Approval Line Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Line sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number to which the current line is associated.
Level This field shows the level of the approval hierarchy that the approval object lines relate to, and thus the order in which they are to be approved. This field only applies if the Level Prioritized check box is selected in the tab of the related approval hierarchy.
Effective This field shows whether or not the actual approvals are marked as effective. In-effective approval headers and lines show the history.
Active This field shows whether or not the approval object is currently active.
Approval Status This field shows the approval status of the current line. The value in the New Approval Status field is transferred to this field when you use the Execute Approval action. This field cannot be changed manually.
New Approval Status

Select the status you wish to assign to the current approval object line when you use the Execute Approval action.

The following statuses are available:
  • Blank
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Released
Remarks Enter remarks relating to the current line.
Deadline This field shows the deadline by which the approval must be completed.
Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Approval Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the date on which the current line was approved.
Approval Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the time that the current line was approved.
Approver This field show the employee name and number of the designated approver who approved the approval object.
Substitute This field shows the employee name and number of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the employee name and number of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated approver who can approve the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Name Enter or select the name of the designated substitute approver who can approve the approval object.
Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated super approver who can approve the approval object.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver This field shows the employee number of the employee who approved the current approval object.
Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can approve approval objects.

Any approval object, such as time sheet lines, falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute This field shows the name of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute Reference This field shows the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver Reference, Field This field shows the internal field name that the Approver Reference relates to.
Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the Approver.
Substitute Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a substitute approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of the substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference This field shows the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver This field shows the name of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver Employee Type

This field shows the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Super Approver Reference, Relation This field shows the relation of a super approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Field This field shows the field reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Employee This field shows the employee reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Current Approval Status Details This field shows details regarding the latest approval status of the current line.
Current Approval Status This field shows the latest approval status of the current line.
Last Approved or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the name of the last user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Last Approval or Rejection Date If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest date on which the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Time If the approval object has been approved, this field shows the latest time when the current line was approved.
Last Approval or Rejection Comment If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field shows the latest comment for the associated approval object.
Line Can Be Approved by Current User This field shows whether the current line can be approved by the current user.
Current Status This field shows the latest status of the current line.
Submitted By This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field shows the date the current line was submitted.
Time Submitted This field shows the time the current line was submitted.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee who entered the current line.
Line No. This field shows the line number of the current expense sheet line.
Start Date This field displays the start date of the expense sheet.
Job No. This field shows the job number related to the current expense sheet line.
Activity No. This field shows the activity number specified on the current expense sheet line.

These fields show registered time in hours or days, depending on the time unit of the expense sheet. In these fields, enter the time used every day of the week on the specific job, dimension, task, and activity. You cannot register more hours in one day than the maximum number of hours entered for the employee in the employee revision applying to the date in question.

Moreover, if a value has been entered in the Time Sheets field in the Activities workspace for the activity for which you wish to register hours or amounts, you cannot enter a larger quantity for the activity than specified in that field. If there are several time sheet lines for a given employee with the activity in question, the sum of the registrations on these lines cannot exceed the daily registration limit specified for the activity in question.

You can enter a negative number of hours. If the Minimum Hours field is enabled on the employee revision applying on the date in question, Maconomy checks whether the employee has registered the minimum number of hours that the employee in question is supposed to register. If the number of hours registered is lower than this number, the time sheet cannot be submitted. It can be temporarily submitted, however. See the description of the Employees workspace in the Set-Up module for further information.

If time sheet lines are automatically created from the detailed resource planning, these fields are automatically filled in with the quantity of hours planned for the employee on the task specified on the current line. In this way, you only need to enter hours in these fields if you need to make any changes to the pre-filled quantity of hours. However, the fields are only prefilled on time sheet lines referring to jobs where you entered a value in the By Day field in the Pre-fill Time Sheet Lines job parameter attribute.

