Node Collections Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to set up node collections for your reporting hierarchies.

A node collection is a number of lines, each of which provides extra information about the node in relation to the current node collection. Use of a node collection depends on the reports that use the reporting hierarchy. For example, in the P/L Key Figures report, you select a node collection in the selection criteria, and then each line in the node collection becomes a column in the report.

On each line of a node collection, you can enter additional information about the node in relation to the current node collection. There is no specific functionality assigned to the node collections and their lines as such, which means that you can create as many node collection lines as you want and enter any kind of information that you want to capture.

By creating a node collection, you list a number of nodes for which you can provide additional information; it is the definition of the reports in which the node collection is used that determines how the information in the node collection is to be applied. You should set up each node collection to match the specifications of the report or reports for which the node collection is intended.

In the Node Collections tab, you enter a node collection name and select the reporting hierarchy to which the node collection pertains. In the Node Attributes sub-tab, you can then create lines with nodes from the selected hierarchy. On each line, you specify a node as well as any relevant information in accordance with the set-up requirements of the reports for which the current node collection is intended.