Event Flow Types Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Event Flow Types tab.

Event Flow Type

Field Description
Event Flow Type In this field, you can enter the name of the event flow type when creating an event flow type. Once you have pressed Enter upon creating an event flow type, the field can no longer be changed.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current event flow type.
Blocked for New Flows Mark this field if it should no longer be possible to create event flows of the current type.
Flow Status Type In this field, you can specify an option list created in the window Option Lists. The options in this option list will be available to be selected as event flow status on events assigned to event flows of the current type. For further information on the use of event flow statuses, please see the field “Flow Status Type” in the card part and the field “New Event Flow Status” in the table part of the window Event Flows. If you leave this field blank, it is not possible to enter event flow statuses on event flows of the current type.
Initial Flow Status In this field, you can specify an event flow status to be transferred to the field “Current Event Flow Status” on new event flows of the current type. The value must be an option in the option list specified in the field “Flow Status Type” above. If no value is selected here, new event flows of the current type will have a blank event flow status upon creation.
Aut. Status Update In this field, you can specify whether it should be possible to enter a value in the field “New Event Flow Status” on events which are assigned to event flows of the current type and do not have the field “Status Changing Event” marked.

If you do not mark the field, a given event in an event flow of the current type can only contain a value in the field “New Event Flow Status” if the field “Status Changing Event” is marked for the event in question. This ensures that only status changing events can have an event flow status. As a consequence of not marking this field, it will only be possible to close a status changing event in event flows of the current type if the closing date of the event is later than that of the other closed, status changing events in the flow (see the description of the field “Closed” in the table part of the window Event Flows).

If you mark the field, a given event in an event flow of the current type can contain a value in the field “New Event Flow Status” regardless of whether the field “Status Changing Event” is marked for the event in question. This allows you to register a new event flow status for all events in a flow, to indicate their effects even if they do not affect the flow status. However, when closing a status changing event in a flow of the current type, Maconomy automatically unmarks the field “Status Changing Event” if the event being closed does not have a later closing date than that of the other closed, status changing events. This ensures that although you can specify new event flow statuses for multiple open events, the event flow status is not updated by previous events.

Application In this field, specify how the current event flow type should be used. If you specify “History,” it will be possible to specify an event starting date later than today’s date on events in flows of the current type. In addition to this, when creating an event flow and specifying a given event flow type with the application “History,” Maconomy rejects the creation of the new flow if the system already contains an event flow of the same type for the same contact person.

If you specify “Standard,” it will not be possible to specify a future event starting date on events in event flows of the current type, and the Selection Criteria island is not affected when browsing to an event flow of the current type.

Note Management In this field, you can specify how Maconomy should handle any note assigned to a status changing event being closed in an event flow of the current type. If you select the value “Update Note at Status Change,” closing a status changing event in a flow of the current type will cause the field “Note No.” in the card part of the flow to be updated, so that any note assigned to the status changing event is assigned to the event flow. This allows you to, for example, run reports where information on the latest status changing event in the individual flows includes the note information from the event in question.

If you select a blank value, the field “Note No.” in the card part of event flows of the current type will not be updated automatically.

Option Lists On Events Island

Field Description
Option List 1-5 In these fields, you can select the option lists to be suggested in the island Option List Fields on event flows of the current type. These option lists can be used for further specification of the event flows.

Remarks Island

In this field, you can enter additional remarks concerning the event flow type.

Employees Island

Field Description
Employee 1-5 In these fields, you can specify the standard values to be suggested in the corresponding fields in the island Extra Employee Fields on event flows of the current type, for instance if certain employees should usually handle flows of this type.

Flow Texts Island

Field Description
Flow Text 1-20 In these fields, you can specify the standard values to be suggested in the corresponding fields in the island Extra Fields on event flows of the current type. The fields are used for further specification of the individual event flows.

Event Plan Island

Field Description
Event Plan In this field, you can specify the name and number of the event plan to be suggested on event flows of the current type. For further information on the effect of event plans on event flows, see the description of the field “Event Plan No.” in the window Event Flows and the section “Introduction to the Contact Management Module.”
Create Secondary Events When Closing In this field, you can specify the standard value to be suggested in the corresponding field on event flows of the current type. For further information on the functionality of the field, see the field “Create Secondary Events when Closing” in the window Event Flows.
Include Only Closed Events In this field, you can specify the standard value to be suggested in the corresponding field on event flows of the current type. For further information on the functionality of the field, see the field “Include Only Closed Events” in the window Event Flows.

Event Type Island

Field Description
Event Type In this field, you can specify the event type to be copied to events created from the current event template.

Note Type Island

Field Description
Note Type Specify the note type whose heading options should be available as headings in the table part of the window Events.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Here you can enter the description and name of an access level created in the window Access Levels. Users only have access to information about the current event flow type, and can only refer to it in other windows if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to event flow types may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current event flow type.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.