You cannot enter hours for days that are before the open posting period for the job specified on the current line. For further information, refer to the description of the Job Cost island in the Company Information workspace in the G/L module. If you enter hours for a date that comes after the open posting period, Maconomy issues a warning. In addition, it will only be possible to submit such time sheets, but not to perform any actions that will result in a posting. Whether it is the submission, release, or approval that determines when a time sheet is transferred for posting depends on the approval principle of each job. For further information about approval principles, refer to the description of the Approval island in the Jobs workspace.

By changing the MDL layout of this window, you can insert variable day names in the sub-tab. For example, the column which is named Monday by default, can be changed to Mon. <date>. For more information, refer to the description of the Window Layouts workspace in the Set-Up module.

Description This field shows a description of the current entry.
Activity Type This field shows the type of the current activity.
Quantity Monday-Sunday, Transferred These fields show whether or not the quantites for each day have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Remarks Enter remarks relating to the current line.
Job Description This field shows a description of the job specified in the Job No. field. If it is an internal job, the description contains the job name, whereas the description of an external job contains the name of the customer to whom the job has been assigned.
Internal Job This field displays the total time registered on internal jobs for the week.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the specifications assigned to the current line.
Task This field shows the type of the current activity.
Time Activity 1-3 These fields show the total time for activities in hours or days, depending on the time unit. Time activity can be used to calculate overtime, among others. The activity references can be created in the Time Sheet References workspace.
Time Activity 1-3, Transferred These fields show whether or not the time activities have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Amount Activity 1-4 These fields show the total number of hours for the amount activities specified in the window Time Sheet References. Amount activities can for instance be used to register transport costs, meals, and so on.
Amount Activity 1-4, Transferred These fields show whether or not the amounts have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Location This field shows the location assigned to the current line.
Entity This field shows the entity assigned to the current line.
Project This field shows the project assigned to the current line.
Purpose This field shows the purpose assigned to the current line.
Local Spec. 1-3 This field shows the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Company No. This field shows the name of the company responsible for the job on which the work was performed.
Quantity 1-2 These fields show the quantities registered in the entry.
Quantity 1-2, Transferred These fields show whether or not the quantites have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Transferred for Posting This field determines whether the current line has been transferred for posting.
Total This field displays the total hours (or days) worked for the week for the job, dimension, task, and activity specified on the line.
Cost Type This field shows the cost type of the current line.
Submitted This field shows whether the current line has been submitted.
New Approval Status, Project Manager

This field shows the status of the current line, as determined by the designated project manager of the job.

When the time sheet is submitted, the project manager can approve, reject, or release each line if the approval principle of the job indicates that approval of time registrations by the project manager is mandatory or optional.

If the status of the line is Approved or Released, and the line is changed, the status changes to blank. If the line is Rejected, then changed, the status does not change.

Approval, Project Manager This field shows the approval status of the current line, as determined by the designated project manager of the job. The value in the New Approval Status, Project Manager field is transferred to this field when you use the Execute Approval action.
Approved by This field shows the name of the project manager who assigned the current approval status to the line.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the project manager who assigned the current approval status assigned the approval status to the line.
Comment This field shows any comments entered by the project manager in connection with the approval, release, or rejection of the line.
Approved by Superior This field shows if the current line has been approved by the user's superior.
Released by Superior This field shows if the current line has been released by the user's superior.
Keep Line

This field shows whether or not the current line is deemed permanent.

If this check box is selected, the current line is automatically copied from the previous period at the creation of time sheets. New lines created inherit this status, which means that they will automatically be copied to all new time sheets until you deselect the check box on the selected line.

