risks in the bank.
Approval Group, Instance Key This field shows the current approval group’s unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Submitted Copy to come.
Approved Copy to come.
Job State This field shows the current state of the job.
CRM Opportunity Key Copy to come.
CRM Opportunity ID Copy to come.
CRM Opportunity Name Copy to come.
CRM Job Stage Copy to come.
CRM Job Template Type Copy to come.
JobHeaderExtension Instance Key This field shows the current job’s unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Transaction Timestamp This field shows the time of creation or, if the record has been updated, the time of the latest update of the record.
Fixed Price, Currency This field shows the fixed price of the job specified in the currency of the job.
Capitalization Method This field specifies whether the job should be capitalized at cost or at billing price.
Boolean 1-5 These fields show attributes assigned to the job.
Text 1-5 These fields show various information about the job.
Date 1-5 These fields show dates connected to the job.
Amount 1-5 These fields show amounts connected to the job.
Popup 1-5 These fields show various information about the job.
Invoiced on Account, Currency This field shows the amount invoiced on account in job currency.
Invoiced on Account, Base This field shows the amount invoiced on account in base currency.
Invoiced on Account, Enterprise This field shows the amount invoiced on account in enterprise currency.
Budgeted Time, Quantity This field shows the budgeted time of the job.
Budgeted Cost, Base This field shows the budgeted cost of the job in base currency.
Budgeted Cost, Enterprise This field shows the budgeted cost of the job in enterprise currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budgeted billing price of the job in job currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Base This field shows the budgeted billing price of the job in base currency.
Budgeted Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the budgeted billing price of the job in enterprise currency.
Budgeted Realization Rate This field shows a weighted average of the approved budgeted realization for the selected jobs.
Charge Table This field shows the charge table used in the calculation of charges on transactions regarding the current customer.
Charge Discount % This field shows the charge discount percentage to be applied to charges on transactions regarding the current customer.
Charge Code 1-4 These fields show charge codes added to the customer’s order.
Charge Amount 1-4 These fields show charge amounts added to the customer’s order.
On Account Job Surcharge at Invoicing Calculated Copy to come.
Time and Material Job Surcharge at Invoicing Calculated Copy to come.
One-time Surcharge Calculated Copy to come.
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Currency This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on this job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice currency.
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Base This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on this job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice base currency.
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Enterprise This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on the job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice enterprise currency.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager assigned to the current job.
Customer Level This field shows the Customer Level number for the customer in question.
Level 1-5 No. These fields show the numbers of the customers in the hierarchy levels above the customer on the line.
Level 1-5 Name These fields show the names of the customers in the hierarchy levels above the customer on the line.
Blocked for Purchasing

Select this check box to block the creation of purchase orders on the job.

If this check box is selected, you cannot create purchase orders on the job. You can still view existing purchase orders, but you cannot modify them.