System Parameter Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the System Parameter tab.

System Parameter Island

Field Description
Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on <Vendors / Customers> to Yes Setting this company specific parameter allows users to manually set the Allow fields to Yes.

Since this is a company specific system parameter, you can specify, on a company level, which users can set the Allow fields to Yes.

If you use approval hierarchies (that is, the Approval Required field on the Approval Hierarchies Rules tab is selected), Deltek recommends that you clear this field because Allow field changes should go through an approval process rather than be set manually. If this parameter is cleared, users can set Allow fields to Requested which can then change to Yes after specified workflow approval steps.

If you choose not to use approval hierarchies, select this option to allow users to manually change the Allow fields to Yes.

If you don't use a vendor/customer template and this parameter is:
  • Set — The Allow fields default to Yes.
  • Not set — The Allow fields default to No.
Default <Vendor / Customer / Job> State This parameter sets the default value for the Vendor State, Customer State, or Job State field.
  • If you enable this parameter, when a new vendor, customer, or job is created, the Vendor State, Customer State, or Job State field value is set to the entry in this parameter. The value is set up in the States tab. If you change the value name in that tab, the value on this parameter is automatically updated.
  • If you disable this parameter, the Vendor State, Customer State, or Job State field gets its value from the parent or template vendor, customer, or job. This is not true for company vendor and company customer.
Group This field shows the name of the group to which the current system parameter belongs. Each group name acts as a general description of the parameters in the group, often in the form of the name of the module in which the parameter ha
s influence.

Below is a list of the system parameters in each group.


  • Update Rights from Groups — Select this system parameter to change the action setup for groups. When this system parameter is enabled, the setup for all roles assigned to the group are updated and the individual action setup for each role is disabled.

    Deselect this system parameter to perform action setup individually for each role.


  • Budget on Company Specific Customer — This parameter controls whether Maconomy verifies the existence of company-specific customers when you create or change budget journal lines.

    If this parameter is marked and you create a budget journal line for a company and a customer (where the related company-specific customer does not exist in Maconomy), Maconomy behaves depending on whether the Aut. company specific customer creation system parameter is enabled. If this second parameter is enabled, Maconomy creates the company-specific customer. If this second parameter is disabled, Maconomy displays an error message which states that the company-specific customer does not exist, and that you need to create this customer manually if you want to create a budget journal line for that company and customer.

    If this parameter is not marked, Maconomy only verifies that the customer exists when you create or change budget journal lines.

    By default, this parameter is enabled.

  • Budget on Company Specific Vendor — This parameter controls whether Maconomy verifies the existence of company-specific vendors when you create or change budget journal lines.

    If this parameter is marked and you create a budget journal line for a company and a vendor (where the related company-specific vendor does not exist in Maconomy), Maconomy behaves depending on whether the Aut. company specific vendor creation system parameter is enabled. If this second parameter is enabled, Maconomy creates the company-specific vendor. If this second parameter is disabled, Maconomy displays an error message which states that the company-specific vendor does not exist, and that you need to create this vendor manually if you want to create a budget journal line for that company and vendor.

    If this parameter is not marked, Maconomy only verifies that the vendor exists when you create or change budget journal lines.

    By default, this parameter is enabled.

Contact Management

  • Use Company Specific Contact Companies — With this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy should attempt to derive a company number when creating contact companies. If the parameter is marked, Maconomy will always attempt to derive a company for new contact companies. This has the effect that the contact company number is drawn from the company-specific number series belonging to the derived company. If the parameter is not marked, Maconomy does not attempt to derive a company when creating contact companies. If you do not enter a company number manually, the new contact company will therefore remain blank, and Maconomy will draw the contact company number from the ‘global’ number series belonging to the first company created in the system.

    Please note that contact company numbers are only drawn from a number series if no number has been specified manually, and that the company number on a contact company can always be changed after creation.

  • Use Contact Company Hierarchies — When the system parameter is selected, hierarchy functionality is enabled for contact companies. The parameter can only be selected if no customer hierarchies exist and can only be deselected if no contact company hierarchies exist.
  • Use the same numbers for contact companies as for customers — With this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy should assign the same numbers to both contact companies and customers in certain situations. The parameter applies in the following situations.

    If the parameter is marked and you select the Create Customer action in the workspace Contact Companies without first specifying a new customer number in the New Cust. No. field, the new customer is assigned a customer number corresponding to the current contact company. If this number is already used by another customer, the customer is assigned the next available number in the Customer number series.

    If the parameter is marked, and the Cust. as Contact Company field in the System Information workspace is also marked, this means that creating a customer should automatically result in the creation of a contact company. In this case, the new contact company is assigned a number corresponding to the new customer number. If this number is already in use by another contact company, the contact company number is derived as described in the Contact Company No. field in the Contact Companies workspace.


  • Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Customers to Yes — If this system parameter is not set, a user does not have the ability to change an Allow field to Yes. If the submitter would like to use the company customer in a certain area, they can change an Allow field to Requested. The system can be set up so that, after approval during a specified step in the workflow, that Allow field changes from Requested to Yes
  • Aut. company specific customer creation — With this parameter, you can specify that Maconomy is to automatically create a company-specific customer when registrations are made on a customer for which no company-specific customer has been created yet. These registrations can, for example, be made in the General Journal, Quote, Sales Orders, and Jobs workspaces . If the parameter is not marked, Maconomy shows an error message saying that you are attempting to register information for a company-specific customer which does not exist in the system and that the company-specific customer must therefore be created manually in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace before the registration can be made.
  • Automatic Approval of Customer Payments — If this parameter is marked, then imported customer payments are approved automatically. This means that if during importing customer payments, these payments are reconciled against, for example, some invoices, the reconciliation will be approved automatically.
  • Centralized customer creation only — By marking this parameter, you specify that customers may only be created centrally, that is, in the Customer Information Card workspace. This way, a company-specific customer can only be created in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace if the customer has already been created as a customer in the Customer Information Card workspace. If the parameter is marked, and a user attempts to create a company-specific customer who has not already been created in the Customer Information Card workspace, Maconomy shows an error message. If the parameter is not marked, you can freely create company-specific customers in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace.
  • Create Customer Entries for Zero Entries — If this company-specific system parameter is marked, Maconomy creates customer entries without an amount. Maconomy can create customer entries without an amount when posting reminders without an amount, and when posting zero-invoices.
  • Default Company Customer State — This company-specific parameter sets the default value for the Company Customer State field. If this parameter is set, then when a new customer is created, the Company Customer State field value is set to the entry in this parameter. The value is set up on the States tab and if you change the value name on that tab, the value in this parameter is automatically updated. If this parameter is not set, the Company Customer State field does not get a value.
  • Default Customer Aging Principle — This system parameter specifies the initial aging principle to be set when opening the Print A/R Aging Report window. This can be changed by the user before printing the report.
  • Default Customer State — Copy to come.
  • Derive default company to customer payments — If you mark this parameter, the company on the payment journal will be suggested as the default company when creating payments in the Customer Payments workspace. If the parameter is not marked, no default company will be suggested when a customer payment is created.
  • Manual release of customer payments — By marking this parameter, you specify that customer payments must be released manually before they can be posted. Manual release is done in the Customer Payments workspace by marking the Released field on the lines in the sub-tab of the workspace. If you do not mark the parameter, customer payments will be automatically released for posting automatically at creation. Note that a user can only release customer payments for posting if the Release Customer Payments field has been marked for the user in question in the Actions workspace.
  • Margin for customer payment variance — This system parameter is used in connection with automatic handling of minor amount variances created when reconciling customer payments against invoices in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation or Customer Payments workspaces in the A/R module. In the parameter, you can enter the maximum deviation allowed in order for Maconomy to perform automatic reconciliation. The margin can be specified as an amount or a percentage. In this way, you can specify a margin allowing a difference of, for example, plus USD 3.00 to minus USD 3.00, a given percentage, or both. If you specify an amount, it should be specified in the enterprise currency of the system.

    If you enter a value in the parameter, Maconomy will automatically reconcile the payment in question against registered customer entries at the time of posting, if the difference between the amount of the payment and the amount on the invoice or invoices is within the margin specified in the parameter. Maconomy automatically uses the margin (amount or percentage) resulting in the lowest amount. When checking the variance amount, the amount specified in the parameter is automatically converted into the currency in which reconciliation is made, that is, the original currency or the standard currency of the customer. This currency conversion is made on the basis of the exchange rate table for sales. Amount variances are posted on an account for customer payment variances by means of a posting reference, which is specified in the Posting References workspace in the G/L module.

    If you do not specify a margin, or if the current difference between a payment amount and a customer invoice is greater than the margin, or if the difference cannot be reconciled, the reconciliation and closing of the invoices must be done manually, or you can choose to have the variance posted as a cash discount on the selected customer entries. Please note that this parameter can only be used if all entries to be reconciled have been selected for “Total” reconciliation. Moreover, the functionality of this parameter is only available if you have not marked the Manual Release of Customer Reconciliations system parameter.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Suggest Company Customer Name as Entry Text — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically fill the Entry Text with the chosen customer's name when creating general journal lines.
  • Use Customer Level 2-5 — These parameters enable the customer hierarchy functionality. Selecting one of these parameters allows you to create a customer on a particular level, and makes the hierarchy fields for the selected parameter visible in workspaces where customer hierarchy fields are shown. If a level is not used, the customer hierarchy fields for that level are hidden in the workspaces. If level 2 is not used, all customer hierarchy fields are hidden.

    You have to select the parameters in order. For example, you must use level 2 first in order to use level 3.

  • Include tax for debtor provisions — Enable this company-specific parameter to select whether tax should be included or excluded for debtor provisions.

    Enter or select a date to update existing open customer entries without approved or posted debtor provisions to include tax.

    If you do not choose a date, all open customer entries without approved or posted debtor provisions are updated to include tax.

    Note: Customer entries that already have approved debtor provisions are not affected by this parameter.

General Ledger

  • Allow Accrual Periods Outside Open Posting Interval — If enabled, Maconomy will allow accrual periods outside the open posting period.
  • Allow Accrual to Exceed Price on Purchase Order Line — Select this parameter to allow accrual amounts that exceed the price on the purchase order line. When you deselect the system parameter, you cannot accrue for more than the price on the purchase order line.
  • Allow to Block Companies with Open Assets — If you enable this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy allows you to block a company even if it has assets that are not fully depreciated.
  • Calculate Dimension Task Periods — Select this parameter to enable Maconomy to create, calculate, and maintain dimension task periods. This system parameter is disabled by default.

    If it is deselected, Maconomy does not create or update the dimension task periods when you post finance entries.

  • Calculate operating result in reports — In this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy is to show an operating result on balance and balance sheet printouts. If the parameter is marked, printouts from the workspaces Print Balance Sheet and Print Trial Balance will show a sum of the balances of the P&L accounts in the chart of accounts. This sum will be shown on the year-end closing account. The printout thus simulates a year-end closing without creating the entries which would normally be created as a result of closing a year. This way, the printout can show what the balance sheet of the company would look like if the year was closed at the time of the printout.
  • Company specific transaction number check — If you mark this parameter, it will be possible to enter a given transaction number on manual registrations such as general journal entries, fixed asset entries, vendor invoices, and so on, if it has not been used before in the company in question. As a result, it becomes possible for the same transaction number to be used in multiple companies. If you do not mark the parameter, a given transaction number can only be specified on a manual registration if it has not been used before on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company.
  • Complete Dimension Derivation at Posting — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy considers all dimensions during dimension derivation, regardless of whether dimension values were changed. If a dimension has overwrite selected, Maconomy also rederives that dimension and overwrites the value specified by the user. Finally, marking this parameter enables Maconomy to derive dimensions from other derived dimensions.
  • Complete Dimension Derivation at Registration — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy performs a complete dimension derivation during registration.
  • Create Intercompany Invoicing Basis — In this parameter, you can specify whether you want to settle your intercompany transactions manually or by means of intercompany invoicing. As mentioned in the Multiple Companies section in the introduction to the G/L module, a redistribution of funds between individual companies in the organization results in a number of automatically created intercompany balances. Intercompany balances are G/L entries created to ensure that the accounts of all companies involved in a given transaction balance. The introduction to the Intercompany Accounts workspace describes the different types of situations in which intercompany balances are created and contains a number of posting examples.

    If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will not only create the relevant intercompany balancing entries but also a number of intercompany entries when you post registrations involving more than one company, as described in the Automatic settling section in the introduction to the G/L module. When the parameter is marked, intercompany balancing entries cannot be reconciled in the Finance Reconciliation workspace. Instead, they are reconciled automatically when the intercompany entry covering the intercompany balancing entry in question is included in an intercompany invoicing in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace.

    If you do not mark the parameter, posting registrations involving more than one company will only result in the creation of intercompany balancing entries no intercompany entries will be created. As a consequence, it is not possible to perform intercompany invoicing in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace. Instead, you must reconcile your intercompany balancing entries manually in the Finance Reconciliation workspace.

  • Create Unrealized Exchange Rate Variances For Control Accounts — Select this parameter to create unrealized exchange rate variances for control accounts in the Print Currency Report single dialog workspace. Deselect this parameter to include unrealized exchange rate variances only for manual accounts.
  • Currency Reevaluation Based on Original Amount — Select this parameter to set the default print layout in the Print Currency Report Workspace to Original. Deselect this parameter to set the default print layout in the Print Currency Report Workspace to Standard.
  • Derive Customer Number From Job On Reallocate — This company-specific system parameter allows you to choose whether the reference customer number should be rederived from the job if a job-related entry is reallocated in G/L reallocation.
  • Do Not Rederive Dimensions on Fixed Assets — Select this parameter to indicate that changing dimensions or any other field on the asset will not force Maconomy to derive dimensions.

    Deselect this parameter to rederive dimensions upon the creation of the asset.

  • Do not check currency amount when posting a journal — Normally, if a transaction only contains lines in one currency, the sum of currency amounts must also be 0. However, if this parameter is set, it is possible to post a journal where the sum in currency is not 0 for each transaction.
  • Intercompany tax balancing — With this parameter, you can specify that tax on expenses should be posted in the company to which the expense pertains, of the company recording the expense transaction. One example could be vendor invoices, where this parameter determines if the tax should be posted in the company specified on the vendor invoice (that is, the company recording the expense transaction) or in the company specified on the individual invoice allocation lines for the vendor invoice (that is, the company to which the expense pertains).

    If the parameter is not marked, tax amounts regarding expenses are posted in the company recording the transaction. In the Vendor Invoices workspace, this is the company specified for the current vendor invoice journal, whereas in other workspaces, for example, Expense Sheets, it is the company responsible for the job to which the expense sheet lines pertain. If the expense is allocated or reallocated to another company, Maconomy will only move the expense amount excluding tax to the company to which the expense is allocated, whereas the tax amount remains in the original company.

    If the parameter is marked, the tax is posted in the company to which the expense is charged. This means that if, for example, a vendor invoice is recorded in one company, and the vendor invoice is allocated to another company in the Invoice Allocation workspace, Maconomy will move the entire expense amount, including tax, to the company to which the invoice is allocated.

    In both cases, the amount is moved by means of a number of intercompany postings between the affected companies.

    The parameter is effective in all workspaces in which expenses can be recorded, for example, Vendor Invoices, Expense Sheets, and General Journal.

  • Match all G/L tax table lines if no value are specified in reg. — If there are registrations without a company tax code, this company-specific system parameter determines how the tax code is derived.

    Most registrations have a company tax code, but there are a few exceptions to this such as expense sheets.

    By default, this field is check marked, which means that if the registration does not have a company tax code when the system is deriving the tax code, it will take into account all lines from the corresponding G/L tax table. If the field is unmarked, the system will take into account only the lines with no company tax code, from the corresponding G/L tax table.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Option List for Derived Dimensions — Here you can specify default option list that will be assigned to derived dimensions when they are created.
  • Reallocation of tax at job reallocation — With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy is to include value-added tax when job entries are reallocated. It is sometimes a problem to reallocate tax entries, especially if the tax has already been reported to the tax authorities and the entry is reallocated to another company (legal entity) in the Maconomy multi-company model.

    If the parameter is not marked, Maconomy will include tax entries when reallocating entries in the Job Cost module.

  • Reallocate Sub Module Dimensions — All sub module dimensions will be kept if this system parameter is true; no sub module dimensions will be kept if this system parameter is not marked (when reallocating).
  • Recalculation of tax at job reallocation — Normally, Maconomy does not reallocate the incoming tax on an external expense (vendor invoice, expense sheet, general journal) when you reallocate a job entry. However, if you mark this parameter, Maconomy rederives the tax code at job reallocation. You can also change the tax codes manually.

    Maconomy adds the new tax code fields to the job reallocation entry. You cannot enter a tax code for reallocation if the original job entry does not have a tax code.

    Maconomy uses the original tax code if no tax code is entered or selected in the job reallocation entry.

    You can only change the incoming tax codes on job entries created after the introduction of this functionality.

  • Tax On Customer Exchange Rate Variance Entries - If you enable this system parameter, Maconomy calculates the tax in base currency by converting the tax in job currency to base currency (in particular, it will be zero for 0-invoices). If you do not have a scenario where not having this functionality causes problems, do not enable this parameter.
  • Text on division by 0 in G/L rep. — With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy is to print a given text or a 0 if a division by 0 takes place in a calculation in a G/L report. A division by 0 can, for example, take place if you wish to divide a given value by the value in a certain field, but the field in question contains a blank value or a 0. If you specify a text in the Text on division by 0 in G/L rep. field, G/L report columns where a division by 0 takes place will show the specified text. If you do not enter a text in the field, a 0 is shown instead. Please note that if a calculation in a G/L report contains references to another column where a division by zero takes place, the result of the calculation in question will also be the text specified in this parameter.
  • Update balance on account information card — With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy should update the values in the Balance, Enterprise, Balance, Currency, Quantity, and Quantity 2 fields in the Account Information Card workspace. If you do not mark the parameter, these fields are not updated when posting or year-end closing. Please note that if the parameter is marked, you can only perform a year-end closing if all companies in the system are using a fiscal year template which contains a fiscal year for the current year and the next year.
  • Use dimensions from invoice line on tax entries — This parameter allows you to specify whether dimensions on tax-related G/L entries should be retrieved from the invoice line rather than from the invoice. The parameter applies to incoming invoices (vendor invoices) as well as outgoing invoices (job invoices and sales order invoices).

