
This section shows the actions available in the Job Budgets API workspace.

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Field Description
Submit Budget Use this action to submit the budget.
Approve Budget Use this action to approve the budget.
Reopen Budget

Use this action to reopen the selected budget.

When you reopen an approved budget, Maconomy creates a new revision, which also provides a new revision of the resource allocations that have been imported to the budget.

New Revision

Use this action to create another revision of the current job budget and the assigned periodic job budget, if any.

If you have set up a job to use imported resource allocations, data regarding them is also saved in the revision.

You cannot create another revision of an approved budget; it must be reopened first. The previous revision is locked, and except for revision remarks and revision code, it can no longer be changed. All previous revisions of the job budgets to which you have access can be viewed in the Job Budget Revisions workspace.

Delete Budget Use this action to delete the budget.

If you have set up the job to use imported resource allocations, this also deletes any resource allocations that have been imported to the budget.

Remove Zero Lines

Use this action to remove any lines in the current budget that have a total cost and billing price of zero.

Generally, Sum/Text and Milestone lines are not deleted. However, depending on the structure of the budget in question, some lines may be deleted if they are included in the same level as zero lines.

For example, if you have a number of text lines together with regular lines in a subtree, and all of the regular lines are zero, all of the text lines in that subtree are also deleted.

If you have set up a job to use imported resource allocations, this action also deletes resources allocated to the budget lines.

Maconomy displays a warning message to confirm the deletion of budget lines.

Recalculate Budget

Use this action to recalculate the budget. Note that a large batch of tasks/employees/dimensions on a budget may impact performance. Consider running this as a Scheduled Background Task so that it instead updates periodically.

For budget lines with imported resource allocations, when the action is invoked, prices are calculated in two steps. The first step recalculates prices for the resource allocations. The second step updates prices on budget lines to the weighted average of the prices on the resource allocations.

If the job has a progress evaluation on the latest budget revision, the price recalculation covers only the imported resource allocations for periods after the progress evaluation date. Moreover, the budgeted cost is updated to the weighted average of the actual cost and the cost allocated to future periods. The budgeted billing price is updated to a similar weighted average for billing prices.

On a job set up to use job budget resource allocations, a warning displays if progress evaluation has been performed previously on a past revision, even if the current revision of the planning budget does not have a progress evaluation.

Update Baseline Information Use this action to refresh the data shown.
Copy Budget

Use this action to copy the selected budget.

Note: If the specified job is set up to use imported budget resources, using this action also enables you to copy resource allocations from the selected budget.

When copying a budget on a job that is set up to use resource allocations, you can choose to either copy only new lines from the budget, or overwrite any duplicate lines.

A job budget may have existing job budget lines prior to receiving copies of job budget lines from an original job budget. These existing job budget lines will remain and keep their resource allocations. However, existing but duplicate job budget lines, including resources, are replaced by a copy of the original job budget line and resources.

Transfer from Budget

Use this action to create a quote or order confirmation selection, depending on whether the job status is quote or order. If a previous selection is available, Maconomy displays a warning message that the new selection will replace the previous one.

Quotes are created in accordance with the invoice layout rule specified for the job in the Jobs workspace. If you have entered dimensions in the Transfer from Budget field on an invoice layout rule, Maconomy transfers the selected dimensions from budget lines to the quote.

Print Order Confirmation

Use this action to print a job order confirmation based on the existing quote revision. This action is available only when the job status is Order.

If you have not yet created a quote revision and the Approval of Quote Required job parameter is disabled, this action transfers budget lines to the quote in the same way as the Transfer to Quote action, and prints the quote as an order confirmation.

Print Quote If you have not yet created a quote revision, this action transfers budget lines to the quote in the same way as the Transfer to Quote action, and prints the quote.