Reporting Structure Header Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Reporting Structure Header tab.

Reporting Structure Island

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the reporting structure.
Description Enter a description for the reporting structure.
Type Select the dimension to determine the basis of your reporting structure.
List Select the list to determine the basis of your reporting structure.
Option List Enter or choose an option list. The options from the option list are entered in the Selected Value field.
Selected Value Enter or choose a value from the selected option list. The value determines which reporting structure BPM uses.
Allow Duplicates

Select this check box to indicate whether or not duplicate dimension entries are allowed in the reporting structure. For example, if you already added account 1110 in your structure under the Sales group, you cannot add the same account under a different group, unless Allow Duplicates is selected.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Use this field to specify an access level for this reporting structure. Once this access level is selected, a related description displays.
You can create and maintain access levels in the Access Levels workspace.
User Island See the Getting Started section for a description of the fields in the User island.