    By default, this field is unmarked, which means Maconomy will retrieve dimensions from the related invoice, not from each invoice line.

  • Use Enterprise Currency in Intercompany Interest Calculation and Grouping — When this parameter is marked, intercompany interest calculation and intercompany entry grouping will use enterprise currency instead of original currency.
  • Use local accounts for unrealized exchange rate variances — If you select this parameter, then the report contains lines on the local account level and Maconomy creates finance entries for each needed local account. Deselect this parameter to enable Maconomy to create finance entries only for global accounts. The Print Currency Report window takes direction from local accounts.
  • Use Local Account Target Group in Finance Reconciliation — If enabled, then the Local Account No. field in the Finance Reconciliation window will be represented as an interval field, for example From Local Account No. – To Local Account No. This will allow users to reconcile multiple local accounts at the same time.

    If disabled, then the Local Account No. field in the Finance Reconciliation window will not be represented as an interval field. It will only be possible to specify and reconcile one local account at a time.

  • Use Reference Date as Exchange Rate Date — If enabled, Maconomy will use the Reference Date as exchange rate date on general journal lines. If disabled, Maconomy will use the Entry Date as exchange rate date on general journal lines.
  • Validate Bank Statement Date — If you mark this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy validates whether the bank statement date is in the open posting period for the default transaction type specified on the bank statement header. This happens when the statement is approved. There is no validation if you have removed the default transaction type.


  • Extended serial number control — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy allows the receipt of the same serial number for the same item to the same warehouse on several different item receipts. Furthermore, Maconomy will automatically create serial number receipt lines and serial number entry lines when purchasing and selling items with standard serial numbers. These lines are automatically updated with the relevant quantities, and it is therefore not necessary to manually register serial number receipt and sales of items with a standard serial number for purchase and sales.

    If you do not mark the parameter, the receipt of a given serial number can only be made for a combination of item number and warehouse for which the serial number in question does not already exist. Furthermore, serial number receipt and serial number entry must be made manually for all items with serial number control. Whether serial number entry at receipt and shipping is mandatory is determined by each item’s setup in the island Warehouse in the Item Information Card. For further information about standard serial numbers, please see the description of the workspaces Serial Number Receipt and Serial Number Entry as well as the fields “Std. Serial No., Purchase” and “Std. Serial No., Sales” in the workspace Item Information Card in the Inventory module.

Job Cost

  • Aging Principle for Job Invoices — This system parameter specifies the aging principle to be used when attaching an A/R aging report to job invoices.
  • All Posting References from Employee Department — If you mark this parameter, all posting references will be derived from the department to which the relevant employee belongs. This derivation occurs when one of the following employee-related actions is performed in Maconomy: Journal entry posting, approval of time/expense sheet registrations or invoice printing.

    In combination with the “Department from Employee” field in the System Information workspace, this system parameter can cause three possible scenarios:

    1. If the field and this system parameter are both marked, all account references specified in the Activities workspace are derived from the employee’s department.
    2. If the field is marked and this system parameter is not marked, the P/L account will be derived from the employee’s department while all other account references are derived from the department to which the relevant job belongs.
    3. If the field is not marked, the setting of this system parameter will be ignored as the field must be marked in order for the system parameter to take effect. In this case, all account references are derived from the department to which the relevant job belongs.
  • Apply Price List 'Intercompany Price %' to Billing Price — Select this parameter to calculate the cost price (responsible company) by applying the intercompany % to the billing price in the executing company.

    If this parameter is not selected, the cost price (responsible company) is calculated by applying the inter-company % as a mark-up % to the cost price in the executing company.

  • Allow Approximate Unit Price in Job Budgets — Enable this system parameter to prevent Maconomy from changing the entered total cost or billing price for a job budget line in the Job Budgets or Periodic Job Budgets windows. This also applies to job budget lines imported from People Planner.

    If this system parameter is disabled, then the entered total price is recalculated to reflect the quantity multiplied by the unit price, which, due to rounding, might not be exactly equal to the entered amount. If enabled, the entered total price is kept, which has the consequence that the unit price on the job budget line is only approximately equal to the ratio of the total price and quantity.

  • Allow Blocked Dimensions in Job Budgets — Use this parameter to allow changes to job budgets and changes in job progress for blocked dimensions (such as Location, Entity, and Purpose).
  • Allow Change of Closed Jobs — If this parameter is set, it is possible to change certain field on closed jobs when importing.
  • Allow Change of Overtime Spec. in Invoicing — Select this parameter to allow change of overtime specification in invoice selection.
  • Allow Change Of Printed Job Invoice — Select this parameter to enable change of a number of fields like the address fields. This is now also possible in the Job Invoice Overview window.
  • Allow Change of Printed Job Invoice — If you select this parameter, you can change the address fields, the invoice name field, and three remark fields on job invoices in the Show Job Invoices and Show Job Credit Memos workspaces. You can also update the payer address in Invoice Editing (independently of the system parameter).
  • Allow change of tax on invoice lines — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy allows you to change the tax amount on individual lines in the workspace Invoice Editing to compensate for rounding differences, and so on. However, the sum of the tax amount on individual lines must still match the total tax amount as specified on the invoice. Furthermore, the system must be set up to use differentiated tax.
  • Allow Change of Unit Price on Accrued Purchase Order Line — If this parameter is selected, it is allowed to change unit price on a purchase order line after it has been accrued (fully or partially) on a job.
  • Allow dim. change on jobs with open invoices on account — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy allows you to change the dimension specification on jobs in the workspace Jobs, even though open invoices on account exist on the job. This parameter should be used with caution, as changing dimensions on jobs with open invoices may lead to differences when the invoice on account is later reconciled against a regular invoice, and those differences must then be corrected manually.
  • Allow Editing of Absence Time Sheet Lines — Time sheet lines created automatically from approved absence (see system parameter "Automatically Create Time Sheet Lines from Approved Absence") cannot be changed or deleted by the user except if this system parameter is selected.
  • Allow expense sheet for multiple jobs — If this parameter is not marked, you can only enter expense sheet lines pertaining to the same job on an expense sheet. The job is specified in the tab of the workspace Expense Sheets. If you mark the parameter, you can specify different job numbers on the individual expense sheet lines.
  • Allow Incomplete Expense and Mileage Registrations — If you enable this parameter, you are allowed to enter incomplete registrations when registering expenses or mileage. You are prompted to complete the lines when submitting the expense or mileage sheet.
  • Allow Incomplete Time Registrations — If this parameter is not marked, every time sheet line must contain the following information before you can save it by pressing Return: job number, activity number and possibly task (if required on the job).

    If this parameter is marked, you can enter incomplete lines in time registration workspaces (Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheets, and SpeedSheet). For instance, you can omit the activity number from a line and close the workspace without receiving any error message. This parameter must be marked if you want to use the SpeedSheet.

    Note that if the parameter is marked, you can have identical registration combinations on multiple lines in a time sheet, even though the field “Duplicate Lines in Time Sheet” in the workspace System Information is unmarked – as long as the lines are incomplete.

  • Allow Job Budgeting Outside Job Date Range — Enable this system parameter to allow planned start and end dates on the latest job budget revision that are out of range of the job's start and expected end date. Enabling this system parameter also allows periodic budgeting outside the job's date range.
  • Allow Job Budget Periodization Action — Enable this system parameter to enable the use of the Periodize Budget action in Maconomy.
  • Allow Job Journal Billing Price Base Import — Enable this parameter to specify both Billing Price Base and Billing Price Currency when importing job journals.
  • Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses — If this parameter is marked, you can change the address and attention person of the bill-to customer of the job in the workspaces Job Information and Job Invoice Distribution. The change applies to the current job only and affects the following job cost printouts: invoice, draft invoice, credit memo, job description, quote, quote revision, and order confirmation.

    If the parameter is not marked, you can only change the name of the attention person—provided that the parameter “Allow Job Specific Bill To Customer Attention Persons” is marked. For more information, please see the description of the workspace Job Information.

  • Allow Job Specific Bill To Customer Attention Persons — If this parameter is marked, you can change the name of the attention person of the bill-to customer of the job in the workspaces Job Information and Job Invoice Distribution. If the parameter “Allow Job Specific Billing Addresses” is marked, you can change the attention person’s name regardless of whether this parameter is marked or not. The change applies to the current job only. For more information, please see the description of the workspace Job Information.
  • Allow On Account Opening Balance Import — copy to come.
  • Allow Multi-Company Job Journal — Using this parameter, you can define whether job entries registered in the workspace Job Journal can be assigned to another company than the one responsible for the job journal in question. If you do not mark this parameter, job entries in the sub-tab of a job journal can only be created for jobs assigned to the company responsible for the job journal in question.

    If you mark the parameter, the jobs specified for the job entries do not have to be assigned to the company responsible for the job journal. When a job journal is posted, Maconomy will move the job entries which do not concern the company responsible for the journal to a number of automatically created job journals, resulting in one journal for each of the companies involved. The automatically created journals are also posted automatically.

  • Allow multiple credit memos per invoice — With this parameter, you can specify whether or not it should be possible to make more than one credit memo per invoice in the workspace Invoice Selection in the Job Cost module. If the parameter is marked, you can make several credit memos per invoice and Maconomy will only issue an alert, when you make a second credit memo on the basis of a job invoice of which a part has already been credited by selecting the action “Invoice to Credit Memo.” If the parameter is not marked, it will only be possible to make one credit memo per invoice.
  • Allow On Account Opening Balance Import — Select this parameter to allow import of opening on account balances. These opening balances can be imported with the program "Import Job Inv On Account." The system parameter allows you to set the field "Opening Balance Import" (internally OpeningBalanceImport) to "1" in the import. This has the effect that you can specify a billing price in job currency and a base currency in the import file instead of relying on the exchange rate setup. Moreover, if you set the system parameter "Create Journal in On Account Opening Balance Import," the invoices from the import will not give rise to a journal, so there will be no posting to AR or GL.
  • Allow over invoicing — With this parameter, you can specify whether it should be possible to over-invoice a customer. If the parameter is marked, it will be possible to create entries for direct invoicing that are not closed upon invoicing but instead cause a negative open sales price on the job. If the parameter is not marked, all entries for direct invoicing must be closed.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Allow separate approval requirements for time and expenses — If this parameter is marked, you can divide the approval of job registrations by the supervisor and/or project manager into separate approval of time sheet and expense sheet registrations. If the parameter is not marked, the setting for time registrations applies to both time and expense registrations. For more information, please see the island Approval in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module.
  • Allow Users to Manually Change Job Status - Enable this parameter to allow users to manually change the job status on a new job. If this system parameter is disabled, users cannot manually convert jobs to Quote or Order (for example, by using the Convert to Quote/Order actions in Jobs workspace).
  • Allow Users to Manually Unblock Jobs for Reg. and Inv. - Enable this parameter to allow users to manually unblock created jobs for registrations and invoicing.
    Note: If this system parameter is disabled, you can still block a job.
  • Always Derive Cost Revenue Quotient From Job Budget — This system parameter enables a more advanced method for deriving the quotient between cost and revenue by considering the job budget associated with the forecast budget.

    The functionality in automatic calculations is changed concerning what factor between Cost and Revenue is to be used.

    If you do not have a job budget as foundation:

    - Automatic calculations should be applied (currently they are not)

    - The factor to be used is 1.0 for the three activity types. This also applies if there

    are simply no prices for the current activity type.

    If you do have a job budget as foundation:

    - The factor is 1.0 for Outlay and Amount, whereas for Time, the factor comes from

    the job budget as currently.

  • Absence Approval — If this parameter is marked, the absence approval functionality is activated. When the approval functionality is activated, only approved absence calendar lines are taken into consideration in the resource planning system. As a result, each employee absence calendar line must be submitted and approved in order for the absence registration to affect the planning. For further information, see the section “Employee Absence Calendars” in the introduction to the Resource Planning module.

    If the parameter has previously been marked and you decide to unmark it, all registered absence whether approved, rejected or submitted or not will become effective and thereby affect the resource planning. This can cause planned hours to be deleted. Therefore, Maconomy issues a warning, and if you proceed, it marks all non-approved absence calendar lines in the system as temporary, thus avoiding that lines that were not previously effective become effective. You are also warned that all absence calendar lines must be approved before becoming effective.

    If you want to change the parameter from marked to unmarked, you should ensure that only the user unmarking the parameter is logged on to the system while the procedure takes place. This ensures consistency in the planning system.

  • Automatically Create Time Sheet Lines from Approved Absence — When absence time sheet lines are created automatically from approval of absence (enabled by this system parameter, "") then split week time sheet part B is not updated with an absence time sheet line upon creating time sheet part A.
  • Automatic creation of quote revisions — If this parameter is not marked, the latest revision of a job quote is overwritten when a job budget is transferred to quote. If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will automatically create a revision of the quote when you transfer a job budget to quote in the workspace Job Budgets in the Job Cost module.
  • Automatically assign planning lines to budgets — If you mark this parameter, you do not have to make an explicit reference to a job budget line when you create a line manually in the workspace Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module (that is, not using the action “Create Plan From Job Budget”). Instead, Maconomy will attempt to find a matching job budget line for you and create the reference to that line. Note that if Maconomy fails to find a matching job budget line, the planning line will be considered an “extra” task not mentioned in the planning budget. The way in which Maconomy derives a job budget line reference is explained in the description of the workspace Job Progress in the Job Cost module.
  • Automatically generate traffic status revision codes — If you mark this parameter, you do not have to create a revision code in the workspace Job Traffic Status yourself when closing a traffic status revision. Instead, Maconomy will generate a traffic status revision code on the form “<YEAR>/<WEEK>.” For instance, if the revision is closed on August 3rd 2005, Maconomy will automatically apply the revision code “2005/31,” as August 3rd is in week 31 according to ISO standard 8601. The concept of traffic status revisions is explained in the description of the workspace Job Traffic Status in the Job Cost module.
  • Automatic transferral of temporary time sheet lines when using approval hierarchies — Enable this system parameter if you want to transfer temporarily submitted time sheets for posting without approval when using approval hierarchies.
  • Blanket invoicing per main job — Jobs for which the field “Blanket Invoicing” has been marked in the workspace Job Information will be blanket invoiced. Blanket invoicing means that all un-invoiced, but approved invoice selections for a customer are joined in one invoice, if the jobs have the same responsible company, department, tax code, and currency.

    If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will always create invoices per main job, when the jobs fulfill the criteria for blanket invoicing. This means that a main job and all subjobs assigned to it are joined in one invoice. At the same time, if the jobs are assigned to different main jobs, there will be no blanket invoicing of jobs with the same bill-to customer and so on, even if the jobs are set up for blanket invoicing in the workspace Job Information. The job number printed at the top of the invoice will always be the number of the main job.

    Note that even if this parameter is not marked, main job/subjob structures using an invoice layout rule where the field “Main Job Invoicing” in the workspace Invoice Layout Rules is marked will always be invoiced together as one structure. That is, even if two main job/subjob structures to the same customer, and so on, are marked for blanket invoicing, they will not be invoiced together if at least one of them uses an invoice layout rule which specifies “Main Job Invoicing.”

  • Blanket Invoicing Split by Time Unit — Use this parameter to specify per company if blanket invoices should be allowed to include contributions from jobs with different time units, for invoicing.
  • Calculate Invoice Signature — Select this parameter to calculate a signature for invoices based on selected fields from the invoice and a private key. This is a company-specific system parameter, and was initiated to satisfy statutory requirements, such as those in Portugal.

    When this parameter is selected, the print dialogs Print Invoice, Print Credit Memo, Print Job Invoice, and Print Job Credit Memo are extended with the following variables:

    • FormattedInvoiceNumberVar — This is based on the invoice number of the invoice itself.
    • FormattedBasedOnInvoiceNumberVar — This is based on the number of the invoice being credited, otherwise it is blank.
    • HashControlCharsVar — This is of the form A-B-C-D where A, B, C, D are the 1st, 11th, 21st, 31st character from the signature.

    The two "formatted" invoice numbers are in the format A B/C, where:

    • A is the "document type" encoded as "FC" for invoices and "NC" for credit memos.
    • B is an identifier for the number series from which the invoice number is taken.
    • C is the invoice number.

    Here, the number series identifier B above is encoded as "1" for invoice, "2" for 0 invoices, "3" for credit memos, and "4" for 0 credit memos, all followed by the company number.

    The SHA1 hash string is based on the following information from the invoice: formatted invoice number as described above, total amount in base currency, time and date the invoice is created, and the signed hash of the previous invoice (if there is one). The "previous invoice" here is the invoice number less one than the current invoice provided that:

    • Belongs to the same fiscal year and the current invoice with respect to date of creation.
    • Belongs to the same company as the current invoice.
    • Has the same number series type (which distinguishes invoice, 0 invoices, credit memos and 0 credit memos from each other).

    The hash is signed with a private key (RSA).

    The result of this process is stored in the database. In version 2.2 it is stored in the table InvoiceSignature; in version 2.1 it is stored in the table Temporal1 as entries characterized by having "SignedInvoiceHash" in the field Action.

    The fields in Temporal1 for Action = "SignedInvoiceHash" are as follows:

    • Action: "SignedInvoiceHash"
    • SessionNumber: Invoice number
    • Integer1: Previous invoice number
    • String1: Formatted invoice number
    • String2: Formatted invoice number for invoice being credited
    • String3: Formatted printing date
    • String4: Formatted printing time
    • String5: Formatted total amount (Invoice.TotalBase)
    • String6: The string being hashed and signed
    • String7: The signature
    • Integer2: Private key version number
    • String8: Hash control chars
    • Amount1: Invoice.TotalBase
    • UserInformation: Name of user who created the invoice
    • TheDate: Date the invoice was created
  • Block New Jobs for Reg. and Inv. — Enable this parameter to block a job for budgeting, registration, and invoicing when it is created. By doing this, Maconomy supports a workflow where one person creates a job and another person approves it.
  • Budget Type No. for Employee Control — This parameter only has effect if the system parameter “Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control” has been marked. If it has, you can specify in this parameter the budget type to be used for employee control on the jobs in the system.

    In the workspace Jobs, you can specify for each job whether Maconomy should perform employee control on registrations made on the job in question. This means that each time a registration is made concerning a given employee, Maconomy only allows the registration if the employee in question appears depending on the type of employee control selected for the job either in the latest revision of the job’s budget of the type entered in this parameter or in the latest approved revision of the job’s budget of that type.

