Currency Rounding Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Currency Rounding Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Currency In this field, you can enter the currency for which rounding is to be performed. Amount rounding in the current currency will thus be done to the unit specified in the field “Round to” on the current line.
Round to In this field, you can specify to which unit you want amounts to be rounded in the current currency. This can, for example, be to USD 10.00, USD 1.00, or USD 0.25. Rounding off the current currency will thus result in the amount being rounded to the specified unit.

Maconomy performs rounding of amounts at calculations in the currency in question, for example, at calculation of prices and discounts or conversions to the currency in question. No rounding is performed if you enter an amount manually.

External Rounding Unit In this field, you can specify the unit in the current currency to which totals on invoices, interest notes and credit memos should be rounded. If you specify an external rounding unit, invoice, interest note and credit memo totals are rounded to the specified unit. However, rounding only takes place if the currency of the invoice, interest note or credit memo in question is the same as the base currency of the company responsible for the transaction in question. Any difference between the amount before and after this type of rounding is posted on the account for rounding specified in the workspace Posting References.