Team Members Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Team Members sub-tab.

Field Description
Team Member When creating a line, enter the number of the employee to be assigned to the current team in this field. It is possible to assign the same employee to more than one team.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Team Member” on the line.
Primary Employee Category No. This field shows the number of the primary employee category of the employee specified in the field “Team Member” on the line.
Primary Employee Category Name This field shows the name of the employee category shown in the field “Primary Employee Category No.” on the line.
Standard Task This field only applies if the field “Transfer to Employee Control” is marked in the tab. When that field is marked, assigning the current team to a job causes the members of the team to automatically be added to the job’s employee list in the workspace Employee Control. In this field, you can specify the value to be applied to the field “Standard Task” on the employee control line created (or updated, if the employee is already in the list) for the employee on the line. Please note that if an employee control line already exists for the employee in question when the team is assigned to a job, the value in this field will overwrite any existing value in the employee control list. However, a blank value in this field will not overwrite the value in the employee control list.