    For further information on the available types of employee control and their effects, see the description of the Employee Control field in the Jobs workspace.

    You specify a budget type by entering the line number on which the desired budget type appears in the sub-tab of the “Job Budget Types” pop-up type in the Popup Fields workspace, or the order in which they appear in the “Show Budget” pop-up field in the Job Budgets workspace.

  • Automatically Create Time Sheet Lines from Approved Absence — Select this parameter to automatically create related time sheet lines if an absence is approved.
  • Calculate Invoice Signature — Select this parameter to calculate a signature for invoices based on selected fields from the invoice and a private key. This is a company-specific system parameter, and was initiated to satisfy statutory requirements, such as those in Portugal.

    When this parameter is selected, the Print Invoice, Print Credit Memo, Print Job Invoice, and Print Job Credit Memo print dialogs are extended with the following variables:

    - FormattedInvoiceNumberVar - This is based on the invoice number of the invoice itself.

    - FormattedBasedOnInvoiceNumberVar - This is based on the number of the invoice being credited, otherwise it is blank.

    - HashControlCharsVar - This is of the form A-B-C-D where A, B, C, D are the 1st, 11th, 21st, 31st character from the signature.

    The two "formatted" invoice numbers are in the format A B/C, where:

    - A is the "document type" encoded as "FC" for invoices and "NC" for credit memos

    - B is an identifier for the number series from which the invoice number is taken

    - C is the invoice number

    Here, the number series identifier B above is encoded as "1" for invoice, "2" for 0 invoices, "3" for credit memos, and "4" for 0 credit memos, all followed by the company number.

    The SHA1 hash string is based on the following information from the invoice: formatted invoice number as described above, total amount in base currency, time and date the invoice is created, and the signed hash of the previous invoice (if there is one). The "previous invoice" here is the invoice number less one than the current invoice provided that:

    - Belongs to the same fiscal year and the current invoice with respect to date of creation

    - Belongs to the same company as the current invoice

    - Has the same number series type (which distinguishes invoice, 0 invoices, credit memos and 0 credit memos from each other).

    The hash is signed with a private key (RSA).

    The result of this process is stored in the database. In version 2.2 it is stored in the table InvoiceSignature; in version 2.1 it is stored in the table Temporal1 as entries characterized by having "SignedInvoiceHash" in the field Action.

    The fields in Temporal1 for Action = "SignedInvoiceHash" are as follows:

    - Action: "SignedInvoiceHash"

    - SessionNumber: Invoice number

    - Integer1: Previous invoice number

    - String1: Formatted invoice number

    - String2: Formatted invoice number for invoice being credited

    - String3: Formatted printing date

    - String4: Formatted printing time

    - String5: Formatted total amount (Invoice.TotalBase)

    - String6: The string being hashed and signed

    - String7: The signature

    - Integer2: Private key version number

    - String8: Hash control chars

    - Amount1: Invoice.TotalBase

    - UserInformation: Name of user who created the invoice

    - TheDate: Date the invoice was created

  • Create Journal in On Account Opening Balance Import — Select this parameter to improve the process of importing opening balances on account when implementing a new client/company. This parameter allows you to import on account invoices where the Opening Balance Import field is set to 1 (= yes). This means that you can specify opening balance in all relevant currencies directly in the import file. This makes the process more efficient, as without this parameter, you would have to make changes to the exchange rate tables as part of the import of the opening balances as you can only import on account balance in job currency.

    If you import with "Opening Balance Import" set to Yes and have the system parameter Create Journal in On Account Opening Balance Import de-selected, then the import only has an effect on the jobs, but not in G/L or A/R. Again this enables efficiency, since G/L and A/R are typically imported separately.

    This is one of two system parameters for the import of an opening balance. The other system parameter is Allow On Account Opening Balance Import.

  • Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date - Select this parameter to allow summary lines to display dates only when all sublevel lines have provided a date. This system parameter affects the following fields:
    • Planned Starting Date
    • Planned Ending Date
    • First Possible Starting Date
    • Last Possible Ending Date
  • Calculate Progress at Job Closure — When closing a job with this parameter enabled, Maconomy triggers progress evaluation on the job to bring the planning budget up to date with actuals.

    However, if any problem should occur when closing a job, you can unmark this field and try closing it again.

  • Central transferral of time sheets — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will use central transferral of time sheets as explained in the workspace Central Time Sheet Transfer in the Job Cost module. Doing this eliminates the performance bottleneck that may arise when many users submit their time sheets at the same time.
  • Close at End Invoicing — If you mark this parameter, the field “Close at End Inv.” will automatically be marked in the workspace Jobs when a job is created. If the field is marked on a job when end invoicing is done, the job is automatically closed.
  • Close Job Entries on Job Reallocation — If you mark this parameter, the posting of job reallocations will cause Maconomy to automatically close original and reversing entries when relevant. If you mark this parameter and, for example, approve the reallocation of an invoiced entry where the amount reallocated is equal to the amount of the original entry, Maconomy will automatically close both the original and the reversing entries, leaving only the new entry with the reallocated information open. This way, the employee saves time as the entries do not have to be closed manually. However, other scenarios depending on factors such as the amount reallocated and whether the entry in question has been invoiced can cause Maconomy to only close the original entry in part or leave both original and reversing entries open.

    If the parameter is not marked, all of the entries remain open, allowing you to include them on your invoices as desired.

  • Convert opportunity budget to baseline budget — If the system parameter is not set, all budgets from the opportunity are copied to the job.
  • Convert Opportunity Budget to Reference Budget — If you mark this parameter, creating a job based on an opportunity for which an opportunity budget has been created will cause the sales budget of the opportunity to be copied to both the reference budget and the sales budget of the new job, leaving remaining budget types uncopied. This allows you to use the opportunity’s budget as the reference budget of the job, thus making it possible to track job performance compared to the budget originally set in the opportunity phase. If you do not mark the parameter, all budget types are copied to the new job.

    For further information about creating jobs based on opportunities, see the Opportunity No. field in the Jobs workspace.

  • Count Number Of Invoice Copies On Jobs — When this system parameter is enabled, the fields NumberOfInvoices and NumberOfCreditMemos on jobheader are updated when printing invoices and credit memos. If the parameter is disabled, the job header is not updated when printing an invoices and credit memos, so it will not be locked in the database.
  • Create Journal in On Account Opening Balance Import — Select this parameter to improve the process of importing opening balances on account when implementing a new client/company. This parameter allows you to import on account invoices where the field Opening Balance Import is set to 1 (= yes). This means that you can specify opening balance in all relevant currencies directly in the import file. This makes the process more efficient, as without this parameter, you would have to make changes to the exchange rate tables as part of the import of the opening balances as you can only import on account balance in job currency.

    If you import with "Opening Balance Import" set to Yes and have the system parameter Create Journal in On Account Opening Balance Import de-selected, then the import only has an effect on the jobs, but not in G/L or A/R. Again this enables efficiency, since G/L and A/R are typically imported separately.

    This is one of two system parameters for the import of an opening balance. The other system parameter is "Allow On Account Opening Balance Import."

  • Create Daily Time Sheets for Non-working Days — If you enable this parameter, Maconomy automatically creates a time sheet for a selected date that falls on a non-working day.

    If you disable this parameter, the user has to click the Create Time Sheet action to create a time sheet for the selected date that falls on a non-working day.

    This parameter is company-specific, and is disabled by default in new installations.

    For this parameter to take effect, you also have to enable the Create Time Sheets Automatically system parameter.

  • Create Jobs from Template Jobs — If you mark this parameter, the Create From Template field in the Jobs workspace will automatically be marked when a job is to be created, and the new job will hence be created on the basis of a template job. However, the functionality of this parameter can be overruled at any time by manually unmarking the Create From Template field on a given job, if you do not want the job in question to be created on the basis of a template job. If you do not mark this parameter, jobs are not created on the basis of template jobs unless you manually mark the Create From Template field in the Jobs workspace when creating a job. See the introduction of the Jobs workspace for information about the functionality of template jobs.
  • Create Tasks from Job Budgets, Amount — Enable this parameter to enter an amount task which does not exist on a job budget line. Maconomy creates the task in the job's private task list, using the activity entered on the job budget line as derived activity. If the job is using a shared task list, a copy of that task list is automatically made private to the job in question. For more information, please see the description of the Job Tasks workspace.

    If you create a task (that is not included in the task list) from an amount budget line, the Use Daily Descriptions check box uses the same value as the Use Daily Descriptions check box on the task list itself.

    The description entered in the Description field on the job budget line is transferred to the new task and used as task description. If the Mark 'Overwrite Activity' On Tasks system parameter is enabled, the Overwrite Activity field is selected for the new task.

    See also the description of the Extended Task Creation from Budgets system parameter.

  • Create Tasks from Job Budgets, Time — Enable this parameter to enter a time task which does not exist on a job budget line. Maconomy creates the task in the job's private task list, using the activity entered on the job budget line as derived activity. If the job is using a shared task list, a copy of that task list is automatically made private to the job in question. For more information, please see the description of the Job Tasks workspace.

    If you create a task (that is not included in the task list) from a time budget line, the Use Daily Descriptions check box uses the same value as the Use Daily Descriptions check box on the task list itself.

    The description entered in the Description field on the job budget line is transferred to the new task and used as task description. If the Mark 'Overwrite Activity' On Tasks system parameter is enabled, the Overwrite Activity field is selected for the new task.

    See also the description of the Extended Task Creation from Budgets system parameter.

  • Create Time Sheets Automatically — If you enable this parameter, Maconomy automatically creates a time sheet for any date or week that the user selects when navigating the calendars in the Week and Day sub-tabs of the Time & Expenses workspace.

    If you disable this parameter, the user has to click the Create Time Sheet action to create a time sheet for the selected date or week.

    This parameter is company-specific, and is enabled by default.

  • Customer Statement After Job Invoice Details — This parameter applies when you print a job invoice that shows the customer statement.

    If you select this parameter, the customer statement is shown after the detailed specification for the invoice. If you do not select this parameter, the customer statement is shown before the detailed specification for the invoice.

  • Customer Statement Days for Job Invoices — This parameter applies when printing the customer statement on job invoices.

    If set (that is, not 0), Maconomy prints not only the customer entries which are open at the statement date, but also the customer entries with entry dates that fall between the statement date and the statement date minus the number of days you set. If not set, Maconomy prints only the customer entries which are open at the statement date.

  • Customer Statement Restriction for Job Invoices — This parameter refers to the dimension set. The effect is that the statement only includes A/R entries with the same value as the invoice in the selected dimensions.

    If set (that is, with a not empty string), the statement includes the dimension set number to be used when printing the customer statement on job invoices. The dimension set is a dimension picker, used to select a number of dimensions (for example, Specification 1). The customer statement to be printed on the job invoice includes only the customer entries which have the same value in the dimensions (chosen in the dimension picker) as the invoice (for example, customer entries with the same Specification 1 as the invoice).

    If not set, no dimension restrictions are applied to the entries included in the customer statement.

  • Default invoice line width % — In this parameter, you can enter a value for the default line width on job cost invoices. The value is used in connection with automatic word wrapping on invoice lines in the Invoice Editing workspace in the Job Cost module. Maconomy has an internal line width value of 100%. You can change that value by changing this field so that the invoice line width fits the invoice layout used in your company. If you enter, for example, “120” in this field, Maconomy will make the invoice lines wider; if you enter, for example, “80” in this field, Maconomy will make the invoice lines narrower. If you enter “0” in this field, the automatic word wrapping on invoice lines is disabled.

    You can change the value for individual invoices in the Invoice Editing workspace. For more information, please see the description of the Invoice Editing workspace in the Job Cost module.

  • < Default Job / Default Project > State — A default state that should be assigned to newly created jobs.
  • Disable automatic transferral of expense sheet lines — If you mark this parameter, expense sheet lines are not automatically transferred when submitted. You may want to prevent the transfer if you want to replace the automatic, built-in Maconomy workflow with a custom workflow. In that case, expense sheet lines must be transferred in the Expense Sheet Lines or Transfer Expense Sheet Lines workspaces in the Job Cost module.
  • Disable automatic transferral of time sheet lines — If you mark this parameter, time sheet lines (including daily time sheet lines) are not automatically transferred when submitted. You may want to prevent the transfer if you want to replace the automatic, built-in Maconomy workflow with a custom workflow. In that case, time sheet lines must be transferred in the Time Sheet Lines or Transfer Time Sheet Lines workspaces or their Daily equivalents in the Job Cost module.
  • Disallow reg. on amount act. in time sheets — If you mark this parameter, you cannot use amount activities for registration in the Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheets, and SpeedSheet workspaces. This means that Maconomy issues a warning if you enter an amount activity in the Act. No. field in those workspaces. Furthermore, Maconomy’s automatic conversion of numbers into hours and minutes will not work unless this parameter is marked (see the description of the SpeedSheet workspace in the Job Cost module).

    To register amount activities, use the Expense Sheets or Job Journal workspaces.

  • Disallow the Creation of Time Sheets Outside Period of Employment — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will issue an error message if you attempt to create a time sheet for an employee for a period outside the employee’s period of employment, that is, before he was employed or after he ceased working for the company.
  • Display Time as Decimal Number — The time is displayed in "hh:mm" format in Java client. Enable this parameter if you want the time to be displayed as a real number. You should enable this parameteer if there are jobs or time sheets with time unit "Days."
  • Do not inherit job dim. from previous expense sheet line — If you mark this parameter, the job, activity, and task from the previous line are not automatically suggested when creating an expense sheet line in the Expense Sheets workspace.
  • Do not inherit job dim. from previous mileage sheet line — If you mark this parameter, the job, activity and task from the previous line will not automatically be suggested when creating a mileage sheet line in the Mileage Sheets workspace.
  • Employee Category On Job Budget Lines From Job Progress — This company-specific system parameter takes effect when you perform job progress and have registrations where a corresponding job budget line does not exist. You can then select Create Budget Lines for Unbudgetted Tasks and let Maconomy create the budget lines.

    This parameter also creates budget lines grouped according to employee category besides task and activity. It is the primary employee category of the employee that is taken into account.

    This parameter affects only jobs that allow duplicate time budget lines on the planning budget.

  • Empl. cat. on job budgets required— If you mark this parameter, you must enter an employee category on each new job budget line containing a time activity, if an employee is specified. If you do not mark the parameter, employee categories are not required on job budget lines. An employee category is also required on existing job budget lines on which the specified employee is changed.
  • Employee No. for direct invoicing — In this parameter, you can enter an employee number. If you enter a number, Maconomy will automatically suggest this employee number in the Invoice Selection and Itemize Invoice Selection workspaces when an employee number must be specified in connection with direct invoicing.
  • Empty Description for Non Existing Dimensions on Job Invoice — When enabled, Maconomy skips adding descriptions to the invoice line when values are missing for Task, Employee, or Employee Category. This applies to cases where you have an invoice layout rule specifying that job entries should be shown by task, employee, or employee category, and one of the mentioned fields is empty.
  • Enable Check-in Import for Submitted Timesheets - Enable this parameter to allow the import of check-in data to submitted time sheets in Maconomy.
  • Enable Payment when Paid — In this parameter, you can specify whether it should be possible to use the payment when paid functionality.

    Part of a project delivery may include purchasing services or items on behalf of a customer. For instance, an agency may have to book airtime for a TV commercial or place an ad in a specific magazine or paper. These purchases can sometimes represent large amounts, which has a heavy impact on cash flow. Certain suppliers therefore allow you to withhold payment until you have received payment from your customer — so-called payment when paid. However, as soon as you receive payment from your customer, you must pay the supplier, even if payment is not due according to the supplier's regular payment terms. To set up a payment term as a Payment when Paid term, find the payment term in question in the Popup Fields workspace and mark the Payment when Paid field. Vendor invoices to which a payment when paid term applies are included in payments in the Banking module when payment has been received from the customer and not before. For further information about the criteria to be met in order for payment when paid invoices to be included in payments, see the Pay when Paid field in the Payment Selection by Vendor workspace in the Banking module.

    Only if you mark this field will it be possible to mark the Pay when Paid field on payment terms, vendor invoices, and vendor entries. For further information about the payment when paid functionality, see the description of the Pay when Paid, Paid by Customer, and Ready for Payment fields in the Change Payment Selection by Vendor workspace.

    Once marked, the parameter can only be unmarked if there are no payment terms on which the Pay when Paid field is marked. If you change the parameter from marked to unmarked, Maconomy will automatically unmark the Pay when Paid field and mark the Ready for Payment field on all open vendor invoices and vendor entries. However, a warning is displayed, allowing you to undo the change.
  • Entity Required on Job — By marking this parameter, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the Entity dimension on all jobs created.
  • Equal-Sized Accruals in Job Accrual Plans — By marking this parameter, the field “Weight Periods Equally” in the Job Accrual Plans workspace is automatically marked when the workspace is opened. The parameter determines whether amounts should be distributed proportionally to the number of days covered by the entire accrual period, that is, longer periods (for example, January 31/365) are allocated a greater accrual amount than shorter periods (for example, February 28/365) or whether amounts should be distributed equally over the relevant periods irrespective of variances in the lengths of the periods covered.
  • Exchange Rate in Job Invoice Allocation as Invoiced On Account — If you select this parameter, no exchange rate difference is posted in the allocation. Instead, it appears as a write-up/down in base and enterprise currency.
  • Exchange Rate on 0-invoices as Invoiced On Account — Select this company-specific parameter to enable Maconomy to use the same exchange rates (between job currency, company base currency, and enterprise currency) for T&M entries on zero invoices as the weighted average of the exchange rates on the on account invoices being reconciled. This parameter is disabled by default.
  • Extended handling of tax when closing fixed price jobs — When this parameter is marked, the way that a fixed-price job is closed is handled in an extended way. This addresses some problems that can occur in these situations:
    1. Some invoices on account have tax, others not.
    2. Different tax codes on the invoices on account.
    3. Different tax codes on the job entries.

    The extended handling is that two profit entries are created instead of one: The first one makes sure that the total tax on the open entries (including this first profit entry) equals the tax net on account. The second profit entry has a blank tax code and makes sure that the open billing price (including both profit entries) equals the amount net on account.

