Contact Relations Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Contact Relations sub-tab.

Field Description
Contact Type In this field, you can specify whether the contact on the current line is a contact person or contact company. The value determines whether a contact person number or a contact company number must be specified in the field “Contact No.” on the line.

Once the line has been created, the field is closed and can no longer be changed.

Contact No. In this field, specify the number of the contact company or contact person which is a contact of the contact company in the card part. Specify a contact person if you have selected “Contact Person” in the field “Contact Type,” or a contact company if you have selected “Contact Company.”

Once the line has been created, the field is closed and can no longer be changed.

Contact Name This field shows the name of the contact person or company specified in the field “Contact No.” above.
Relation Type Enter a relation type for the relation, or press CTRL+G to search for a possible relation type. The CTRL+G search option is available if a relation type option list is specified in the Contact Management Setup window.
Active In this field, you can specify whether the contact is still active, that is, whether the two parties still have contact with each other.
Status, Date of Change This field shows the latest date on which the field “Active” was changed. When a line is created, the date is set to today’s date.
Current Customer/Employee This field shows whether the contact specified on the line is a non-terminated customer or employee. This means that if the contact on the line is assigned to a customer or an employee, and no termination date or a termination date later than today’s date has been specified on the customer or employee in question, the contact is considered a current customer or employee and this field will therefore be marked. You cannot change the field manually.

Please note that if the contact is assigned to a customer or employee, either this field or the field “Former Customer/Employee” will be marked. If none of these fields are marked, the contact is assigned to neither a customer nor an employee.

Former Customer/Employee This field shows whether the contact specified on the line is a former customer or employee. This means that if the contact on the line is assigned to a customer or an employee, and a termination date earlier than or equal to today’s date has been specified on the customer or employee in question, the contact is considered a former customer or employee and this field will therefore be marked. You cannot change the field manually.

Please note that if the contact is assigned to a customer or employee, this field or the field “Current Customer/Employee” above will always be marked. If none of these fields are marked, the contact is assigned to neither a customer nor an employee.

Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the current line.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current line was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user who made changes to the current line.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the latest change was made to the current line.
Version This field shows a number corresponding to the version of the information on the line. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information on the line is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.