Planned This Period This field shows whether or not the current line has been transferred, in which case the transfer action does not apply.
Est. Time to Compl. This field shows the estimated time to completion of the current line.
Completed This field shows whether or not the work on the current line is completed.
Estimate Date This field shows the estimate date of the current line's completion.
Job Budget Type This field shows the budget type assigned to the current job.
Job Budget Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the current job budget line.
Overtime Spec. This field shows the overtime specification for the current line. Overtime specifications are defined in the Popup Fields tab in the System Setup workspace.
Favorite This field shows a favorite, if it has been selected. Favorites are derived from the Favorites workspace.
Note Enter a brief description of what you have been working on.
Est. Time to Compl. Days Enter the number of days as an estimate to completion. If you enter a value in this field, Maconomy automatically converts it to hours, which is shown in the Est. Time to Compl. field. The number of hours is calculated by multiplying the number of days by the value in the Hours per Man Day field in the Jobs workspace.
Description, Monday-Sunday Enter a daily description of the task specified on the current line. If daily descriptions are required for the task in question, Maconomy ensures that you enter a description for the task for the day in question before you can submit the time sheet.
Transaction Timestamp This field shows the time of creation or the latest revision of the current line.
Proposed Quantity This field shows the invoiceable quantity entered by the employee on an expense sheet line. By default, the proposed quantity is equal to the quantity entered by the employee.
Proposed Quantity, Monday-Sunday These fields show the invoiceable quantity entered by the employee for each day on an expense sheet line. By default, the proposed quantity is equal to the quantity entered by the employee.
Proposed Quantity Transferred, Monday-Sunday This field shows the proposed invoiceable quantity entered by the employee for each day that can be transferred on an expense sheet line.
Proposed Billing Price, Total This field shows the total proposed billing price in job currency per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit on the time sheet. Note that this field cannot be changed in the time sheet, but may be changed by the project manager.
Proposed Billing Price, Unit This field shows the proposed billing price in job currency per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit on the time sheet. Note that this field cannot be changed in the time sheet, but may be changed by the project manager.
Biling Price, Currency This field shows the standard billing price of the current line in the currency of the job.
Use Invoice Proposal This field shows whether the quantity and billing price in the following fields are used for invoicing:
  • Proposed Quantity
  • Proposed Billing Price, Unit
  • Proposed Billing Price, Total
Transaction Type This field shows the current line's transaction type. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types workspace.
Invoiceable This field shows whether or not the line is invoiceable.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the budgeted billing price in base currency.
Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the budgeted billing price in enterprise currency.
Employee Category No. This field shows the employee category number that comes from job budget lines or that you add manually in this sub-tab.
Absence Type Select the reason for the absence.
Time Unit This field displays the time unit used for filing time (either hours or days).
Option List 1-5 Specify the option lists containing the values that should be available for further specification in the Selected Value 1-5 fields on the current line.
Selected Value 1-5 Specify a number of values for further specification of the current line. You can only use values available in the respective option lists specified in the Option List 1-5 fields.
Spec. 4-10 These fields show the specifications assigned to the current line.
Local Spec. 4-10 This field shows the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Purchase Order Number This field shows the purchase order number to which the current line is associated to.
Purchase Order Line Number This field shows the purchase order line number assigned to the current line.
Employee This field shows the name of the employee assigned to the current line.
Employee Position This field shows the position number assigned to the employee.
Employee E-mail This field shows the employee's email address.
Employee Phone This field shows the employee's phone number.
Employee Mobile This field shows the employee's mobile number.
Employee Company No. This field shows the employee's company number.
Employee Company This field shows the company the employee is associated with.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job to which the current line is associated.
Project Manager No. This field shows the project manager number of the project manager assigned to the current line.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager assigned to the current line.
Activity Description This field displays the title or name of the activity for which the employee registered time.
Task Description This field displays the title or name of the task for which the employee registered time.
Task Path This field shows any task path of the task.
Company This field shows the name of the bill-to-customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer This field shows the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Time Unit, Job This field displays the time unit used for filing time (hours or days) on the job.
Week This field shows the week number of the current time sheet.

This field shows the year in which the current time sheet line was entered.

The field cannot be changed.