  • Extended Task Creation from Budgets — As with the Create Tasks from Job Budgets parameter, if you mark this parameter, you can enter a task which does not exist on a job budget line. However, this parameter extends the automatic task creation functionality in the following ways:
    • Task names are created automatically. The name is composed from the text in the Description field by combining the initial letter with a number of subsequent consonants. For example, specifying Test in the Description field could derive a task name of Tst. Specifying Due Diligence could derive DDl or DDlgnc, depending on the number of consonants to include (as specified by the Number of Trailing Characters for Task Names system parameter). If a task with that name already exists, the new task will have a -1, -2, and so on appended, for instance Tst-1.
    • The full text from the Description field is used as a task description in the Job Tasks workspace. If the job budget line description is changed in the Job Budgets workspace, the change is also reflected in the task description, provided that the task description had not already been changed in the Job Tasks workspace.

      If the Mark ‘Overwrite Activity’ On Tasks system parameter is marked, the Overwrite Activity field is marked in the new task.

    • Additionally, this parameter has web client-specific behavior, where you can select this parameter to prevent auto-selection of search results. In web client fields that support searching, the web client autocompletes text as you type. This is helpful if you want to put an existing value into a field (such as an existing task from a list of tasks). However, some fields allow you to select an existing item or create a new one, and to do the latter, autocomplete makes it difficult to do so. Select this parameter to prevent auto-selection of search results on the Task field in the Jobs » Budgeting and Estimating workspaces.
  • Extended use of 0-invoice system numbers — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy uses a system number from the system number series “0-invoice,” if the zero invoice has been created as a consequence of a reconciliation of an invoice on account. This is, for example, the case when fixed-price jobs are used, and when the Create invoice upon job closing job parameter attribute is assigned the value Yes on the jobs in question.
  • External Description in Job Budgets defaults to Description - If you enable this company-specific parameter, when you add a new line in the Job Budget Lines sub-tab of the Job Budgets single dialog workspace, the External Description field automatically displays the value of the Description field.

    If you do not enable this parameter, the External Description field is blank by default in any new lines added.

  • Filter Budget Lines on Transfer to Quote — The job template functionality allows you to set up template budgets that are automatically copied to new jobs. In some cases, it is an advantage to create a great number of lines in the template budgets, taking into account all possible activities and costs. The budget responsible of each job then only needs to fill in quantities and prices on the relevant budget lines, leaving irrelevant lines untouched. To support this use of template budgets, you can specify whether Maconomy should filter away irrelevant lines (for example, lines with a quantity of zero) when transferring budget lines to quotes, making it unnecessary to manually delete irrelevant lines from the quote after transferring them from the budget. The filtering takes place if this system parameter has been marked and the Create Quote Directly from Budget field is also marked on the invoice layout rule of the job in question. If this parameter is not marked, no filtering takes place when a job budget is transferred to a quote.
  • Fixed exchange rates in budgets only — In certain countries, it is considered good accounting practice to make currency conversion of a job’s transactions per the day on which the transaction is carried out. If you mark this parameter, and if fixed exchange rates are used on the job, the use of fixed exchange rates will be delimited to the budget only, and the transactions of the job will be converted according to the exchange rate table in question. If you do not mark the parameter, all currency transactions on the job, from budget to posting, will be recalculated according to the exchange rate valid on the date specified for the job in the Job Price Information workspace in the Job Cost module.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Hide Headings On Job Invoices Without Subtotals — When this parameter is marked, there will be no headings on job invoices on jobs where the invoice layout rule specifies that there should be no subtotals.
  • Hours Per Man Day — Use this company-specific parameter to define the number of hours in a work day.
  • Include closed jobs and jobs blocked for invoicing in invoicing windows — When you select this parameter, closed jobs and jobs blocked for invoicing are included as read-only in the following workspaces:
    • Invoice Selection
    • On Account Invoice Selection
    • Bill To Customer Distribution
    • Job Invoices On Account
    • Job Invoice Allocation
  • Invoice Selection Delimitation by G/L Entry Date — When this parameter is marked, the G/L cut-off date for the delimit action is initialized to last date of the previous month. If not, it is not set at. This applies when you use the G/L Entry Date in the Delimitation island in workspaces such as Invoice Selection, Approve Invoice Selection, Job Invoice Allocation and Batch Job Invoice Allocation.
  • Job accruals from purchase orders — If you mark this parameter, the functionality regarding the creation of job accruals from purchase order lines apply. This means that it is not possible to make job accruals in the Job Journal workspace. Instead, you use the correlation between purchase orders and the Job Accruals workspace.
  • Job company tax code from delivery customer — If marked, the job company tax code is derived from the delivery customer; if not, it is derived from the payment customer.
  • Include Current Invoice in Invoice Customer Statement and Aging — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy includes the present invoice in the customer statement and A/R aging on job invoices.
  • Job Posting Reference for Posting without Activity — Select this parameter to refer to an existing job posting reference which is then used when posting job invoices on account without an activity number.
  • Keep Billing Price when Changing Cost Price — If you mark this parameter, the billing price on the line in the Job Budgets workspace is not changed, if the cost price is changed manually. However, the value in the Markup % field is changed to reflect the new ratio between cost and billing price. If the billing price or the markup percentage is subsequently changed manually, Maconomy performa a price calculation as described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”
  • Keep delimitation when changing invoice selection — If you mark this parameter, selecting an invoicing action (that is, Invoice, Write Off, or Carry Forward) in the sub-tab of the Invoice Selection workspace respects any delimitation parameters set up in the tab of the workspace for underlying job entries. If, for instance, you have chosen to see job entries before a certain date by specifying the cut-off date in the Delimitation island, and you choose the Invoice action on a table line, no underlying job entries after the specified date are invoiced.

    If the parameter is not marked, all underlying job entries will be included in the invoicing action, regardless of any delimitation parameters.

  • Keep Job Cost Entry Date Upon Job Transfer — If you enable this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy keeps the original job cost entry date when you perform a job transfer.
  • Length of Invoice No. in Formatted Invoice No. — Select this parameter to control the formatting of the invoice number in the variable FormattedInvoiceNumberVar that is available in the prints of invoices and credit memos. For example, if the invoice number is 1250003 and the system parameter is 4, then the formatted invoice number would split the invoice number to "125" and "0003," which results in the formatted invoice number TF 125/0003.
  • Keep quantity at write-downs — You can write down job entries (reduce the sales price) in the Invoice Selection workspace in the Job Cost module by entering a new, desired sales price (or markup) and selecting the Transfer Desired Sales Price action. Maconomy then changes the total billing price per invoice selection line proportionally. Since the “Quantity x Billing Price per Unit equals Total Billing Price” constraint must be kept, Maconomy must adjust either the Quantity field or the (invisible) Billing Price per Unit field to make the new sales price match the quantity sold. With this parameter, you can choose whether you want to adjust the quantity or the billing price per unit.

    If this parameter is unmarked, Maconomy changes the quantity in connection with write-downs. If this parameter is marked, Maconomy preserves the quantity but reduces the price per unit.

  • Keep quantity at write-ups — The functionality of this system parameter is similar to that of the Keep quantity at write-downs parameter above, but concerns write-ups (increasing the sales price in the Invoice Selection workspace in the Job Cost module).
  • Length of Invoice No. in Formatted Invoice No. — Select this parameter to control the formatting of the invoice number in the variable FormattedInvoiceNumberVar that is available in the prints of invoices and credit memos. For example, if the invoice number is 1250003 and the system parameter is 4, then the formatted invoice number would split the invoice number to "125" and "0003," which results in the formatted invoice number TF 125/0003.
  • Local Spec. 1-10 on Job Required — By marking these parameters, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the dimensions Local Spec. 1, Local Spec. 2, Local Spec. 3, Local Spec. 4, and so forth respectively, on all jobs created.
  • Location Required on Job — By marking this parameter, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the Location dimension on all jobs created.
  • Lower Indentation Level for Lines on Invoices with Headers - Select this system parameter to format printed invoices with indentation levels to indicate whether they belong to a main job or sub-job. Enabling this corrects an error in the assignment of the Level field on invoice lines, and provides the correct indentation and formatting when you print invoices. The Level field is assigned as previously done in Maconomy 2.2 or earlier versions. By default, this is disabled.
  • Maintain Periodic Forecasts from Periodic Job Budgets - Enable this system parameter to allow Maconomy to propagate all changes to the periodic forecast whenever you make changes in the periodic job budget.
  • Margin for internal on account tax reconciliation — If you specify a non-zero margin in this parameter, Maconomy reconciles invoices on account when they have no open amount and open tax within the specified margin. This kind of reconciliation is marked as being internal. It is posted to the account for amount rounding and is not shown on the reconciling invoice. The margin on the system parameter can be specified as an amount or a percentage of the tax amount on the invoice on account.
  • Manual completion of job group — If you mark this parameter, a job group must be entered manually when a job is created.
  • Margin for job exchange rate variance, % — In this parameter, you can specify a margin for the deviation allowed between the job-specific exchange rate and the default enterprise exchange rate. If the value 0.0 is entered, any deviation will be permitted.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Margin, job accrual reconc. — In this parameter, you can specify a margin as an amount in the enterprise currency and a percentage. When a purchase order is reconciled against a vendor invoice, there may be differences between the amounts. If the difference is within the margin in this parameter, job accruals assigned to the purchase order in question will be fully reconciled. If the difference is not within the margin, the difference is kept as an open job entry for later invoicing or crediting. When the reconciliation is attempted, the amount in enterprise currency specified in this parameter is converted to the job’s currency using the current exchange rate table.
  • Margin, on account tax reconciliation to 0-invoice — Select this parameter to enable an internal reconciliation of tax on account below a certain threshold to settle an invoice on account.
  • Mark 'Overwrite Activity' on Tasks — If you mark this parameter, tasks created from a budget line (possible if the system parameter “Create Tasks from Job Budgets” or “Extended Task Creation from Budgets” is marked) are created with a mark in the field “Overwrite Activity.” This way you can support a setup where the activity number must correspond to the task number. If this parameter is not marked, the standard rules of activity derivation apply. For more information, please see the description of the Job Tasks workspace.
  • Match job posting ref. line if fields in reg. are not specified — If this system parameter is turned on then posting of job entries may match job posting references, even if the job entry has empty values in matching fields (Department, Job Group, Popup 1-5, Customer Popup 1-5, Employee Popup 1-5, Vendor Popup 1-5, Employee Type, Item Group).
  • Max. Depth for Invoice Preparation Hierarchy — Select this parameter to specify a maximum depth for invoice lines produced from Invoice Preparation to ensure that lines do not extend past print layout format.
  • Max. Depth for Job Budget Hierarchy — In the Job Budgets workspace, you can arrange budget lines hierarchically by indenting lines in multiple levels (Java™ client only). In this parameter, you can specify the maximum number of indentation levels allowed in job budgets. If you specify, for example, 6, it means that job budgets cannot be more than six levels deep, including the top level. Trying to indent lines any further will result in an error message.

    You can specify any number. Enter 0 if there should be no limitations as to the number of levels in job budget hierarchies. However, please note that only up to seven levels (including the top level) are supported by Maconomy printouts and reports, meaning that lines at level eight and any deeper levels are not included on printouts and reports.

  • Number of Days to Keep Recent Choices in Invoice Selection — This company-specific system parameter controls the number of days values you entered are kept for certain fields in the following workspaces:
    • Invoice Selection workspace
      • Preferred Invoice Date field
      • Cut-off Date field
      • G/L Entry Date field
    • Account Invoice Selection workspace
      • Preferred Invoice Date field

    Maconomy displays the saved values when you reopen the workspace, or select a different job.

    The value stored for the Preferred Invoice Date field is only used if the job does not already have a preferred invoice date.

  • Number of Hours per Man Day — Use this parameter when converting fixed time from days to hours and the time is not in the context of a job, such as when transferring fixed time from employees to People Planner and Financial Budgets. This parameter can be set up with company-specific values.
  • Only Add to Employee Control from Job Employees — If you mark this company-specific parameter, the action that distributes favorites in the Job Employees workspace also updates the list of employees that are allowed to register on the job in the Employee Control workspace. Maconomy adds but does not delete employees from the list in the Employee Control workspace.
  • Number of Trailing Characters for Task Names — With this parameter, you can specify how many consonants in the Description field in the Job Budgets workspace should be considered when generating a task name. This parameter is only used if the Extended Task Creation from Budgets parameter is selected. For more information, see the description of that parameter.
  • Only Blanket Invoice via Blanket Drafts - If you enable this parameter, Maconomy does not automatically combine draft invoices printed as a batch into a blanket invoice. The drafts are printed as individual invoices even when printing from a batch workspace such as Job Invoicing, Job Crediting, Blanket Invoicing Overview, or Blanket Invoice Selection.

    To obtain a blanket invoice, navigate to the Blanket Invoicing Overview workspace, and combine drafts into a blanket draft. Alternatively, Maconomy creates a blanket draft when a user approves an invoice selection in the Blanket Invoice Selection workspace.

    If you do not enable this parameter, when a user approves an invoice selection on jobs set up for blanket invoicing and prints invoices in a batch (in the Job Invoicing workspace, for example), Maconomy automatically combines drafts belonging to the same blanket invoice collection into a single blanket invoice.

  • Only One Transaction Number for Each Time Sheet — If this parameter is marked, all time sheet lines from the same time sheet will get the same transaction number.
  • Only Rederive From Changed Dimensions At Job Reallocation — If this parameter is marked, only dimensions that have actually changed are rederived when a job is reallocated. When it is not marked, then all dimensions are derived just as if the job is entered by a user.
  • Open Invoice Selection Without Cut-off Date — If you do not mark this parameter, Maconomy completes the field “Cut-off Date” in the workspace Invoice Selection with the date of the last day of the previous month. Nevertheless, entries later than that day are shown in the workspace until you select the action “Delimit,” which the user may find confusing. You can therefore mark this parameter to make Maconomy leave the field “Cut-off Date” blank when you open the workspace.
  • Open job card without delimitation — If you mark this parameter, the sub-tab of the workspace Job Card will display all entries of the current job when the workspace is opened. If you do not mark this parameter, only open entries for the current month will be displayed when the workspace is opened. See also the system parameter “Show Only Open Entries when Opening Job Card” below and the description of the workspace Job Card in the Job Cost module.
  • Overwrite customer fields when creating job from template — When creating a job, certain fields are derived from the job’s customer. If a job is created from a template, and this parameter is not marked, Maconomy will re-derive information about the job’s customer when the job is created. Information such as the customer name, address, payment terms, and tax code is updated to reflect that which is currently specified on the customer’s information card.

    If the parameter is marked, any information already specified in the template used for creating the job will not be re-derived but be transferred unchanged to the job.

    This system parameter is relevant when a particular value is set on both a template job and a customer. The system parameter resolves which value is used on a job created from a template job and a customer.

    The system parameter is irrelevant if a field value is set only on either template job or customer, because then this single value is used on the new job.

    The field values listed below are taken from the template job if this system parameter is check marked.

    • Name1 – Name5
    • Attention
    • Telephone
    • Telefax
    • Telex
    • Electronic Mail Address
    • Payment Terms
    • VAT
    • Department Number
    • Customer Group
    • Country
    • Currency
    • Language
    • Zip Code
    • Postal District
    • VAT Number
    • Enterprise
    • Segment
    • Company VAT Code
    • Customer Payment Mode
    • Global Location Number
    • Area
    • Settling Company
    • Team1Number – Team6Number

    Notice that regardless of the system parameter, values from the fields below are taken from the template job unless they are unmarked on the template job:

    • To Be Blanket Invoiced
    • Invoice Discount Percentage
    • Inventory Number
    • Price List Number
    • Price Level Remark
    • Job Price List
    • Job Surcharge Rule Name
    • Invoice Layout
    • Intercompany Job Price List
    • Cost Job Price List
    • Standard Billing Price List
  • Periodize Budget action clears periods before ETC date — If this system parameter is turned on, then the Periodize action in Job Budgets and Job Progress will also remove the detailed quantity, cost, and billing prices of past periods before the date of estimate to completion.
  • Popup 1 required if difference between exp. and act. work hours — In combination with the registration of work time intervals in time sheets (see the island “Fixed Working Hours” in the workspace Employees), you can specify that the field “Time Sheet Popup 1” in the time sheet must be completed in case there is a difference between an employee’s expected working hours and the actual working hours for a day. This is done by marking this parameter. By forcing the user to make a choice in the time sheet pop-up field, it is easier for the accounting department to see how to process the user’s hours — for example, if the hours are to be added or subtracted to the user’s flextime account or paid out as overtime pay. See also “Time Sheet Popup 1.”
  • Post Job Cost Intercompany Entries as Accrued until Invoiced — Use this company-specific system parameter to set up Maconomy so that unbilled revenue is not posted as revenue until invoiced. For example, if the executing company uses this feature and the responsible company does not, then the postings to the accrued accounts are only performed for the executing company, and vice versa.
  • Posting References based on Job Balance — Select this parameter to use the Net Job Balance feature, which enables Maconomy to automatically post any changes to work in progress and net on account to the appropriate account according to the following criteria:
    • If you post a positive job entry (or a credit memo on account) and the job balance was positive prior to posting, Accrued Revenue increases.
    • If you post a positive job entry (or a credit memo on account) and the job balance was negative prior to posting, Deferred Revenue decreases.
    • If you post a negative job entry (or an invoice on account) and the job balance was positive prior to posting, Accrued Revenue decreases.
    • If you post a negative job entry (or an invoice on account) and the job balance was negative prior to posting, Deferred Revenue increases.
  • Price Lookup from Employee Category Only in Budgets — If this parameter is selected, prices and employee groups on employee categories are only used in job budgets. If this parameter is not selected, the prices and employee groups on employee categories are used in any price lookup.
  • Print on account spec. on invoice/credit memo — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will, in connection with printing a normal job invoice or job credit memo reconciling an amount on account, print a specification of which invoices on account and/or credit memos have been reconciled, and to which extent these have been reconciled. The specification is displayed below a tax specification, if any, on the invoice or the credit memo.
  • Prioritize cost in original currency if same as job currency — On jobs in a currency different from the company base currency, an external cost in the same currency as the job gives rise to a job entry with a slightly different billing price, even with a markup of zero.

    If you select this parameter, the price calculation determines the billing price based on the cost price in the original currency, to avoid a rounding difference resulting from a conversion from the original currency to base currency and back to the original currency, in cases where this is the same as the job currency.

  • Prioritize Markup Percentage from Job Price Lists — If this parameter is marked, a markup percentage specified on a job price list has priority over any billing price entered directly on an information card, for example, in the workspace Activities.

