Modulus Calculation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Modulus Calculation tab.

Modulus Calculation Island

Field Description
Name Here, you enter the name of the current modulus calculation method. The modulus figure should normally be part of the name.
Modulus Chars. Here, you enter the number of modulus characters in the current calculation method.
Modulus Number Here, you enter the modulus number.
Include Length If you mark this field, the length control of the identification part of the current number will be carried out as described in section 2 above.
Calculate Weight Figure If you mark this field, a sequence of weight figures must be specified in the field “Weighting.”

If you do not mark the field, the fields “Weighting” and “Calculate Sum of Digits” will have no importance.

Weighting Here, you specify a list of weight figures. The sequence of figures must be separated by blank characters.
Calculate Sum of Digits If you mark this field, Maconomy calculates the sum of digits of the control sum that is calculated from the weight figure and the identification part as described above.
Calculate Remainder If you mark this field, the control part will be calculated as described in section 4 above.
Prefix In this field, you can specify a prefix to be used in the modulus calculation. The prefix is placed before the number for which modulus calculation is being made. This means that the prefix is also placed before any number of zeroes added to the calculation number to reach the correct number of digits. However, the prefix is also included in the total number of digits, meaning that the number of modulus characters, the number of digits in the calculation number, the number of zeroes, and the number of digits in the prefix make up the correct number of digits. Furthermore, the prefix is placed before the calculated modulus figure.
Suffix In this field, you can specify a suffix to be used in the modulus calculation.
Calculate Recursively If you mark this field, the calculation is made by a modulus 10 recursive method. The calculation is based on a fixed matrix, and the fields “Modulus Chars.,” “Modulus Number,” “Include Length,” “Calculate Weight Figure,” “Weighting,” “Calculate Sum of Digits,” and “Calculate Remainder” are therefore ignored for the current calculation method.
Validation of IBAN no. This field is marked if the validation rule is used to validate IBAN account numbers.

Test Calculation Island

Field Description
Number Here, you enter the identification part of the number of which you wish to make a test calculation. The test calculation will tell you whether the algorithm is correct.
Total No. Of Char. Here, you enter the number of characters in the number. Number of characters includes both the identification part and the control part.
Calculated Value This field shows the calculated value of the current calculation method when the control part is calculated from the specified text calculation number.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.