Layouts Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Layouts sub-tab.

Field Description
Internal Layout Name This field shows the internal name of the current layout. The internal name is defined in the <layout> tag of the layout itself it is not the name of the file containing the layout.
Layout Name This field shows the external name of the current layout. By default, this field shows the internal name defined in the <layout> tag of the layout itself, but you can change the name in this workspace.
Standard Layout This field shows if a layout for the workspace exists on the server for the Standard layer as described in the section “Layers” above. A layout with the internal name “Original” always exists on the Standard layer.
Solution Layout The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Standard Layout” above, but concerns the Solution layer. A layout with the internal name “Original” always exists on the Solution layer in a Maconomy solution (for example MCS or MAS).
Custom Layout The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Standard Layout” above, but concerns the Custom layer. You can only modify layouts on this layer.
Localize Custom Layout In this field, you can specify that the layout on the Custom layer on the current line should be localized by means of dynamic translation. For more information, see the section “Localization” in the introduction to this workspace.