    If the parameter is not marked, any markup percentage found in a job price list will be disregarded in favor of a billing price entered directly into an information card. For more information about how prices are calculated in the Job Cost module, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

  • Prioritize Partial Invoicing when Changing Quantity for Invoicing — In the Invoice Selection workspace, Maconomy automatically adjusts the fields “Action” and “Close Balance” to reflect the state of the underlying job entries. If, for some reason, these fields are not visible in the workspace layout, then you may accidentally write off entries instead of carrying them forward. This would happen if you reduce the quantity for invoicing to less than the open quantity, in which case Maconomy would automatically mark the field “Close Balance.”

    If this parameter is marked, the field “Close Balance” will be unmarked when the quantity for invoicing is changed from being greater than or equal to the open quantity to being less than the open quantity. If, for example, the open quantity is 10 and the quantity for invoicing is changed from 10 to 8, then the field “Close Balance” is unmarked; but if the quantity for invoicing is changed from 12 to 10 then the field is not unmarked.

  • Project Required on Job — By marking this parameter, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the dimension Project on all jobs created.
  • Purpose on Job Required — By marking this parameter, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the Purpose dimension on all jobs created.
  • Recalculate Job Budget when Copying — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will recalculate job budgets which are copied in the Job Cost module. This means that the price fields in the original budget (cost and sales prices in base and foreign currencies, and the field “Net Cost, Base”), the markup percentage, and fields concerning purchase orders are not copied but recalculated based on the information about the customer, employees, and job price list on the job to which the budget is being copied.
  • Re-derive when copying time sheets — If you mark this system parameter, Maconomy will keep the values for job, activity, and task number on time sheet lines copied from the previous period or copied expense sheet lines, while dimension values are re-derived to ensure that any dimension derivation changes are reflected correctly on the time sheet or expense sheet.
  • Rederive Tax Code at Invoicing— If this parameter is marked, then rederived at invoicing. This will make a difference in the case of split billing where it is possible to change the "Reporting Code, Invoice" to be used for each bill-to customer in "Bill To Customer Distribution.” When marked, the tax code will be (re)derived from the bill-to customer.
  • Refresh Customer Statements And Aging when Printing Invoice — If this company-specific system parameter is marked, customer aging on invoices is refreshed when printing an invoice. If the parameter is disabled, the customer aging on the invoice is the same as when printing the invoice draft, though new invoices may have been created or other invoices have been paid since. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  • Release Expense Sheet Irrespective of Line Approval Status - If you enable this parameter, users can click the Release Expense Sheet action and Maconomy will release expense sheets for posting even when these have not yet been released or approved, and require approval. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  • Release Time Sheet Irrespective of Line Approval Status - If you enable this parameter, users can click the Release Time Sheet action and Maconomy will release time sheets for posting even when these have not yet been released or approved, and require approval. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  • Reopen Time Sheet When a Line is Rejected — Use this system parameter to reopen or unsubmit a time sheet if one of the time sheet lines is rejected by a project manager in the window Approve Time Sheet Lines or Approve Job Registrations.
  • Require Complete Absence Derivation Setup upon Absence Approval — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy displays an error notification if an absence approver approves an absence and the absence type setup is not able to completely derive time sheet registration dimensions for the absence type covering the given period.
  • Remember all settings in det. plan. Windows — If you mark this system parameter, all settings in the workspaces Detailed Planning and Detailed Employee Planning are saved between user sessions. This means that Maconomy “remembers,” for example, the starting date set by the user and fills in the same date the next time the user opens the planning workspace.
  • Require Preferred Invoice Date — If you select this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy requires you to specify an invoice date before you can approve the invoice selection on a job.
  • Require Year on Jobs — If you mark this company-specific system parameter, you are required to enter a value in the Year field for jobs.
  • Restore Job Entries by Default — If you select this company-specific system parameter, when you enter an invoice number for crediting in Invoice Selection, the Restore Entries field is marked automatically.
  • Require System Number for Job Pre-Invoices — Select this company-specific parameter to control whether a unique sequence of system numbers for job pre-invoices is required (separate from the invoices sequence), or deselect to indicate that job pre-invoice numbers can share the sequence numbers on invoices.

    Note: If a company within your enterprise must share invoices and pre-invoices each have a unique numbering sequence, on the System Parameter tab, deselect the Require System Number for Job Pre-Invoices check box. Then, in the Company Specific Values sub-tab, create a line for the company and select the Require System Number for Job Pre-Invoices check box.

  • Responsible < Location Required on Job / Department Required on Project > — Enable this system parameter to require Location to be entered on jobs.
  • Secretary can Approve Time Sheets — If you mark this system parameter, an employee who has been appointed secretary for another employee can approve the time sheets for those employees for whom he/she is secretary.
  • Set Default Reallocation Date to Today — With this system parameter, you can specify whether the reallocation date that is automatically suggested in the Job Reallocation, Job Reallocation by Job and Batch Job Reallocation workspaces should be today’s date or the entry date of the entry being reallocated. If you mark the parameter, the entry date suggested will be today’s date.
  • Set Job Entries For Invoicing After Print Invoice — If you select this company-specific system parameter, job entries marked for carry forward before invoicing are set for invoicing after invoicing.
  • Set Job Phase Transition Date to Today — When you close a phase, Maconomy uses the current date as the actual ending date. Maconomy also uses the current date when you choose the action for initiating the first phase. This parameter allows you to enforce an active choice of date when performing these actions.

    The Transition Date field in the tab allows you to enter a transition date for the Initiate First Phase, End Phase, Approve Phase Completion, and Approve Milestones actions. Use this parameter to configure whether this date is blank or set to the current date.

  • Show Only Lines with Open Entries when Opening Invoice Selection — If this parameter is enabled, the Only Open Activities checkbox in the Invoice Selection dialog is marked by default whenever this workspace is opened.
  • Show Only Open Entries when Opening Job Card — If you mark this parameter, the sub-tab of the workspace Job Card will only display the open entries of the current job when the workspace is opened. If you do not mark this parameter, all entries will be displayed when the workspace is opened. You can use this system parameter in conjunction with the parameter “Open job card without delimitation,” for example, to specify that the sub-tab of the workspace Job Card should default to showing all entries within the current month, or all open entries regardless of period. See also the system parameter “Open job card without delimitation” above and the description of the workspace Job Card in the Job Cost module.
  • Show tax code summary on invoice selection lines — Selecting this parameter allows you to display and edit tax codes in the Invoice Selection sub-tab.
  • < Specification 1-10 on Job / Business Area on Project > Required — By marking these parameters, you make it mandatory to enter a value for the dimensions Spec. 1, Spec. 2, Spec. 3, Spec. 4, and so forth respectively, on all jobs created.
  • Standard Billing Price on Non-Invoiceable Entries — If you mark this company-specific parameter, Maconomy displays the standard billing rate for non-invoiceable activities and lets you view the potential billing prices of all applicable hours.
  • Split Week Time Sheet — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will create two time sheets for weeks with days in two different months. The two sheets are assigned a suffix A and B and you cannot register hours on those days in one part which are covered by the other part. With this as an exception, the functionality of split week time sheets is identical to that of normal time sheets.
  • Standard note is derived from Activity before Task — When specifying an activity and a task on a purchase line (lines created in the sub-tab of the workspaces Requisitions, Requests for Quote and Purchase Orders in the A/P module), Maconomy will attempt to derive a standard note from the activity or task in question. If a standard note has been specified on only the activity or only the task, the note in question is derived and a copy of the note in question is assigned to the purchase line. However, if a standard note has been specified for both activity and task, this parameter determines whether the standard note should be derived from the activity or from the task. If the note should be derived from the activity, mark this parameter. If it should be derived from the task, leave the parameter unmarked.

    If a standard note has been specified on neither the activity nor the task entered on a purchase line, the standard note specified in the system parameter “Standard note for purchase lines” is used as the standard note, and if no note has been specified there, no note is automatically assigned to the purchase line.

  • Sub Job Numbering Based On Main Job — If you select this company-specific system parameter, a job created as a sub job of another job gets a job number with the following format: <main job number><separator><sub job number>. The separator between the main job number and the sub job number, as well as the number of decimals in the sub job number, are also set up using this parameter.
  • Suggest Invoice Date when Crediting — This parameter has the effect that when you enter an invoice number for crediting, the invoice date of that invoice is suggested for the credit memo. This affects the following workspaces:
    • Invoice Selection
    • On Account Invoice Selection
    • Blanket Invoicing Overview
    • Blanket Invoice Selection
  • Synchronize Dimensions from Account Manager — Select this parameter to synchronize select dimensions from employees to the customers, company-specific customers, and jobs where they are set up as account managers.

    Prior to selecting this parameter, create an entry in the Dimension Sets workspace and select which of the G/L dimensions will be synchronized (such as Purpose in the CPA solution). Then, enter the name of this dimension set on the system parameter.

    The synchronization ensures that if a customer (or company-specific customer, or a job) has an account manager, then the dimensions that have been selected on the dimension set are synchronized between the account manager and the customer (and similarly for company-specific customers and jobs).

    Setting up the system parameter does not in itself force synchronization; this happens when you specify the relevant dimension(s) on the employees that are account managers. For example, if you have set up that the Purpose dimension should be synchronized and you then enter a Purpose on an employee, then this Purpose will be copied to all customers, company customers, and jobs where the employee is selected as account manager.

    Note: The system parameter allows you to set up company specific rules. This means the rule follows the company of the account manager (the employee).
  • Tax from extended price in expense sheets — If you mark this parameter, tax on lines in the workspace Expense Sheets will be calculated as the total line price multiplied by the tax rate. A difference, if any, between the cost loaded on the job and the total price minus tax will be posted on the account for amount rounding found by means of a dimension combination in the workspace Posting References in the G/L module. If you do not mark the parameter, tax will be calculated on the basis of the unit price multiplied by the tax rate multiplied by the quantity entered on the line.
  • Tax Itemization even if no Tax on Invoice — If you select this company-specific system parameter, tax itemization is included in the printout of job invoices and credit memos, even if the invoice has no tax. If there is no tax included in an invoice, then the itemization list is empty and the itemization sum is zero.
  • Traffic Status Revision Codes Required — If you mark this parameter, you are required to enter a revision code in the workspace Job Traffic Status when closing a traffic status revision. You can have Maconomy generate a traffic status revision code automatically by marking the system parameter “Automatically generate traffic status revision codes.” The concept of traffic status revisions is explained in the description of the workspace Job Traffic Status in the Job Cost module.
  • Transfer desired sales price when changed — If you mark this parameter, you do not have to select the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price” in the workspace Invoice Selection when entering a new, desired sales price in the field “Desired Sales Price” in the tab. Instead, the desired sales price is transferred to the sub-tab automatically when you press Return. If the system parameter is unmarked, you have to select the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price” manually to transfer the desired sales price to the sub-tab.
  • Transfer Sales Price to Desired Sales Price — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will automatically calculate the desired sales price from the prices shown in the sub-tab of the workspace Invoice Selection. When you press Return on a table line, the desired sales price is recalculated and shown in the field “Desired Sales Price” in the tab. If the system parameter is unmarked, manual changes in the sub-tab will not be reflected in the desired sales price. See also the system parameter “Transfer desired sales price when changed” above.
  • Transfer several invoice plan lines — If you mark this parameter, all due invoicing plan lines are transferred to the current invoice selection when you select the action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” in the workspace Invoice Selection or the action “Transfer Invoicing Plans” in the workspace Approve Invoice Selection. If the system parameter is unmarked, only the first due line of the invoicing plan is transferred. By default, the system parameter is marked.
  • Update prices upon dimension change — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will recalculate the cost price, sales price, and markup percentage when you change a dimension value on an existing line in the workspaces Job Budgets, Job Planning, Job Reallocation, Job Journal and Expense Sheets in the Job Cost module. The recalculation is performed as described in Appendix A. In this case, the term “dimension value” means the fields “Activity,” “Employee Category,” “Employee No.,” “Task,” “Location,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” “Spec. 1-10,” and “Local Spec. 1-10,” and, in case of a reallocation or a job journal, the new entry date. If the recalculation results in a price different from zero, the amounts and the markup percentage are adjusted accordingly. If the system parameter is not marked, Maconomy will not recalculate prices as a result of changes to dimension values.
  • Update Employee Control Field from Job Employees — If you deselect this field, the Employee Control on the job is not updated when the user applies the action that distributes favorites from Job Employees. This can be useful if People Planner is integrated with Maconomy and People Planner pushes employees from the plan into Job Employees, but the integration should not interfere with Employee Control setup on the job.
  • Synchronize Dimensions from Account Manager — If you specify a dimension set in this parameter, the selected dimensions will be synchronized from employees to the customers, company-specific customers, and jobs where the employee is set up as account manager. The synchronization ensures that if a customer (or company-specific customer, or a job) has an account manager, then the dimensions that have been selected on the dimension set are kept synchronized between the account manager and the customer (and similarly for company-specific customers and jobs). Setting up the system parameter does not in itself force a synchronization; this happens when you specify the relevant dimension(s) on the employees that are account managers. So if, for instance, you have set up that the Purpose dimension should be synchronized and you then enter a Purpose on an employee, then this Purpose will be copied to all customers, company customers, and jobs where the employee is selected as account manager. Note that the system parameter allows you to set up company-specific rules. This means that the rule follows the company of the account manager (the employee).
  • Update Prices on Amount Registrations upon Job Reallocation — With this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy is to recalculate and update prices on affected reallocation lines for amount activities when performing job entry reallocations in the workspaces Job Reallocation and Batch Job Reallocation.
  • Update Prices on Time Registrations upon Job Reallocation — With this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy is to recalculate and update prices on affected reallocation lines for time activities when performing job entry reallocations in the workspaces Job Reallocation and Batch Job Reallocation.
  • Use Confirmed Bookings Only — If you mark this parameter, it will only be possible to create allocations of the booking type “Confirmed” in connection with resource planning. Using this parameter, you can thus decide whether or not to use the functionality of the three booking types “Preliminary,” “Requested,” and “Confirmed.”
  • Use daily time sheets — If you mark this parameter, the use of daily time sheets is enabled in Maconomy. This means that you can use the workspaces Daily Time Sheets and SpeedSheet and the import program Import Daily Time Sheets. The parameter is also required for a number of Portal components.

    If you do not use the workspaces mentioned above, you should unmark this parameter for performance reasons, as Maconomy will otherwise automatically create daily time sheets for each weekly time sheet created. If the system parameter is unmarked, only those daily time sheets which already exist will be maintained, and it will not be possible to use the workspaces Daily Time Sheets and SpeedSheet and the import program Import Daily Time Sheets.

  • Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control — If this parameter is not marked, employee control on jobs is carried out according to each job’s planning budget. If the parameter is marked, employee control is carried out according to each job’s budget of the type specified in the system parameter “Budget Type No. for Employee Control.”

    For further information on the available types of employee control and their effects, see the description of the field “Employee Control” in the workspace Jobs.

  • Use Fixed Working Time Stamped on Time Sheets — Maconomy always "stamps" the fixed time from the weekly calendar on the employees' time sheets as they are created. If the parameter is marked, then the actual, reported working time of the employee will be compared with the employee's fixed time from the same period.

    If the parameter is not marked, Maconomy will compare the actual, reported working hours of an employee with the fixed hours currently in force for the employee in question. This may not always produce a historically correct result.

  • Use Estimate Date when Updating Resource Allocations - Select this parameter to allow the Update Resource Allocations from People Planner action to use the estimate date, if one has been specified. If you have started a progress evaluation, this action does not update the resource allocations in Maconomy for any months before the estimate date. Moreover, it updates the resource allocation in Maconomy for the month that contains the estimate date, based on the resource allocations within that month after the estimate date.
  • Use Invoice Date as Exchange Rate Date on Job Invoices — Select this parameter to enable Maconomy to calculate the billing price of job entries in currencies other than the base currency of the company of the job at the date of invoicing. If it is deselected, Maconomy uses the date of the job entry for currency conversion.
  • Use Job Invoice Allocation Date as Exchange Rate Date — If this system parameter is turned on then the date selected for preferred invoice allocation date is used for looking up exchange rates when carrying out conversion of unit and total billing price between job currency, base currency, and enterprise currency.

    This system parameter only has an effect if the Exchange Rate in Job Invoice Allocation as Invoiced On Account system parameter is turned off.


    If you do not select this parameter and the Exchange Rate in Job Invoice Allocation as Invoiced On Account system parameter is not selected, the job entries are allocated at the original exchange rates.

  • Use markup % for time activities — If you mark this system parameter, Maconomy will calculate billing prices for time activities based on cost price and markup percentage in the same way as billing prices are calculated for amount activities. The calculation only uses markup percentages specified in a job price list.
  • Use Original Quantity on Job Related Investment Tax Entries — Investment tax can be posted as a separate job entry with the same quantity as the original job entry. This can result in rounding issues as the total investment tax is calculated from the quantity and the investment tax per unit. To avoid this, deselect this parameter to set the quantity on investment tax entries to ±1.
  • Use P&L Posting of Invoices on Account — Select this parameter to post invoices and credit notes on account to the Billing Price and Open Billing Price P&L accounts.
  • Use Preferred Invoice Date as Customer Statement Date — If you select this company-specific system parameter, when calculating and printing the customer statement on job invoices, the customer statement date used is the preferred invoice date, meaning that the customer entries included in the customer statement are the ones which were open until the preferred invoice date. If the preferred invoice date is not set, then the customer statement date is the current date.

    If not selected, the customer statement date used is the current date.

  • Use standard billing price for amount activities — If this parameter is selected, Maconomy will derive a specific standard billing price for entries concerning amount activities. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

    If the parameter is not selected, the standard billing price is set to the value of the registered billing price. Please note that if job surcharges apply to the job entry, the surcharge is added to the registered billing price only when the entry is posted, in which case the registered and the standard billing price will differ.

  • Use Subscription Start Date As Entry Date — If this parameter is selected, Maconomy will set the entry date to the first date in the accrual period for subscription orders invoiced in job cost.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Use standard billing price for time activities — If this parameter is selected, Maconomy will derive a specific standard billing price for entries concerning time activities. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

    If the parameter is not selected, the standard billing price is set to the value of the registered billing price. Please note that if job surcharges apply to the job entry, the surcharge is added to the registered billing price only when the entry is posted, in which case the registered and the standard billing price will differ.


