Events Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Events sub-tab.

Field Description
Event No. In this field, you can enter an event number if you are creating a line. The number can consist of both figures and letters. If you do not enter a number yourself, a number will be allocated automatically from the window Number Series.
Event Type Enter an event type, such as a lead. When you create an event, its type is initialized to the event type that you specified on the event flow type, but you can change that value in this field.

If the event was created from an event template in an event plan, Maconomy copies the value from the corresponding field in the event template on which the event is based. You create event types in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Description In this field, you can enter a short description of the event.
Closed When you mark this field, the event is closed. When an event is closed, it can no longer be changed in this window. Nor can the description of the event be changed in the table part of the window Events. Closing an event also means that any new job processing status or event flow status may be transferred to the current job and/or event flow. For more information on this process, see the description of the fields “New Job Processing Status” and “Event Flow Status” in the card part of the window.

Furthermore, if the field “Create Secondary Events when Closing” has been marked for the current event flow, the closing of the event can cause the automatic creation of new events in the flow. For more information on this process, see the description of the field “Create Secondary Events when Closing” in the card part of the window.

If the event is marked as a status changing event and the field “Aut. Status Update” is not marked for the event flow type of the current event flow, the event can only be closed if its closing date is later than that of the other closed, status changing events in the flow. If a subflow has been specified for the event, the event can only be closed if the subflow has been closed. A closed event cannot be reopened.

Date Closed In this field, you can specify the date on which you expect to close the current event. If you do not enter an event closing date, Maconomy automatically enters today’s date, and completes the field “Event Closing Time” with the relevant time when you close the event. If you enter an event closing date, this date remains unchanged when you close the event, and the system does not automatically complete the field “Event Closing Time.”
Closing Time If the event has been closed, this field shows the time at which the event was closed. However, if an event closing date had manually been specified in the field above before the event was closed, this field remains blank.
Result Type This field shows the name of the option list containing the options that should be available in the field “Result.” A result type is only available if the event was created from an event template in an event plan, and is derived from the event template on which the event was based. Option lists are created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module.
Result In this field, you can specify the result of the current event. The result must be an option in the option list shown in the field “Result Type” for the event in question. If the event flow in the card part has been assigned to an event plan, the result of the event can determine whether the event will cause secondary events, as the event plan may contain templates where a given result is part of the condition for creating secondary events. For a further description of event plans, event templates and conditions for the creation of secondary events, please see the fields “Condition No.” and “Condition Result” in the window Event Plans, as well as the action “Create Secondary Events.”
New Event Flow Status In this field, you can specify the event flow status to be assigned to the event flow in the card part when the event is closed by marking the field “Closed.” An event flow has only one event flow status at any time, and this status can only be changed by closing an event. For information about the criteria for an event to cause the event flow status to be updated, see the description of the fields “Event No.” and “Current Flow Status.”

The event flow status can, for example, be used for indicating the progress of the event flow or the person or function responsible for the next step. The table part shows the event flow status assigned to the event flow upon closing each event belonging to the flow. This makes it possible to trace the process of the flow.

You can choose from the options in the option list shown in the field “Flow Status Type” in the card part.

The field “Aut. Status Update” in the event flow type of the event flow to which the current event is assigned determines whether you can specify a value in this field if the current event is not a status changing event. If the field is not marked, you can only select a new event flow status if the field “Status Changing Event” has been marked for the event. This ensures that only status changing events can have an event flow status. If the field “Aut. Status Update” is marked, you can select a new event flow status if the field “Status Changing Event” has not been marked for the event. This allows you to register a new event flow status for all events in a flow, to indicate their effects even if they do not affect the flow status.

Status Changing Event In this field, you can specify whether the current event is a status changing event, that is, that when the event is closed, the value specified in the field “New Event Flow Status” above should be transferred as the current event flow status of the event flow to which the event is assigned. If you close an event where a new event flow status has been specified but this field is not marked, the event flow status is, however, not updated in the card part.

When you close the event, the set-up of the event flow type of the event flow in the card part may cause Maconomy to automatically unmark this field. If the field “Aut. Status Update” is marked for the event flow type of the event flow to which the event is assigned, Maconomy automatically unmarks this field if the current event does not have a later closing date than that of the other closed, status changing events. This ensures that although you can specify new event flow statuses for multiple open events, the event flow status is not updated by previous events.

