Approval Change Header Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Change Header tab.

Approval Type Island

Field Description
Approval Type This field shows the Type of approval object that has been changed.
Approval Relation This field shows the relation used in connection with the type of registration. The available values as standard are Purchase Order, Purchase Order Line, Expense Sheet, Expense Sheet Line, Vendor Invoice, and Invoice Allocation Line.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who made the change to the approval object.

Changed on, date This field shows the date when the change to the approval object was made.

Changed on, time This field shows the time when the change to the approval object was made.

Changed Before First Submission This field shows whether the change to the approval object was made before or after any registrations covered by the Approval Hierarchy were made. If the change was made before, this checkbox will be marked. If the change was made after, this checkbox will be blank.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show derived changes This checkbox, if marked, will show any information lines in the sub-tab that are derived from changes to other approval objects.
Show changes not requiring re-approval This checkbox, if marked, will show any information lines in the sub-tab that have been made to approval hierarchy lines that do not require reapproval.

Approval Object Island

Field Description
Amount Excl. Tax This field shows the value excluding tax of the approval object.
Amount Incl. Tax This field shows the value including tax of the approval object.