Selection Criterion Specification Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Selection Criterion Specification tab.

Selection Criterion Specification Island

Field Description
Selection Criterion Specification No. In this field you can enter an identification number when creating a selection criterion specification. If you do not specify a number, Maconomy assigns the next available number from the Target Group Series in the workspace Event Series.
Description In this field you can enter a short description of the current selection criterion specification.
Type In this field you can specify a selection criterion specification type. The type indicates the use of the selection criterion specification as well as the information on which criteria can be made. This is described in further detail in the introduction to this workspace. The field “Definition Format” indicates whether the selected type is a manually created one or one of the predefined options. “SQL Expression” indicates that the type was created manually, whereas “Selection Criterion Specification Lines” indicates a predefined option.

The following options are predefined in the system:

  • Contact company — The selection criterion specification can be used in connection with campaigns in the Contact Management module for the selection of the contact companies that should be included in a campaign.
  • Contact person — The selection criterion specification can be used in connection with campaigns in the Contact Management module for the selection of the contact persons that should be included in a campaign.
  • Purchase Order — The selection criterion specification can be used in the workspaces Approval Hierarchy Selection and Approval Hierarchies. In the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection, selection criterion specifications of this type can be used to determine which approval hierarchy for purchase orders should be used for the approval of purchase orders that match each selection criterion specification. In the workspace Approval Hierarchies, selection criterion specifications of this type are used to define who should approve purchase orders that match each selection criterion specification. However, as mentioned above, the definition of the hierarchy to be used for the approval of each purchase order is determined in the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection.
  • Expense sheet — The selection criterion specification can be used in the workspaces Approval Hierarchy Selection and Approval Hierarchies. In the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection, selection criterion specifications of this type are used to determine the approval hierarchy for expense sheets to be used for the approval of expense sheets that match each selection criterion specification. In the workspace Approval Hierarchies, selection criterion specifications of this type are used to define who should approve expense sheets that match each selection criterion specification. However, as mentioned above, the definition of the hierarchy to be used for approval of each expense sheet is determined in the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection.
  • Vendor Invoice — The selection criterion specification can be used in the workspaces Approval Hierarchy Selection and Approval Hierarchies. In the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection, selection criterion specifications of this type are used to determine the approval hierarchy for vendor invoice allocation lines to be used for the approval of vendor invoice allocation lines that match each selection criterion specification. In the workspace Approval Hierarchies, selection criterion specifications of this type are used to define who should approve vendor invoice allocation lines that match each selection criterion specification. However, as mentioned above, the definition of the hierarchy to be used for approval of allocation lines is determined in the workspace Approval Hierarchy Selection.
  • Job — This selection criterion specification can be used in the workspace Job Search where, in the tab, you can switch between the existing selection criterion specifications of this type, and the sub-tab shows which jobs match the current selection criterion specification. Moreover, this selection criterion specification can be used in connection with job parameter selection rules. Job parameter selection rules are used when setting-up various parameters, such as revenue recognition and pricing methods for jobs. By means of assigning selection criterion specifications to job parameter selection rules, you can define that one certain set of job parameter selection rules should be valid for, for example, all jobs belonging to one certain company whereas another set of job parameter selection rules should be valid for jobs belonging to another company. See the description of the workspaces Job Parameters and Job parameter Selection Rules in the Job Cost module for further information.
  • Customer — This selection criterion specification can be used in the workspace User Types where it is used for pointing out the customers on the basis of which users should be created. For further information on this process, see the description of the workspace User Types.
Definition Format This field shows whether the selection criteria of the current selection criterion specification are defined by means of lines in the sub-tab or an imported SQL expression. If you have selected a manually created selection criterion specification type in the field “Type” above, the value is always “SQL File.” If you have selected a predefined type, the value is always “Selection Criterion Specification Lines.”
Public In this field you can specify if the current selection criterion specification should be available for other users. If the field is not marked, the selection criterion specification will only be displayed in this workspace for the user that has created it and only this person has the possibility of using it in the workspace Job Search.

Only users for whom the field “Change Public Selection Criterion Specifications” is marked in the workspace Actions can change selection criterion specifications which are marked as public.

Blocked In this field you can block the selection criterion specification for changes. If the field is marked, it is not possible to change the existing table lines, just as it is not possible to add or delete lines. The selection criterion specification can, however, be reopened for changes by removing the mark.
Validated This field shows if the selection criterion specification has been validated successfully when you use the Validate action.
Project Manager If you create a new selection criterion specification with the Job type, you can reference fields in the sub-tab to the employee that is specified in the Project Manager field on the job.

User Island

See the Introduction topic for a description of the fields in the island User.