System Numbers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the System numbers sub-tab.

Field Description
Name This is the name of the number series. The name cannot be changed. Below is a list of Maconomy’s number series, with a description of where they are used.
Prefix In this field, you can specify the text for the first part of the compound number in the current system number series. If a prefix has been specified for the current company in the field “System Numbers” in the workspace Company Information, the company prefix will be placed in front of the prefix in this field.
Next Number This field shows the next number in the series. This is where you specify starting numbers for the individual number series. Maconomy updates the series every time a number is drawn. The number can be changed manually, but Maconomy verifies that the number has not been used before in the same series.

Note that the following groups of number series cannot have numbers that overlap:

  • Invoice, Credit Memo, 0-Credit Memo, and 0-Invoice
  • Quote, Sales Order and Subscription Order
  • Automatic Payment and Automatic Collection
  • A/P Open Entry Reconciliation and Vendor Payment
  • 0-Invoice — The next zero-invoice number. The number is used in connection with the creation of job invoices if the invoice amount is 0.00 (except blanket invoices). If the field “Next Number” is set to zero for zero-invoices, the next invoice number is taken from the system number series “Invoice.” If the zero-invoice has been created as a consequence of a reconciliation of a previously printed invoice on account, Maconomy will use the system number series “Invoice.” However, system numbers from this series are also used for printouts of zero-invoices created on the basis of a reconciliation of an invoice on account, if the system parameter “Extended use of 0-invoice system numbers” has been marked. This might, for example, be in connection with the closing of fixed-price jobs, for which the job parameter attribute “Create invoice upon job closing” has been assigned the value “Yes.”
  • 0-Credit Memo — The next zero-credit memo number. Similar functionality as 0-Invoice.
  • A/P Open Entry Reconciliation— The next number for A/P open entry reconciliations.
  • Advertising Order — The next advertising order number.
  • Approval — The next number for approval lines. Approval lines are created when purchase orders and expense sheets are submitted, if approval hierarchies are used for purchase orders and expense sheets, respectively.
  • Asset Adjustment— The next asset adjustment number.
  • Automatic Collection — The next number for collections automatically created in the workspace Collection Selection in the Banking module.
  • Automatic Payment — The next number for payment files in the workspace Automatic Payment in the Banking module.
  • Bar Code Entry — The next bar code entry number. Bar code entries are created in the workspace Bar Code Entries in the sales orders module.
  • Budget Journal — The next budget journal number. Budget journals are created in the workspace Budget Journals in the Budget module.
  • Check — The next check number.
  • Client Account Adjustment — The next transaction number used for client account adjustments. These are only used in Maconomy Lawyer.
  • Credit Memo — The next credit memo number.
  • Customer Payment — The next system number for import of customer payment files in the workspace Read Payments in the Banking module.
  • Expense Sheet — The next expense sheet number used in the workspace ExpenseSheets in the Job Cost module.
  • Follow-up Selection — The next number used in the printout of a follow-up selection in the G/L module.
  • G/L Report — The next G/L report number.
  • Intercompany Grouping — The next number for entries created as a result of grouping intercompany entries in the workspace Open Entry Intercompany Statement.
  • Interest Notice — The next interest notice/reminder number. Reminders and interest notices use the same number series.
  • Intrastat Report— The next report number for Intrastat reports for the tax authorities.
  • Inventory Change Transaction — The next transaction number used for registering an item in the workspace Inventory Change.
  • Inventory Count — The next list number for stock listings made in the workspace Inventory Count Listing the Inventory module.
  • Invoice — The next invoice number.
  • Item Purchase Orders — The next item purchase order number.
  • Job — The next job number. Jobs are created in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module.
  • Job Accruals — The next transaction number for job accruals. The transaction number is assigned to job accrual journals when created in the workspace Job Accruals and Batch Job Accruals.
  • Job Revenue Recognition — The number of the next job revenue recognition journal. These journals are created when a job overrun occurs or when revenue recognition is performed on a job in the Job Cost module.
  • Journal — The next journal number. The number is used for general journals and journals from Maconomy’s other modules (customer journals, invoice journals, and so on).
  • Packing Slip — The next packing slip number.
  • Picking List— The next number for picking lists. Picking lists are created manually in the workspace Picking Lists in the Inventory module or as a result of various registrations in the Sales Orders and Inventory modules.
  • Production Transaction — The next production number. Production transactions are created in the workspace BOM Production in the Inventory module and are part of Maconomy Bill of Materials.
  • Purchase Order — The next purchase order number.
  • Requisition — The next requisition number.
  • Request for Quote — The next request for quote number.
  • Quote — The next quote number.
  • Royalty Billing— The next royalty billing number.
  • Sales List System Report — The next report number for sales list system reports to the tax authorities.
  • Sales Orders — The next sales order number.
  • Service Contract — The next service contract number used when creating service contracts in the workspace Service Contracts in the service module.
  • Service Inventory Journal — The next journal number used in a service inventory journal printed out at the approval of inventory changes in the workspace Service Warehouses.
  • Service Job — The next service job number used when creating a service job in the workspace Service Jobs in the service module.
  • Subscription Order — The next subscription order number.
  • Subscription Sales Order — The next sales order number for sales orders in the sales orders module, which have been created in the subscription module. The number series is only used if the field “Separate Sales Order Numbers” in the workspace System Information in the set-up module has been marked.
  • Tax Settlement — The next transaction number for Tax settlement.
  • Time Sheet — The next time sheet number. Time sheets are created in the workspace Time Sheets in the Job Cost module.
  • Vendor Invoice Reconciliation — The next transaction number for reconciled vendor invoices.
  • Vendor Payment — The next transaction number for vendor payments.
  • Warehouse Transaction — The next number for warehouse transactions. Warehouse transactions are created manually in the workspace Warehouse Transactions in the Inventory module or as a result of various registrations in the Sales Orders, Item Purchase Orders, and Inventory modules.
Suffix In this field, you can specify the last part of the compound number in the current system number series.
Last Number In this field, you can specify the highest number that the current system number series may reach. If you select 0 as the last number, there will be no upper limit.
No. of Digits In this field, you enter the number of digits of which numbers in the current series should consist, not including prefix and suffix. If the number in the field “Next Number” contains fewer digits, Maconomy will add the necessary number of zeroes between the prefix and the number in the field “Next Number” to make the next number reach this number of digits. The zeroes are not added in this workspace, but will appear on the actual system numbers assigned to entries in Maconomy. If you select 0 as “Last Number,” the number of digits in “Next Number” is allowed to surpass the number of digits specified in the field “No. of Digits.”