Update Responsible Employees Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Update Responsible Employee tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Current Employee Enter the employee name and number for the employee who is responsible. Maconomy only updates entries for which this employee is responsible. This field must contain a value.

You use this window to change the responsible employee on Contact Companies, Contact Persons, and Opportunities. This employee is the one who is currently set as responsible. When you use the Update action, this responsible employee is replaced by the new responsible employee.

After you enter the employee number, the associated employee name appears beside it.

Update Contact Persons This check box is selected by default to indicate that the application should update contact persons information. Deselect this check box if you do not want to update contact persons information.
Contact Person No. Enter the beginning and ending numbers in the range of numbers for the contact persons whose information is to be updated.

You can only enter values in these fields if you selected Update Contact Persons.

Update Contact Companies This check box is selected by default to indicate that the application should update contact companies. Deselect this check box if you do not want to update contact companies.
Contact Company No. Enter the beginning and ending numbers in the range of numbers for the contact companies whose information is to be updated.

You can only enter values in these fields if you selected Update Contact Companies.

Update Opportunities This check box is selected by default to indicate that the application should update opportunities. Deselect this check box if you do not want to update opportunities.
Opportunity No. Enter the beginning and ending numbers in the range of numbers for the opportunities that are to be updated.

You can only enter values in these fields if you selected Update Opportunities.

Update Opportunity Events This check box is selected by default to indicate that the application should update opportunity events. Deselect this check box if you do not want to update opportunity events.

You can only select this field if you selected Update Opportunities.

The application only updates events that have the same responsible employee as the associated opportunity.

New Responsible Island

Field Description
New Employee Enter the employee name and number for the employee who is to be responsible for the Contact Companies, Contact Persons, and Opportunities. When you use the Update action, this employee becomes the new responsible employee. This field must contain a value.

After you enter the employee number, the associated employee name appears beside it.