  • Show Job Pre-Invoice Reconciliation in Workspaces — If you select this parameter, Maconomy displays Job pre-invoice reconciliation.
  • Show Local Spec. 1-10 — Select the Show Local Spec. check box to display Local Spec. 1, 2, 3, and so on, as a dimension in Maconomy. Deselect the check box to hide this parameter from users.
  • Show Project — If you select this parameter, Maconomy displays Project as a dimension. If turned off, this dimension is hidden from users.
  • Show Purpose — If you select this parameter, Maconomy displays Purpose as a dimension.
  • Show Responsible Department — If you select this parameter, Maconomy displays Responsible department (Location in standard system) as a dimension.
  • Show Specification 1-10 — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy displays specification 1-10 as a dimension.
  • Show Tax Sub Levels — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy displays tax sublevels.
  • Show Three Tax Levels — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will show three tax levels in all workspaces that include tax code functionality. This parameter is disabled by default. Please note that the parameter “Show Two Tax Levels” also needs to be marked in order for the parameter to take effect. For instance, a field previously labeled “Tax Code” will be replaced by three new fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax levels, please see “Tax Codes.”
  • Show Two Tax Levels — If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will show two tax levels in all workspaces that include tax code functionality. For instance, a field previously labeled “Tax Code” will be replaced by two new fields: “Tax Code 1” and “Tax Code 2.” Please note that this parameter is disabled by default. For further information on multiple tax levels, please see “Tax Codes.”
  • Show Tax Sub Levels — If you select this parameter, 4 sub levels for each VAT level display in the layout in Tax Code and G/L Tax Code workspaces, enabling you to enter the rate, posting reference, and VAT type for each sub level.

    Sub levels are necessary in some countries that have more than three tax codes for a transaction. These countries have three different tax authorities (VAT reporting units), but one tax authority could collect more than one tax code. With 4 sub levels for each VAT level, Maconomy splits the VAT posting amount for the given VAT level/code into the different sub levels. The logic in all other dialogs remains unchanged, with Maconomy continuing to show and handle the total VAT amount for the given VAT level/code.

    This system parameter is part of the layout group, used only to control the layout, and is used in Java client in version X1 and 2.0, and started in Workspace client from version 2.1.

  • Show Withholding Tax on Payments — If enabled, withholding tax fields are shown in the customer and vendor payment dialogs, by default.
  • Show Business Area — Select this parameter to make Business Area display as a dimension in Maconomy.
  • Show Executing Department — Select this parameter to make Executing Department (Entity in standard system) display as a dimension in Maconomy.

    If turned off they will be hidden from the users.


  • Allow finance entries with job reference — If marked: both Job No. and Account No. can be specified on an invoice allocation line or general journal line. When posting, a finance entry with a job reference will be created, without creating any job entries.

    If not marked: either Job No. or Account No. can be specified on an invoice allocation line or general journal line, not both. When posting, based on what was specified on the line, either job entries or finance entries will be created.

  • Allow Posting of Own Journals — Use this system parameter to specify whether users should be able to post journals that they submitted themselves. If you do not mark the parameter, a submitted journal can only be posted by another user than the one who submitted it. This functionality supports a workflow where users can submit journals when they are ready to be posted, and a posting responsible can subsequently post the journals. However, using the field “Post Own Journals” in the workspace Actions, you can grant specific users access to posting journals submitted by themselves.
    Note: This functionality is no longer supported for general journals as part of the approval hierarchy for general journals (introduced with version 2.5).
  • Automatic Posting of Asset Journals — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically post asset journals when asset adjustments are approved.
  • Automatic posting of automatic customer payments — If this parameter is marked, customer payments imported in the Banking module are automatically posted upon import. However, the automatic posting only takes place if the payment agent used in the import is set up for creation of a separate journal for error entries.
  • Automatic posting of customer reconciliations — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, customer reconciliation journals when a reconciliation is approved in the workspace Customer Open Entry Reconciliation. In the same way, if a reconciliation is removed in the workspace Show Customer Reconciliation, the resulting customer reconciliation journal is posted automatically. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of debtor provisions — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, debtor provision journals when they are approved. A debtor provision journal is created when a provision for an invoice is approved in the workspace Debtor Provisions By Invoice in the A/R module. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of expense sheets — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, expense sheet journals when expense sheets are approved in the workspace Expense Sheets. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of fixed price inclusion — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically post fixed price inclusion journals.
  • Automatic Posting of Gross Pay — Enable this system parameter if you want gross pay journals to be automatically posted when compensation calculations are approved.
  • Automatic posting of Intercompany Vendor Invoices — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, intercompany vendor invoice journals when they are created as a result of intercompany settling in the workspace Intercompany Invoicing. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal. This parameter is company-specific.
  • Automatic Posting of Interest Charge Notice — Select this parameter to automatically post interest charge notice journals.
  • Automatic posting of invoice reallocations — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, invoice reallocation journals when approved in the workspace Reallocate Invoices. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of invoices — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, invoice journals when they are approved. An invoice journal is created when an invoice is printed, for example, in the workspace Invoice Selection in the Job Cost module or the workspace Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of job accruals — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, job accrual journals when they are created in the workspaces Job Accruals and Batch Job Accrual. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic Posting of Job Invoice Allocation — When this parameter is ticked, journals of type “Job Invoice Allocation” are posted automatically by Maconomy immediately after having been created.
  • Automatic posting of job reallocations — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, job reallocation journals when they are approved in the workspaces Job Reallocation by Job, Job Reallocation, or Batch Job Reallocation. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of job revenue recognition — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically post job revenue recognition journals.
  • Automatic posting of job transfers — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, job transfer journals when they are approved in the workspace Job Transfer. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of mileage sheets — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, mileage sheet journals when mileage sheets are approved in the workspaces Mileage Sheets or Approve Mileage Sheet. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic Posting of Payment Journals — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post payment journals created in the Banking module.

    Automatic posting takes place in the following situations:

    • When approving a payment selection, causing a payment to be closed
    • When printing a payment list or check, causing a payment to be closed
    • When creating a payment file, causing a payment selection to be closed
    • When importing payment statuses, causing a payment to be closed
    • When approving a bank reconciliation
    • When approving entries in payment reports

      If the parameter is not marked, payment journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Payment Journal in the Banking module.

  • Automatic posting of time sheets — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, time sheet journals when time sheets are approved in the workspaces Time Sheets or Approve Time Sheets. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Automatic posting of Vendor Reconciliations — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will automatically post, but not print, vendor reconciliation journals when reconciliations are approved in the workspace A/P Open Entry Reconciliation. In the same way, if a reconciliation is removed in the workspace Show Vendor Reconciliation, the resulting vendor reconciliation journal is posted automatically. If the parameter is not marked, such journals must be posted manually in the workspaces Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. Automatically posted journals can be printed in the workspace Print Posting Journal.
  • Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will always create intercompany balancings (entries to the intercompany accounts) when posting entries that affect two different companies. However, if some companies in the company dimension represent entities which are not legal units, you may not wish to create intercompany postings between companies in Maconomy, if they have the same parent company. For instance, if you run your Sales department as a company in Maconomy, you may subdivide it into, for example, Export and Domestic sales, both with the company representing the Sales department as the parent company. This could, for example, be relevant if you wish to run company access control between the departments. However, as the two departments are not legal entities, you do not want Maconomy to create intercompany balancings between the two companies as a result of for instance cross-department utilization of employees. To achieve this, unmark this parameter.

    Please note that in cases where no intercompany balancings are made, no intercompany invoicing basis entries are created either, even if the parameter “Create Intercompany Invoicing Basis” is marked.

  • Delay for Restarting Posting of Journal (Seconds) — Enter a delay in seconds to indicate how much time has to pass before you can attempt to restart the posting of a journal.
  • Join Accrual Finance Entries — If enabled, Maconomy will join accrual finance entries into one finance entry when posting, if all dimensions on the entries are identical.
  • Max Number of Entries in Other Journals — Specify the maximum number of entries for a time sheet journal. Enter 0 if there is no limit. The following journals are affected by this parameter:
    • Vendor Invoice
    • Invoice Reallocation
    • Job
    • Customer Reconciliation
    • Vendor
    • Payment
    • Invoice
    • Job Reallocation
    • Job Accrual
    • Job Revenue Recognition
    • Job Transfer
    • Interest Charge Notice
    • Reminder
    • Collection
    • Intercompany Settlement Vendor Invoice
    • Debtor Provisions
    • Intercompany Interest Note
    • Intercompany Grouping
    • Job Invoice Allocation
    • Fixed Price Inclusion
  • Max Number of Entries in Timesheet Journals — Specify the maximum number of entries for a time sheet journal. Enter 0 if there is no limit.
  • Max Number of Entries in Vendor Invoice Journals — Enter the maximum number of vendor invoices in a vendor invoice journal. By default, the value in this field is zero. The vendor invoices you create group in a single journal. If the value in this field is one, only one vendor invoice saves in a journal. If the value in this field is two or higher, Maconomy automatically uses the value as reference for the number of vendor invoice entries grouped in a journal.
  • Post Intercompany Sale for External Expenses — If this company-specific parameter is marked (and the existing Intercompany Tax Balancing system parameter is not marked), Maconomy posts the cost price on the cost account and the intercompany sales account of the executing company.
  • Post Invoice Exchange Rate — Use this parameter to indicate whether the Job exchange rate variance is calculated and posted.
  • Post Unrealized Job Exchange Rate Variance — Maconomy will calculate the job fixed exchange rate variance when the vendor invoice is posted and post it as realized or unrealized job exchange rate variances. The variance is only unrealized if this parameter is marked, and the vendor invoices are not closed when the invoice allocation is posted.
  • Submission of Customer Payment Journal Required — The functionality of this parameter corresponds to that of the system parameter “Submission of General Journal required” but pertains to customer payment journals created in the workspace Customer Payment Journal.
  • Submission of Job Journal Required — The functionality of this parameter corresponds to that of the system parameter “Submission of General Journal required” but pertains to job journals created in the workspace Job Journals.
  • Use Sub Jobs Dimensions — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy will use sub job dimensions for deriving dimensions when updating job cost.
  • User Specific Project Revenue Recognition Journals — If this parameter is not marked, Maconomy maintains one revenue recognition journal at a time in the General Ledger system, adding new revenue recognitions approved by any user to the same journal until it is posted, after which the next revenue recognition approval results in a new journal to which subsequent approved recognitions are added, and so on. If you mark this parameter, Maconomy will maintain separate journals for each user approving revenue recognitions.
  • User Specific Job Reallocation Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user approving job reallocations. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new job reallocations approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Job Invoice Allocation Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new job invoice allocations by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • Use Balance Account Dimensions on Customer Entries — This company-specific parameter allows you to choose to use the existing functionality, or to use the dimension from the original voucher (before account derivation).
  • Use Balance Account Dimensions on Vendor Entries — This company-specific parameter allows you to choose to use the existing functionality, or to use the dimension from the original voucher (before account derivation).
  • User Specific Customer Reconciliation Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding customer reconciliations created by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Debtor Provision Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new Debtor Provisions created by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Fixed Price Inclusion Journals — If enabled, fixed price inclusion journals will be user specific.
  • User Specific G/L Reallocation Journals — If enabled, G/L reallocation journals will be user specific.
  • User Specific Invoice Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new invoice approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Invoice Reallocation Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new invoice reallocations approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Job Accrual Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new job accrual approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Job Transfer Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user approving job transfers. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new job transfers approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Payment Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new payments approved by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • User Specific Vendor Journals — If marked, the system will maintain separate journals for each user. If not marked, the system maintains one journal, adding new vendors created by any user to the same journal (old functionality).
  • Post Job Cost Intercompany Entries as Accrued until Invoiced — Use this company-specific system parameter to set up Maconomy so that unbilled revenue is not posted as revenue until invoiced.


  • Extended serial number control — Copy to come.
  • Allow Items without Inventory Control in Negative Production — If this system parameter is selected, you can have negative production of a BOM that has elements without inventory control.
  • Allow Production of BOMs without Inventory Control — If this system parameter is selected, you can have production lines for BOMs without inventory control. Both negative and positive production are allowed.
  • Allow Production of BOMs without Inventory Control — If selected, you can have production lines for BOMs without inventory control. Both negative and positive production are allowed.
  • Allow Items without Inventory Control in Negative Production — If this system parameter is selected, you can have negative production of a BOM that has elements without inventory control.

Sales Orders

  • Approve order when conv. quote — If you mark this parameter, orders created as a result of converting a quote are automatically approved. However, the order is only approved if the user who converts the quote has access to approving orders. If this parameter is not marked, or if the conversion is done by a user who does not have access to approving orders, the quote will be converted to a non-approved order.
  • Approve packing list in two steps — Using this system parameter, you can specify whether the approval of a packing list should result in the creation of a packing slip and thus a delivery. If the parameter is not marked, the approval of a packing list in the workspace Packing Lists will result in the creation of a packing slip and the delivery of the packed items.

    If you mark the parameter, the approval of a packing list will not cause the delivery of items as the packing slip must be created separately by selecting the action “Print Packing Slip,” “Release for Invoicing,” or “Print Invoice.”

    The parameter can, for example, be used if you use destination control and you wish to print out a complete packing slip for all orders included in a consignment. Marking this parameter will ensure that last minute order changes and creation of orders will be included in a packing slip printed just before the shipping of a consignment.

  • Automatically assign order line to consignment — Using this parameter, you can define whether Maconomy should automatically assign quote and order lines to consignments upon creation. The parameter only applies to orders with partial delivery, and on which a destination has been specified.

    If you mark the parameter, the creation of a quote or order line will cause Maconomy to attempt to assign the new line to a suitable consignment even if the line itself was created automatically by Maconomy, for instance as a split-up of an existing line.

    To assign the line to a consignment, Maconomy uses the method described in Appendix B: Assign Quote/Sales Order to Consignment.

    The system parameter also functions as a default value for the field “Assign to Consignment” in the workspace Update Item Reservations in the Inventory module.

  • Check Price List Currency — Using this parameter, you can select whether Maconomy should issue a warning if the currency on a quote, sales order, credit order, invoice, credit memo, subscription order, item purchase order, or job does not correspond to the currency in the selected price list.
  • Fix exchange rate at order creation — In this parameter, you can specify whether the date used for determining the valid exchange rates should be fixed at the creation of quotes, sales orders, and credit orders, so that the same exchange rates are used for the calculation of currency amounts throughout the order process. If you mark the parameter, Maconomy will automatically enter today’s date in the field “Currency Date” when you create a quote, sales order or credit order. This way, you ensure that, for example, the quote price or the order confirmation price matches the price calculated in connection with invoicing later in the process, as the same exchange rate is used. If you do not mark this parameter, Maconomy will suggest a blank currency date when quotes, orders, and credit orders are created, and currency prices are thus calculated using the exchange rates valid on the date upon which the calculation takes place. Please note that the currency date can be changed at any point in the order process, whether the field is blank, completed manually or completed by Maconomy as a result of a mark in this parameter. For a further description of the field “Currency Date,” please see the workspaces Quote, Sales Orders, and Credit Orders in the Sales Orders module.
  • Include zero amount lines on printouts — If you mark this parameter, the printouts of quotes, order confirmations, packing slips, draft invoices, invoices, main order invoices, draft credit memos, and credit memos will also show lines where the ordered/credited quantity of the item in question is zero. If the parameter is not marked, lines with an ordered/credited quantity of zero are not included on the printouts mentioned above.
  • Invoice Orders with Job Numbers in Job Cost — If you mark this parameter, specifying a job number in the field “Job No.” in the tab of a quote, a sales order or a purchase order also causes the field “Invoice in Job Cost” to be marked automatically. Similarly, removing the job number from a quote, sales order or credit order will cause the field “Invoice in Job Cost” to be unmarked.
  • Reset Quantity to Pack to Zero — In this field, you can specify that the number for packing should be set at zero when sales order lines are created, either as a result of converting a quote or by adding order lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Sales Orders.
  • Set Quantity Returned to Zero — In this parameter, you can specify whether the default value suggested by Maconomy in the field “Return” on credit order and credit memo lines should be zero or the quantity credited. If you mark the field, Maconomy always suggests a returned quantity of zero. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy suggests the value specified in the field “Credited” on the credit order or credit memo line in question.
  • Split Order Lines Automatically — This parameter is used for specifying whether the field “Split Lines Automatically” should be marked by default when a quote or order is created. If you mark the parameter, the field is also marked on quotes and orders created manually in the Sales Orders module. Similarly, the system parameter also functions as a default value for the Split Order Lines field in the Update Item Reservations workspace in the Inventory module.
  • Take Delivery Date On Invoice Lines Directly From Order Line — When this system parameter is marked, the delivery date on invoice lines is taken directly from the order line. Note that this is not normally recommended, and that the standard functionality is to set the date to the last delivery date from the order line.


  • Index Linking of Service Contracts — If this parameter is marked, price indexing will be used in the calculation of service contract prices.

Web Client

  • URL for Web Client — Select this parameter and specify the link to your web client application as part of setup for the following:
    • Email Alerts - If you have web client notifications or to-dos, enter the URL to the web client login page. Maconomy will include this link in the emails that it distributes to employees about their current notifications.

      If you do not enter a URL, an error message displays on any email alerts template that is set to include a link to the web client.

    • Launching Web Analyzer links from the Workspace Client


  • Allow Change of Approver — Select this parameter to allow manual changes to the approver and substitute.
  • Allow Document Archives with no Company — Select this parameter to create a document archive without a company.
  • Allow multiple levels to be approved by same user — In this parameter, you can specify whether the same user should be able to approve the same vendor invoice, general journal, purchase order, or expense sheet more than once if he or she is specified on more than one approval hierarchy line through which the vendor invoice, purchase order or expense sheet is to be approved. For further information about approval hierarchies, see the workspace Approval Hierarchies.

    As a vendor invoice, general journal, purchase order or expense sheet can fall within more than one selection criterion specification in the same approval hierarchy, it must be approved by the holder of approval or substitute assigned to each of the approval hierarchy lines containing the overlapping criteria. If the same employee is specified as holder of approval or substitute (either directly or through a reference or employee group) on more than one line, this parameter determines whether the employee should be able to approve more than once. If you do not mark the parameter, the same employee can only approve the same vendor invoice, purchase order or expense sheet at one level, thus ensuring that transactions requiring approval by more than one person are approved by a different person at each level. If you mark the parameter, the same employee can approve vendor invoices, purchase orders and expense sheets at any number of levels.

