Message Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Message tab.

Field Description
Created by

This field shows the name of the employee who sent the specific message.

Send Date This field shows the date the message is sent.
Send Time This field shows the time the message is sent.
Text In this field, enter the message you want to send. When you send the message, every member of the conversation receives the message about the specific job invoice.
Sent Use this field to identify sent messages.
Read Use this field to identify the read messages.


This section shows the actions available in the Conversations workspace.

Field Description
Add Message

Use this action to add a new message.

Delete Use this action to delete a message. You cannot delete sent messages.
Send Message Use this action to send a message.
Mark as Read Use this action to mark a message as read.
Mark as Unread When you review your unread messages, use this action to mark a message as unread.