Subflow No. In this field, you can specify the number of an existing event flow that should be a subflow of the current event, for instance because the event itself can be broken down into several minor tasks. When you assign a subflow to an event, information about the time spent on the events in the subflow will be summed for the current event. This way, the information in the islands Statistics and Expected Status Change in the event flow to which the current event is assigned will include the events in the subflow. Subflows can be assigned in any number of levels, causing the event flows on above levels to include summarized information from all levels below.
Description Subflow This field shows the description of the event flow specified in the field “Subflow No.” above.
Employee No. In this field, you can enter the number of the employee who should carry out the event. When using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Events, the time consumed is transferred to a time sheet belonging to this employee. When you create a new event, Maconomy suggests the employee number of the current user if this user is also registered as an employee.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Employee No.” on the line.
Event Plan No. If the event was created from an event plan, the number of the event plan in question is shown in this field.
Event Template No. If the event was created from an event plan, this field shows the number of the event template in this plan from which the event was created. The event template number determines whether the current event should cause secondary events when the action “Create Secondary Events” is selected, as the event plan specified above may contain templates where part of the conditions determining whether secondary events should be created for a given event is the template upon which the event was based. For a further description of event plans, event templates and conditions for the creation of secondary events, please see the fields “Condition No.” and “Condition Result” in the window Event Plans, as well as the action “Create Secondary Events” in this window.
Planned Starting Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the event is to start according to plan. For events created from a template in an event plan, the planned starting date is either based on the planned starting date in the template in question or the number of days specified in the field “Delay” in the template. For a further description of the time and date fields of event templates, please see the window Event Plans.
Planned Starting Time In this field, you can specify the time at which the event is to start according to plan. For events created from a template in an event plan, the planned starting time is either based on the planned starting time in the template in question or the number of days specified in the field “Delay” in the template. For a further description of the time and date fields of event templates, please see the window Event Plans.
Planned Ending Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the event is to end according to plan. For events created from a template in an event plan, the planned ending date is either based on the planned ending date in the template in question or the number of days specified in the field “Delay” in the template. For a further description of the time and date fields of event templates, please see the window Event Plans.
Planned Ending Time In this field, you can specify the time at which the event is to end according to plan. For events created from a template in an event plan, the planned ending time is either based on the planned ending time in the template in question or the number of days specified in the field “Delay” in the template. For a further description of the time and date fields of event templates, please see the window Event Plans.
Event Starting Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the event was actually started. A future date can only be specified if the current event flow is assigned to an event flow type on which the value “History” has been specified in the field “Application.”
Event Starting Time In this field, you can specify the time at which the event was actually started. If the event was created manually, Maconomy suggests the time of the event’s creation. If the event was created from an event plan, the field remains blank until the action “Start Timer” is selected in the window Events, and will then show the time at which the action was selected. However, in both cases, you can specify an earlier time.
Event Ending Date In this field, you can specify the date on which you expect to close the current event. If you do not enter an event closing date, Maconomy automatically enters today’s date, and completes the field “Event Closing Time” with the relevant time when you close the event. If you enter an event closing date, this date remains unchanged when you close the event, and the system does not automatically complete the field “Event Closing Time.”
Event Ending Time If the event has been closed, this field shows the time at which the event was closed. However, if an event closing date had manually been specified in the field above before the event was closed, this field remains blank.
Accumulated Time This field shows how long work on the event has been in progress. The field shows the total time in which the timer has been activated for the event, less any time already transferred to time sheets by means of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Events. If the timer has been activated several times, the field shows the sum of the elapsed periods less the time already transferred to time sheets.

When you select the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Events, the time transferred to the time sheet is the time registered in this field. The field is reset to zero when time is transferred.

Total Time Consumption This field shows the total time in which the timer has been activated for the event.
Job No. In this field, you can specify the number of a job. The field is automatically completed by Maconomy if the event was created in another window where events are used and a job number can be specified. In the window Job Events, you can see all of the events assigned to the same job, making it possible to trace the processing of the job.

The job number can also be used for the automatic registration of time consumption in connection with the event. When the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” is selected, the registered time consumption is transferred to a time sheet line containing the job in this field and the activity number and task (if any) specified on the event. If the event has been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet belonging to the employee of the event that covers the ending date of the event. If the event has not been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet covering today’s date.

Job Name This field shows the name of the job specified in the field “Job No.” above.
Activity No. If the event has been assigned to a job, you can specify the number of an activity which the event concerns in this field. When the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” is selected, the registered time consumption is transferred to a time sheet line containing the activity in this field and the job number and task (if any) specified on the event. If the event has been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet belonging to the employee of the event which covers the ending date of the event. If the event has not been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet covering today’s date.
Task If the event has been assigned to a job, you can specify the number of a task which the event concerns in this field. When the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” is selected, the registered time consumption is transferred to a time sheet line containing the job number and activity on the event, and any task specified in this field. If the event has been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet belonging to the employee of the event which covers the ending date of the event. If the event has not been closed, the time consumption is transferred to the time sheet covering today’s date.
Document Archive No. In this field, you can assign a document archive to the event. By assigning a document archive to an event, you can keep track of the various documents related to the event. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.