Employee Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Employee tab.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee This field shows the name and number of the employee to whom the approval tasks in the sub-tab are assigned.
Phone This field shows the primary phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Mobile This field shows the primary mobile phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
E-mail This field shows the e-mail address of the employee. The field is for reference only.
Position This field shows the employee’s position. The field is for reference only.
Employee Type This field shows the employee’s type. The field is for reference only.

Related Contacts Island

Field Description
Supervisor This field shows the employee number of the current employee’s supervisor. The field is for reference only.
Absence Approver This field shows the employee number of the employee who is responsible for approving absence for the current employee. The field is for reference only.

Legend Island

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