Time Sheet Line Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Time Sheet Line tab.

Information Island

Field Description
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee who submitted the current time sheet line expenses.
Line No. This field shows the line number of the current time sheet line expenses.
Start Date This field shows the date of the first day in the week covered by the time sheet of the current time sheet line expenses.
Job No. This field shows the job number of the current time sheet line expenses.
Activity No. This field shows the activity number of the current time sheet line expenses.
Description This field shows the description of the current time sheet line expenses.
Task This field shows the task assigned to the current time sheet line expenses.

Registrations Island

Field Description
Time Unit This field shows the time unit of the time sheet line.
Monday-Sunday These fields show the time entered for every day of the week covered by the time sheet of the current time sheet line expenses.