Window Layouts Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Window Layouts tab.

Window Island

Field Description
Module Name This field shows the name of the module to which the current workspace belongs.
Window Name This field shows the name of the current Maconomy workspace. The sub-tab only shows layouts assigned to the workspace in this field, and by adding lines to the sub-tab, you can assign additional layouts to the workspace.
Internal Window Type This field shows the dialog type of the current workspace. There are six types of dialogs in Maconomy, which are described briefly below:
  • Dialog Window — Windows of this type contain a tab and very often a sub-tab. These workspaces are used for registering and viewing information. Examples of dialog workspaces are the workspaces Time Sheets, General Journal, and Vendor Information Card.
  • Parameter Window — Parameter workspaces are workspaces in which you can specify a number of parameters, for instance a range of sales order numbers, and execute a function by accepting the parameters. Examples of parameter workspaces are the workspaces Item Purchase Selection, Interest Selection, and all printout workspaces.
  • Search Window — The search panes in Maconomy, which define the fields you can search by.
  • Report — Does not apply in this workspace.
  • Selection —Does not apply in this workspace.
  • Unspecified — Does not apply in this workspace.
Internal Window Name This field shows the internal name of the workspace. In contrast to the external name shown in the field “Window Name” above, this name cannot be changed in a layout.
Default Layout Name In this field you can enter the internal name of the default layout. The default layout is the layout shown to the user if no other layout has been defined for the workspace in question in any of the groups to which the user is assigned.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.