Location Description This field shows a description regarding the location assigned to the current line.
Entity Description This field shows a description regarding the entity assigned to the current line.
Project Description This field shows a description regarding the project assigned to the current line.
Purpose Description This field shows a description regarding the purposes assigned to the current line.
Spec. 1-10 Description This field shows descriptions regarding the specifications assigned to the current line.
Local Spec. 1-10 Description This field shows descriptions regarding the local specifications assigned to the current line.
Customer Level This field shows the customer level number for the customer to which the current line is associated.
Level 1-5 No. These fields show the companies in the hierarchy above the specified company associated with the current line. These fields are only available if Customer Levels are set up using the designated system parameters.
Level 1-5 Name These fields show the names of the companies in the hierarchy above the specified company associated with the current line. These fields are only available if Customer Levels are set up using the designated system parameters.
Time Activity 1-3 In these fields, you can specify time registration for activities as set up in Time Sheet References. This field is in hours or days, depending on the time unit on the time sheet.

These fields show registered time in hours or days, depending on the time unit of the time sheet. In these fields you enter the time used every day of the week on the specific job, dimension, task, and activity. You cannot register more hours in one day than the maximum number of hours entered for the employee in the employee revision applying to the date in question.

Moreover, if a value has been entered in the Time Sheets field in the Activities workspace for the activity for which you wish to register hours or amounts, you cannot enter a larger quantity for the activity than specified in that field. If there are several time sheet lines for a given employee with the activity in question, the sum of the registrations on these lines cannot exceed the daily registration limit specified for the activity in question.

It is possible to enter a negative number of hours. If the Minimum Hours field has been marked on the employee revision applying on the date in question, Maconomy checks whether the employee has registered the minimum number of hours that the employee in question is supposed to register. If the number of hours registered is lower than this number, the time sheet cannot be submitted. It can be temporarily submitted, however. See the description of the window Employees in the Set-Up module for further information.

If time sheet lines are automatically created from the detailed resource planning, these fields will automatically be filled in with the quantity of hours planned for the employee on the task specified on the current line. In this way, you only need to enter hours in these fields if you need to make any changes to the pre-filled quantity of hours. However, the fields are only pre-filled on time sheet lines referring to jobs for which the Pre-fill Time Sheet Lines job parameter attribute has the By Day value.

You cannot enter hours for days that are before the open posting period for the job specified on the current line. For further information, refer to the description of the Job Cost island in the Company Information workspace in the G/L module. If you enter hours for a date that comes after the open posting period, Maconomy issues a warning. In addition, it will only be possible to submit such time sheets, but not to perform any actions that will result in a posting. Whether it is the submission, release, or approval that determines when a time sheet is transferred for posting depends on the approval principle of each job. For further information about approval principles, refer to the description of the Approval island in the Jobs workspace.

By changing the MDL layout of this window, you can insert variable day names in the sub-tab. For example, the column which is called Monday by default, can, be changed to Mon. <date>. For more information, refer to the description of the Window Layouts workspace in the Set-Up module.

Time Activity 1-3, Transferred These fields show whether or not the time activities have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Quantity Monday-Friday, Transferred These fields show whether or not the quantites for each day have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Proposed Quantity Monday-Friday These fields show the invoiceable quantity entered by the employee for each day on an expense sheet line. By default, the proposed quantity is equal to the quantity entered by the employee.
Proposed Quantity Monday-Friday, Transferred These fields show whether or not the quantites for each day have been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet journal queue.
Proposed Quantity This field shows the invoiceable quantity entered by the employee on an expense sheet line. By default, the proposed quantity is equal to the quantity entered by the employee.
Proposed Billing Price, Unit This field shows the proposed billing price in job currency per hour or day, depending on the time unit on the time sheet. Note that this field cannot be changed in the time sheet, but may be changed by the project manager.
Total This field displays the total hours (or days) worked for the week for the job, dimension, task, and activity specified on the line.