    Please note that if you disallow multiple approvals by the same user but your approval hierarchies contain multiple lines with the same employee, it is recommended that you always specify both a holder of approval and a substitute on each approval hierarchy line. This is to avoid situations where approval is required twice by the same person but no substitute is specified to make the second approval, causing a deadlock.

  • Allow Permanent Blocking of Employees — Select this parameter to enable the Permanently Blocked field on employee records in the Employees workspace. When this parameter is enabled, any blocked employee records remain permanently blocked and cannot be edited.
    Note: When you enable this parameter, a warning displays stating that permanently blocking employees is irreversible.

    Deselect this parameter to hide the Permanently Blocked field on employee records.

  • Allow User Masking for Company — Set the value of this system parameter to enable employee masking.
  • Automatic Update of Future Employee Revisions — Select this parameter to automatically apply changes from the current revision to existing future revision lines.

    When you deselect the system parameter, you can only update the current revision line. Changes in the current revision are not automatically applied to future revision.

  • Aut. creation of contact person— In this parameter, you can specify that when an employee is created in the workspace Employees, Maconomy should automatically create a contact person in the Contact Management module, and assign it to the new employee. This causes the new employee to be assigned the same number as the automatically created contact person. The parameter can only be marked if you have installed add-on 83: CRM and/or 106: Human Resources Module. For information on how the contact person number is derived, see the description of the Contact Person No. field in the workspace Contact Persons in the Contact Management module.

    The parameter must be marked if you wish to use the Contact Management module’s event flow functionality to register, for example, historical information or keep track of information such as the projects in which the employee has been involved or courses he or she has taken.

  • Automatic Update of Reporting Structure Table — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically update grouping and sorting fields on reporting structure lines when adding, changing, or removing them. If the reporting structure has many lines, then making changes can take some time, since the system has to keep all the lines in sync. Therefore, disabling this system parameter can speed up the system. However, the grouping and sorting fields will no longer be updated as soon as you add, remove, or update the line. This has to be done via the Update Table action in the Reporting Structures dialog after you make changes to the reporting structure.
  • Block Unapproved Employees — When this system parameter is selected, all unapproved employees are marked as blocked, and you cannot unblock an employee unless the employee has been approved. If the approval of an employee is rejected or removed, the employee is automatically blocked.
  • Block Unapproved Users — When this system parameter is selected, all unapproved users are marked as blocked. They cannot log in unless they have been approved. If the approval of a user is rejected or removed, the user's password is automatically blocked.

    The User Blocked checkbox is selected by default for newly created users. These users are blocked, and they cannot be unblocked until they are approved.

  • Consider Portal Role Access When Assigning Window Groups — Enable this system parameter to ensure users with limited administration rights cannot assign a window group to another user, unless they have access to the group itself. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  • Employee Mandatory for User — In this parameter, you can specify whether an employee number is mandatory when creating a user in the Users workspace.
  • Enable Employee-Vendor Linking — Use this system parameter to enable the use of linking rules between employees and outlay settlement vendors. When this system parameter is enabled, the link between employee and outlay settlement vendor is specified on the vendor card, where you can enter a linking rule. This also enables the vendor creation wizard in the employee home. You can only enable employee-vendor linking if there is a one-to-one relationship between employees and outlay settlement vendors.
  • Price Index — This index is used for calculating the price of service contracts in the service module.
  • Prevent Archiving of Previous Fiscal Years — This system parameter specifies for how many fiscal years finance entries must be kept. This is used to prevent the new archiving functionality from marking too many finance entries for archiving. E.g. if the system parameter is set to 5, then the system will not mark any finance entries having an entry date within any of the 5 latest full fiscal years prior to the date of running the Mark for Arching action.

    For example: If the date of running the action is February 20th 2014 and the fiscal years run from January 1st to December 31st then the archiving functionality can only mark finance entries having an entry date earlier than January 1st 2009. The system parameter prevents finance entries of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 from being deleted and the fiscal year 2014 has not yet ended).

  • Standard Days Week Calendar No. — Enter the calendar number to be used as a default calendar for fixed employee working time. The calendar must use "days" as the time unit.
  • Get on account tax code from tax table — In this parameter, you can specify that Maconomy is to use tax tables for selection of the tax code assigned to the invoice or credit memo at job invoicing on account and job crediting on account. This parameter can only be marked if the Use Tax Tables field in the System Information workspace is marked. If you mark the parameter, Maconomy will use tax tables to find the tax code used for invoicing on account and crediting on account in the Job Cost module. The tax code is selected in the tax table in the same way as at normal invoicing, that is, on the basis of a combination of responsible company, country, company tax code, and item tax code. As the tax code is used in connection with invoicing on account, the item tax code cannot be selected on the basis of a given activity, item, employee, and so on. Therefore, the item tax code specified in the field “On Account Tax Code” in the workspace system Information is used by Maconomy for selecting the relevant line in the tax table.

    If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy always uses the standard tax code from the workspace System Information for invoicing on account. See the description of the field “On Account Tax Code” in the workspace System Information for further information.

  • Length of System Numbers — Using this parameter, you can specify the number of figures to be used in the system numbers transferred from a system number series in the workspace System Numbers. When a system number is transferred, Maconomy automatically adds the number of zeroes necessary for the number length to comply with this parameter. The zeroes are placed in front of the system number.
  • Allow change of approver — Use this parameter to enable system change between approver, substitute and super approver.
  • Allow change of approver — Select this parameter to change the approver, the substitute, and the super approver. The substitute and the super approver can only be changed if the employee reference field is not selected. This is a bug, as it should be possible to change if the employee reference field is different from all and employee type.
  • Standard Days Week Calendar No. — Enter the calendar number to be used as a default calendar for fixed employee working time. The calendar must use "days" as the time unit.
  • Standard Week Calendar No. — Using this parameter, you can specify the number of a week calendar. For each employee, this calendar will be used in periods covered by an employee revision on which no week calendar has been specified. For further information about employee revisions, see the section “Date dependent employee revisions” in the introduction to the workspace Employees.
  • Mail Port and Server — This parameter specifies server name and port number to be used when sending mails from Maconomy, for instance from the Express Purchase Orders workspace.
  • Note Line Width % — Similar to the way that the Default Invoice Line Width % is used in connection with automatic line wrapping on invoice lines, this parameter is used for setting how lines wrap on note lines. Maconomy has an internal line width value of 100%. You can change that value by changing this field so that the note line width fits the note layout used in your company. If you enter, for example, 120 in this field, Maconomy makes the invoice lines wider; if you enter, for example, 80 in this field, Maconomy makes the invoice lines narrower. If you enter 0 in this field, the automatic word wrapping on invoice lines is disabled.
  • Show Todo's for Other Roles — Select this parameter for users to see todos for all of their roles. otherwise they will only be able to see todos for current role.
  • Use Calendar Day Table — Select this parameter to populate the CalendarDay database table.
  • Block Users When Blocking Employee — This parameter sets the User Blocked field on a user account when an employee tied to that user is blocked. When an employee is blocked, any user accounts belonging to that employee are blocked immediately as well.

    Note: Employees who are tied to an administrator account are not blocked. Instead, a warning message is displayed indicating that the user is an administrator and cannot be blocked.

  • Use Both Formal and Preferred Name On Employees and Contact Persons —This parameter enables formal names on employees and contact persons.

    When the parameter is enabled, Maconomy calculates F/M/L names from the existing name on the employee. Because both first and last name are mandatory, it is required that all employee names consist of at least two names.

    The name fields are calculated so that if fields contain two names, it will be split on first and last name. If fields contain three names, it is split into first, middle, and last names. If fields contain more than three names, all but the two last names are added to the first name field.

  • Use First/Middle/Last Names On Employees and Contact Persons — This parameter enables F/M/L names on employees and contact persons.

    When the parameter is enabled, Maconomy calculates F/M/L names from the existing name on the employee. Because both first and last name are mandatory, it is required that all employee names consist of at least two names.

    The name fields are calculated so that if fields contain two names, it is split on first and last name. If fields contain three names, it is split into first, middle, and last names. If fields contain more than three names, all but the two last names are added to the first name field.

  • Use Approve Compensation Agreement — Select this parameter to require approval on Compensation Agreements. Deselect the parameter to approve all Compensation Agreements by default.
  • Use Internal Names in Import Dialogs — Select this parameter to automatically include internal field names and line types when importing information to Maconomy.

Standard Dimensions

  • Standard Company — In this parameter, you can specify the standard value for the dimension Company. In those cases where the field “Company” has not been completed manually, by derivation or by a registration code, Maconomy transfers the standard company from this parameter.
  • Standard < Entity / Executing Department > — The functionality of this parameter is similar to that of the parameter “Standard Company” above.
  • Standard < Location / Responsible Department > — The functionality of this parameter is similar to that of the parameter “Standard Company” above.
  • Standard Project — The functionality of this parameter is similar to that of the parameter “Standard Company” above.
  • Standard Purpose — The functionality of this parameter is similar to that of the parameter “Standard Company” above.
  • Standard < Spec. 1-10 / Business Area > — The functionality of this parameter is similar to that of the parameter “Standard Company” above.


  • Allow fully received purchase orders only — If this parameter is marked, vendor invoice allocations on which a purchase order has been specified can only be submitted if the purchase order in question has been fully received. A purchase order is fully received when the quantity of received items/services corresponds to the number of items/services on all non-closed lines on the purchase order.
  • Allow Negative Purchase Orders — If you enable this parameter, you can enter a purchase order with a negative amount.
  • Allow purchase for multiple jobs — If this parameter is not marked, you can only enter purchase order lines that pertain to the same job on a purchase order. The job is specified in the tab of the workspace Purchase Orders. If you mark the parameter, you can enter different job numbers on the individual purchase order lines.
  • Allow Reconciliation of Non Approved Vendor Entries — This company-specific parameter enables you to reconcile non-approved vendor entries.
  • Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Vendors to Yes — If this parameter is not set, a user does not have the ability to change an Allow field to Yes. If the submitter would like to use the company vendor in a certain area, they can change an Allow field to Requested. The system can be set up so that, after approval during a specified step in the workflow, that Allow field changes from Requested to Yes.

    For example, you may have set up approval hierarchy to change the Allow Payments field value from Yes to Requested if the payment information for a company-specific vendor is changed after the company vendor has been approved. This prevents payments from being made to the vendor until the new information has been approved. You can then set up the system to change the Allow Payments field value back to Yes after the new information is approved.

  • Approve vend. inv. at submission — If this parameter is marked, vendor invoices are automatically approved for posting when they are submitted. If you do not mark the parameter, vendor invoices must be approved manually once they have been submitted. This parameter cannot be used in combination with approval hierarchies for vendor invoices.
  • Aut. Appr. of Purchase Transactions — If this parameter is marked, vendor invoices are automatically reconciled against the corresponding purchase transactions. If the parameter is not marked, this reconciliation must take place manually in the workspace Invoice Reconciliation in the A/P module. In the system parameter “Margin, Appr. of Purchase Transactions” you can specify the maximum difference permitted for the purchase transaction and the vendor invoice to be reconciled automatically.

    See also the system parameter “Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice.”

  • Aut. company specific vendor creation — With this parameter, you can specify that Maconomy is to automatically create a company-specific vendor when registrations are attempted on a non-existent company-specific vendor. If you mark the parameter, Maconomy will automatically create company-specific vendors when you try to make entries on a non-existent company-specific vendor, for example, in the workspaces General Journal, Vendor Invoices, and Item Purchase Orders. If the parameter is not marked, Maconomy shows an error message saying that you are attempting to register information for a company-specific vendor which does not exist in the system and that the company-specific vendor must therefore be created manually in the workspace Company Specific Vendor Information Card before the entry can be made.
  • Automatically approve expense sheets for payment — If you mark this parameter, vendor entries created as a result of posting expense sheet lines to be settled through a vendor are automatically approved for payment.

    When posting expense sheet lines to be settled through a vendor, Maconomy creates one or more vendor entries covering the expense sheet lines in question. The vendor entries created in this process must be approved for payment before reimbursement can take place. However, as the approval of both expense sheet lines and vendor entries can be considered redundant, you can mark this parameter to have Maconomy automatically approve the vendor entries for payment.

  • Automatically approve fully invoice allocated entry for payment — If you mark this parameter, vendor entries assigned to invoices fully allocated in the workspace Invoice Allocation are automatically approved for payment.
  • Automatically approve fully invoice reallocated entry for payment — If you mark this parameter, vendor entries assigned to invoices fully reallocated in the workspace Reallocate Invoices are automatically approved for payment.
  • Automatically approve fully reallocated entry for payment — If enabled, fully reallocated vendor entries are automatically approved for payment.
  • Automatically approve mileage sheets for payment — If you mark this parameter, vendor entries created as a result of posting mileage sheet lines to be settled through a vendor are automatically approved for payment.

    When posting mileage sheet lines to be settled through a vendor, Maconomy creates one or more vendor entries covering the mileage sheet lines in question. The vendor entries created in this process must be approved for payment before reimbursement can take place. However, as the approval of both mileage sheet lines and vendor entries can be considered redundant, you can mark this parameter to have Maconomy automatically approve the vendor entries for payment.

  • Automatically submit vendor invoices when posting — If you select this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy automatically tries to submit and approve all vendor invoices when the posting action is selected.
  • Block for repeated vendor inv. no. — If enabled, Maconomy will disallow multiple vendor invoices to have the same invoice number.
  • Block for reuse of vendor inv. no. — By means of this system parameter you can specify whether it should be possible to enter two vendor invoices with the same invoice number for a given vendor. If you do not mark the parameter, you can use the same invoice number several times.
  • Close unreceived purchase order lines — The default of this system parameter is enabled / selected, which keeps the current behavior. If needed, disable / deselect this parameter and Maconomy will only mark Close Purchase Order Line on invoice allocation lines if the PO line is fully received
  • Check for reused vendor inv. no. only this year — If enabled, Maconomy will disallow multiple vendor invoices to have the same invoice number in the same year. Vendor invoices with the same invoice number will be allowed as long as they were created in different years.
  • Close unreceived purchase order lines — Copy to come.
  • Consecutive check numbers required — Using this parameter, you can specify that when printing checks, the user can only enter a check number corresponding to the next check number according to the check book setup in the workspace Popup Fields.
  • Control of reused vendor inv. no. only this year — If you mark this system parameter, the check on blocking of reuse of vendor invoice numbers specified in the system parameter “Block for reuse of vendor inv. no.” will only be made on vendor invoices registered within the current calendar year. If you do not mark the parameter, the check will be made on all vendor invoices.
  • Control of reused vendor inv. no. only this year — If you mark this system parameter, the check on blocking of reuse of vendor invoice numbers specified in the system parameter “Block for reuse of vendor inv. no.” will only be made on vendor invoices registered within the current calendar year. If you do not mark the parameter, the check will be made on all vendor invoices.
  • Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice — If this parameter is marked, payment information will be copied completely from the reference invoice and it cannot be changed afterwards. If not, payment information will only be copied when the field is blank on the new invoice.
  • Cost Adjustment at posting of vendor invoice — If enabled, the cost price on item movement is adjusted at the posting of the vendor invoice.
  • Centralized vendor creation only — By marking this parameter, you specify that vendors may only be created centrally, that is, in the workspace Vendor Information Card. If the parameter is marked, a company-specific vendor cannot be created in the workspace Company Specific Vendor Information Card unless the vendor has already been assigned to a previously created vendor. Maconomy shows an error message, if you attempt to create a company-specific vendor with no associated vendor. If the parameter is not marked, you can freely create company-specific vendors in the workspace Company Specific Vendor Information Card.
  • Default Company Vendor State — This system parameter specifies the default state that should be assigned to newly created company vendors.
  • Default Vendor Aging Principle — This system parameter specifies the initial aging principle to be set when opening the Print A/P Aging Report window. This can be changed by the user before printing the report.
  • Default Vendor State — This system parameter specifies the default state that should be assigned to newly created vendors. .
  • Derive Vendor Allocation Code At Posting — Maconomy will create the allocation lines when the vendor invoice is created, if the system parameter is not selected (old functionality), or when the vendor invoice is posted. The allocation lines will only be created if the vendor invoice is not allocated before posting.
  • Derive Vendor Allocation Code At Posting — Select this parameter to derive vendor allocation at posting. If this parameter is not selected, Maconomy will create the allocation lines when the vendor invoice is created (old functionality). The allocation lines will only be created if the vendor invoice is not allocated before posting.
  • Include non due credit memos in payment selections — If enabled, non due credit memos are included when doing payment selections.
  • Manual Release of Vend. Inv. — If this parameter is marked, vendor invoices must be released manually before they can be posted. If the parameter is not marked, vendor invoices are automatically submitted for approval and approved for posting once they are created. If the parameter is not marked, reconciling a vendor invoice against a purchase order the amount of which matches that of the invoice within the margin specified in the parameter “Margin for purchase order reconciliation” will cause the invoice to be automatically released for posting.
  • Manual Purchase Order Numbers — If this parameter is marked, you are allowed to manually enter a purchase order number when creating a purchase order.
  • Margin for automatic correction of tax — This parameter is used for making it easier to allocate invoices on which the tax amount (as specified by the vendor) is incorrect.

    On lines created in the sub-tab of the workspaces Invoice Allocation and Reallocate Invoices, the tax amount is calculated from the amount including or excluding tax. This means that if a tax amount remains when the full amount excl. tax has been allocated (for instance, because you changed the tax amount on the invoice because the vendor stated an incorrect tax amount), you must manually change the tax amount on one of the allocation lines before the allocation can be approved. However, if the amount excl. tax entered on a line causes the remainder excl. tax to be fully allocated, and the difference between the tax remainder and the calculated tax for the line in question is within the margin specified in this system parameter, the tax remainder is automatically allocated to the line (rather than calculated from the amount excluding tax on the line), regardless of whether this tax amount is correct according to the amount and tax code on the line.

