Option Lists Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain option lists, which are lists of possible values that you can use to populate fields in workspaces.

For example, you can set up a list called "Customer Satisfaction," with the values "Very satisfied," "Satisfied," and "Not satisfied."

In the workspaces wherein you can use option lists, you first specify the option list from which you can select an option, and then in another field you can specify one of the options from the list. This functionality is useful in connection with a marketing campaign, for example, where each event represents a telephone call to a customer. You could create a number of events and assign an option list with all likely responses to those events. After each telephone call, you can select the option that represents the customer's reaction to the call.

The Option Lists tab in this workspace displays an option list, including a number and a description. In the Options sub-tab, you can add the appropriate options for the option list. Note that you can limit the access to using options in the option lists via Maconomy's extended access control system.