Document Archive Setup Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Standard Document Archive Setup sub-tab.

Field Description
Company No. The setup on this line applies to standard document archives created for records in the company specified in this field. The field can be left blank, which then removes such a restriction.
Standard Archive Type The setup on this line applies to standard document archives of the type specified in this field. The field can be left blank, which then removes such a restriction.
Revision Control If the line applies to a new standard document archive, then this archive will be created with revision control if this field is selected.
New Revision on Update If the line applies to a new standard document archive, this archive will be created with “New Revision On Update” enabled if this field is selected.
Enable Locking If the line applies to a new standard document archive, this archive will be created with locking enabled if this field is selected.
Access Level Prefix New document archives created when you attach a document to an entity of the given standard archive type is given an access level. For example, if the field Standard Archive Type is "Expense Sheet" then the new document archive that is created when you attach the first document to an expense sheet is given an access level with the prefix specified in this field, such as EXP. Note that you can specify the same access level prefix for multiple archive types or note types. If they then also have the same setting in the field Access Level Employee Specific, then the same access levels can be used across those different document and note types.
Access Level Employee Specific

This field controls the format which indicates the access level assigned to new document archives if the field Access Level Prefix is filled in. If this field is selected, then the access level name has the format:

<prefix> <company number> <employee number>

where the prefix is specified in the fieldAccess Level Prefix , the company number comes from the document archive, and the employee number comes from the current user. If this field is not selected, the access level name will instead has the format and access level:

<prefix> <company number> (excluding the employee number)


: The field is enabled when the access level prefix is not blank. If it is blank, this field has no effect.

Access Level Employee Specific Copy
Grant Access Level to Supervisor

When you attach the first document to an entity the new document archive will be given an access level if the field Access Level Prefix is filled in. This access level will be granted to yourself (as user). Moreover, if this field is ticked, the access level will also be granted to your supervisor.


: The field is enabled when the access level prefix is not blank. If it is blank, this field has no effect.

Created by This field shows the name of the user who created this line.
Created on This field shows the date of creation.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who made the last change to this line.
Changed on This field shows the date of the last change to this line.
Version This field shows the version number of the line.