    The margin can be expressed as an amount, a percentage or both. If you specify an amount, the tax remainder is allocated in the situation described above if the difference between the calculated tax amount and the tax remainder is lower than or equal to the amount specified in the parameter. If you specify a percentage, the tax remainder is allocated in the situation described above if the difference between the calculated tax amount and the tax remainder represents this percentage or less of the calculated tax. If you specify both an amount and a percentage, the remainder is only allocated if it is within both margins.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Margin for Purchase Order Reconciliation — This parameter is used in connection with automatic purchase order reconciliation in the workspaces Vendor Invoices, Invoice Allocation and Reallocate Invoices. If you enter a value in this parameter, Maconomy will automatically check whether reconciliation of vendor invoices and assigned purchase orders can be carried out in accordance with the value entered in the parameter. In this parameter, you can enter the highest deviation allowed in order for Maconomy to perform automatic reconciliation. The margin can be specified as an amount or a percentage. In this way, you can specify a margin allowing a difference of, for example, plus USD 3.00 to minus USD 3.00, or a given percentage. If you specify an amount, it should be specified in the enterprise currency of the system.

    When checking remainders, the amounts specified in the parameter will be converted into the currency registered on the current vendor invoice. This currency conversion is made on the basis of the exchange rate table for purchase.

    If you enter an amount or a percentage in the parameter, Maconomy will automatically reconcile purchase order lines against a registered vendor invoice at the time of posting and close the purchase order if the difference between the amount on the vendor invoice and the amount on the purchase order is within the margin specified in the parameter. Maconomy automatically uses the margin (amount or percentage) resulting in the lowest amount. If you do not specify a margin, and the current difference between a vendor invoice and a purchase order is greater than the margin, or if the difference cannot be allocated, the allocation and closing of the purchase order must be done manually. Automatic purchase order reconciliation can only be used if you not have marked the system parameter “Manual Release of Vend. Inv.”

    See also the system parameter “Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice.”

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Use Vendor Invoice Entry Text as Invoice Allocation Entry Text — If enabled, the Entry Text on Vendor Invoice will be transferred to invoice allocation lines.
  • Margin, Appr. of Purchase Transactions — In this parameter, you can specify the maximum difference allowed between the amount on a purchase transaction and a vendor invoice to allow the automatic approval of the reconciliation. The margin can be specified either as an amount or a percentage. Maconomy will then use the tightest margin to determine whether a reconciliation can be approved. Any deviation will be posted to the account specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Balance” in the Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module. Automatic approval of purchase transactions is selected in the system parameter “Aut. Appr. of Purchase Transactions.” Specify an amount of 0 if you do not wish to apply a specific amount as the margin, and a percentage of 100 if you do not wish to apply a specific percentage as the margin.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Margin, Remainder on Vendor Invoices — In this parameter, you can specify the maximum remainder allowed on vendor invoices to allow the selection of the action “Allocate Remainder” in the workspace Invoice Allocation in the A/P module. The margin can be specified either as an amount or a percentage. Maconomy will use the tightest margin to determine whether any remainder on the current invoice can be allocated using the action. Specify an amount of 0 if you do not wish to apply a specific amount as the margin, and a percentage of 100 if you do not wish to apply a specific percentage as the margin. Set the percentage to a larger amount, if needed, to avoid generating errors.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Partial Re-approval of Vendor Invoices — With this parameter, you can specify how much must be reapproved when an invoice allocation is re-submitted after changing one or more allocation lines.

    When an invoice allocation is re-submitted, it must be approved according to the approval hierarchy. If the parameter is marked, only allocation lines that have been changed since last approval must be re-approved. If the parameter is not marked, all allocation lines must be re-approved.

  • Recalculate Tax Amount from Amount Including Tax — With this parameter, you can specify how Maconomy is to calculate tax amounts in the workspace Invoice Allocation. The parameter influences tax calculation behavior in two situations: When creating an allocation line and when changing the tax code on an existing allocation line.

    Creation of new allocation line: The parameter affects how amounts are suggested on allocation lines based on the amounts on the invoice. If you do not mark the parameter, creating an allocation line will cause the invoice amount excl. tax to be transferred to the field “Amount Excl. Tax” on the new line, and the tax amount and amount including tax to be calculated on the basis of this amount and the selected/derived tax code. If the parameter is marked, the invoice amount including tax will be suggested in the field “Amount Incl. Tax,” on the line and the tax amount and amount excluding tax will be calculated on the basis of this amount and the selected/derived tax code.

    Changing tax code on existing allocation line: If you do not mark the parameter, changing the tax code on an invoice allocation line will cause the tax amount on the line to be recalculated according to the new tax code and the amount excluding tax, while the amount including tax will be recalculated from the amount excluding tax and the updated tax amount. This may cause a mismatch between the invoice amount and the total amount including tax. If you mark the parameter, changing the tax code on an existing allocation line will cause the tax amount and amount excluding tax to be recalculated based on the amount including tax and the new tax code, thus keeping the allocated amount including tax in line with the invoice amount.

  • Standard Note for Purchase Lines — In this parameter, you can specify the standard note to be assigned to purchase lines created in the sub-tab of the workspaces Requisitions, Requests for Quote and Purchase Orders in the A/P module. If you specify a note, Maconomy will automatically create a copy of the specified note each time a purchase line is created, and assign the new note to the purchase line. This functionality is used for adding a number of extra fields in which the user can enter information about the individual purchase lines.

    In the workspaces Activities and Tasks, you can also assign a standard note to each activity or task, and specifying an activity or task with a standard note on a purchase line will cause the note from the activity or task in question to be assigned to the line instead of the note specified in this parameter. If a standard note has been specified for both the activity and the task, the system parameter “Standard note is derived from Activity before Task” determines whether to use the note from the activity or from the task. If a standard note has been specified neither here nor on the activity and task entered on a given purchase line being created, no note is automatically assigned to the purchase line.

    The following method is used for setting up additional fields for further specification of purchase lines:

    • Create a note type with the headings to be used as field names — In the workspace Note Types, create a note type. In the sub-tab of the note type, create a line for each additional field desired. In the field “Heading,” specify the desired field name. In the field “Format,” specify the data type of the field in question, thus ensuring that the correct type of data is always entered. See the description of the field “Format” in the sub-tab of the workspace Note Types in the Set-Up module for further information.
    • Create a note containing the headings to be used as field names — In the workspace Notes, create a note of the type you created earlier in the process. In the sub-tab of this note, create a line for each of the headings in the note type. If you want the fields to contain default values, specify these values in the Value field. To make this note the standard note to be used on purchase lines, specify the number of the note in the Standard note for purchase lines system parameter.
  • Suggest Quantity Received on Vendor Invoice — In this parameter, you can specify how Maconomy should interpret a quantity received of zero on purchase order lines when automatically creating invoice allocation lines based on purchase orders.

    The parameter comes into play when a purchase order number (but no packing slip number) is specified in the Vendor Invoices workspace or the Invoice Allocation workspace, and allocation lines are automatically created from the lines on this purchase order.

    If the quantity received is zero on a given line on the specified purchase order, the quantity on the allocation line created from this purchase order line will also be set to zero if this parameter is marked. If the parameter is not marked, the quantity on the allocation line will be set to the quantity remaining to be invoiced on the purchase order line, as Maconomy will then assume that the purchase receipt functionality is not used and that the vendor invoice is for all units of the purchased items.

  • Submit Only Fully Allocated Vendor Invoices — This parameter prevents the submission of vendor invoices that are not fully allocated.
  • Suggest Company Vendor Name as Entry Text — If enabled, Maconomy will automatically fill the Entry Text with the chosen vendor's name when creating general journal lines.
  • Use Company Vendor Name as Entry Text — If enabled, Company Vendor Name will be transferred to Entry Text field on finance entries when posting vendor invoices.
  • Use Context Tax Codes on Vendor Invoices — This company-specific system parameter controls where the tax code is derived from when creating invoice allocation lines on a vendor invoice.

    The tax code on the invoice allocation line is always derived from the G/L tax table based on the information on the invoice allocation line. Maconomy will always use an already entered tax code or a derived tax code, but if no tax code is entered or derived, and this system parameter is marked, Maconomy will use the tax code from the vendor invoice on the invoice allocation line.

    This parameter allows you to set a company-specific value in the sub-tab.

  • Use Invoice Date as Exchange Rate Date on Vendor Invoices — Select this parameter to use the invoice date as the exchange rate date. Deselect this parameter to use the entry date as the exchange rate date.
  • Use Invoice Date as Reference Date — In this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy should suggest the entry date/reallocation date or the invoice date in the field “Reference Date” on vendor invoice allocation and invoice reallocation lines in those cases where no reference date has been specified manually and no reference date can be found on the vendor invoice itself. If you mark the parameter, the invoice date will be suggested as the reference date on such lines. If you do not mark the parameter, the entry date (in the case of invoice allocation) or reallocation date (in the case of reallocation) is used.
  • Transfer payer identification from invoice to intercompany vendor invoice — Select this parameter to enable the transfer of the payer identification number from the invoice to the corresponding intercompany vendor invoice.


  • Block Employee Off-boarded in Deltek Talent Management — If this parameter is selected and the user is off-boarded in Deltek Talent Management (such as if the user has left the company), then the linked employee is blocked in Maconomy. Select this parameter so that an off-boarded field is mapped to a blocked field for the Maconomy employee. Off-boarding a user in Talent Management results in blocking a corresponding employee in Maconomy. If a company is updated for a user and that user becomes off-boarded at the same time, then the blocked field is updated only if this system parameter is enabled for the new company. If the off-boarding date is in the future, then a new employee revision is created blocking the employee on that date.
  • Bottom Align Text In Purchase Prints — This parameter controls alignment of multiline text emulation in purchase prints. The background for this system parameter is that the long text emulation in the portal for purchase process-related prints was aligned so that the block of text came first, followed by the last text in the block. The last line then carried the amount related to the block of text. This did not match the way the text was aligned in the draft invoice in Job Cost, where the first line in the block carries the amounts, followed by the other lines of text below. If you set the system parameter to true and you enable the long text emulation functionality, the text now bottom aligns so that the last line carries the amounts in these windows.
  • Enable Deltek Talent Management Integration — Select this field to enable Talent Management in Workspace Client for the selected company. Only the employees that are in the selected company can be linked with Talent Management users. Only Deltek Talent Management users that are in the selected company can be linked with Maconomy employees. Any Talent Management users that are not in the selected company are not imported to Maconomy. If a company is changed for the employee or for the user and that company is not set to "Enable Deltek Talent Management Integration," then the link between the employee and the user is removed.
  • Enable Deltek Talent Management Skills Integration — Select this field to enable Talent Management Skills Integration in Workspace Client for the selected company. This company-specific, system parameter enables the synchronization of Deltek Talent Management skills with Maconomy skills.
  • Enable E-Invoicing — Select this parameter to enable the workspaces, panes, and fields related to electronic invoicing.

    If e-invoicing is enabled on any companies or customers, you cannot disable this parameter.

  • Enable Long Text Emulation in Workspaces — Select this company-specific system parameter to allow users to enter long text (that is, more than 255 characters long) in time sheet description fields. When you enter long text in time sheets, Maconomy copies this over to the relevant job entries and standard description fields.

    By default, this parameter is disabled. If you select this parameter, you enable long text descriptions in the Workspace Client, the web client, and Touch.

  • Enable Standard Extensions — Select this parameter to enable the standard extensions in the workspaces and layouts after the standard extensions are installed on the system, via Mconfig. Standard extensions you can enable with this parameter include Credit Control and Expense Justification.
  • Enable CRM Integration — Select this parameter to enable the integration between Maconomy and Deltek CRM. If selected, the CRM Integration workspace displays in Maconomy.
  • Use Deltek CRM Client ID as Customer No. — Select this parameter to use the Deltek CRM Client ID as the Maconomy Customer No.

    De-select this parameter if you want to define the Maconomy customer number by the number series in Maconomy.

  • Use Entry/Period Dates for Statutory Reports — Select this parameter to use entry dates for VAT calculations in Tax Submission reports. Deselect this parameter to use tax settlements for VAT calculations.
  • Enable TrafficLIVE Integration — Select this parameter to enable the integration between Maconomy and Deltek TrafficLIVE.


  • Remark Field Number for Job Budget Merging — This parameter can be used to configure which remark field to use when matching source lines with target lines in Job Budget Merging.

Business Performance Management

  • BPM Server URL — Set up this parameter to use BPM in the Workspace Client. If you do not use BPM, leave this parameter blank.
  • Enable Silent Sign In — Select this parameter to enable Silent Sign In for BPM.
  • Prefer BPM Reports — If you only want to view the BPM version of a report (even though the standard/client version is also available), set this parameter to True. If you want to view both versions, set this parameter to False. By default, this parameter is set to True.
  • Show Standard Reports — If you want to make standard (client) reports available in the Workspace Client, set this parameter to True. If you only want to view BPM reports, set this parameter to False. By default, this parameter is set to True.
  • BPM Server REST API URL — Select this system parameter to specify an IP and port for BPM RESTful web service. You must select this parameter to enable the Open PDF Report action in reporting workspaces. Enter the IP and not DOMAIN address. Do not copy the "/biprws" part.

People Planner

  • URL for Resource Management — Enter the URL of the People Planner Capacity Overview page. The general form is:
    http://<server>:<port> /PeoplePlannerWebComponents /AssignResourcePage.aspx
    If the URL for Resource Management is left blank, the Resource Management workspace is hidden.
  • Always Allow Send Action — If selected, the Send to People Planner button in the Portal and actions in the clients are always enabled. If it is not selected and Integration Status Notes are used, you can only push the job from Maconomy to People Planner once after creation. After this, you can only import it from People Planner.
  • Create New Budget Revision on Updates — If selected, a new revision of the budget is created. The budget is updated using the Import Working Budget from People Planner action in the Job Budgets workspace, or if it is updated, from the People Planner client.
  • Default Forecast Budget Type — Use this budget type when sending a Forecast from the Portal to People Planner.
  • Default Job Budget Type — Use this budget type when sending a job from the Maconomy Client or Portal to People Planner. Possible values are an explicit budget type, for example, Working Budget or @planning. If you enter a value, that value is the budget type sent. If you do not enter a value, the budget type currently shown in Job Budgets is sent. If you enter @planning, the budget type set as Planning Budget for the job is used.
  • Default Opportunity Budget Type — Use this budget type when sending an Opportunity from the Portal to People Planner. Possible values are an explicit budget type, for example, Sales Estimate or @standard. If you select @standard, the budget type sent is the one marked as Standard Opportunity Budget type for the Job Budget Types popup field. If you do not set a value, the @standard type is used.
  • Enable People Planner Web — Select this company-specific parameter to enable People Planner-related components and functionality in your web client application.

    By default, this parameter is deselected.

    Note: Before you can enable People Planner on the web client, you must enable the integration between People Planner and your Maconomy system.
  • Enable Custom People Planner Actions — If selected, the following actions are enabled:
    • Send Job to People Planner in the Jobs, Job Budgets and Job Overview workspaces
    • Send Opportunity to People Planner in the Opportunities and Opportunity Budgets workspaces
    • Import Working Budget from People Planner in the Job Budgets workspace
    • Update ETC from People Planner in the Job Progress workspace
  • Enable Silent Sign In — Select this parameter to enable Silent Sign In for People Planner portal components.
  • Include Subjobs When Sending Job to People Planner — If selected, subjobs are included when the job is sent to People Planner from the Maconomy Client or Portal.
  • Integration Status Note Type — This is the note type used for Integration Status Notes. It shows when jobs integrated with People Planner were last updated successfully. The standard value is Integration Status.
  • Update Total Cost (Base) in Budget — If selected, the values in the Total Cost, Base column are overwritten with cost values from People Planner when using the Import Working Budget from People Planner action in the Job Budgets workspace.
  • URL for MyPlan WSC — Use this URL when showing My Plan in the Workspace Client. The template value is http://SERVERNAME:20002/MyPlan/.
  • URL for MyPlan Portal — The web access of the people planner 'My plan portal' must be entered here to make My Plan available in the Maconomy portal.
  • Web Service API Namespace — Use this namespace when logging in to the People Planner API.
  • Web Service API Password — Use this password if you are entered as the Web Service API User.
  • Web Service API SOAP Address — Use this URL for the People Planner API.
  • Web Service API User — Use to enter a user to be used by the People Planner web service.
  • URL for Planning Assistant — Use this parameter to specify the URL to the People Planner planning assistant. When a URL is specified, the planning assistant is shown as an assistant to job budget lines on the Budgets tab in the Jobs module (Jobs » Budgeting » Budgets tab).
  • Show Planning Assistant in Periodic Job Budgets — Select this parameter to show the Planning sliding panel in the Periodic Job Budgets workspace. This only shows if this parameter is enabled, the URL for the tab is completed, and the current user role is People Planner-related.
  • Show Planning Assistant in Job Budgets — Select this parameter to show the Planning assistant extension in the Job Budgets workspace. This only shows if this parameter is enabled, the URL for the tab is completed, and the current user role is People Planner-related.
  • Show Planning Assistant in Progress Evaluation — Select this parameter to show the Planning sliding panel in the Progress Evaluation workspace. This only shows if this parameter is enabled, the URL for the tab is completed, and the current user role is People Planner-related.
  • Show Resourcing Overview — Select this parameter to show the Resourcing Overview workspace. This only shows if this parameter is enabled, the URL for the tab is completed, and the current user role is People Planner-related.
  • Submit Periodic Job Budget on Update from People Planner — Select this parameter to automatically submit the budget after clicking the Update Periodic Job Budget from People Planner or Send Job to People Planner actions. This parameter is enabled by default.
  • Update Periodic Job Budget Planned Dates on Update from People Planner — Select this parameter to update the job budget planned dates after clicking the Update Periodic Job Budget from People Planner or Send Job to People Planner actions. This parameter is enabled by default.

Purchase Orders

  • Warning of Receipt without Price — If this parameter is marked, Maconomy gives a warning for each line in the Item Receipt workspace related to an item purchase order line with the price 0.

Workspace Client

  • Enable Dark Theme in the Workspace Client — Select this parameter to enable the dark theme for all users. If company-specific values are applied, this enables the dark theme for all users in a given company.

    Deselect this parameter to enable the classic theme for all users. If company-specific values are applied, this enables the classic theme for all users in a given company.

  • Enable Custom Fonts in the Workspace Client — Select this parameter to enable custom fonts, such as Lato and Source Sans Pro. If company-specific values are applied, this enables custom fonts for all users in a given company.

    Deselect this parameter to enable the operating system's default fonts. If company-specific values are applied, this enables the default fonts for all users in a given company.

Remarks Island

In this island, you can enter information about the current system parameter.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.