Advanced References Tab

This topic shows the fields and descriptions for the Advanced References tab.

Information Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the advanced reference.
Description Enter a description of the advanced reference.
User Reference

Select the checkbox to reference a user. Maconomy then derives the employee of that user.

It then assumes that the derived value is an employee if you do not select this field.

Source Internal Relation Name

This field shows the internal name of the relation where the connection of relation links starts.

When you create it from the Approval Hierarchy workspace, the source internal relation automatically populates with the approval hierarchy Type.

Source Relation Name

This field shows the external name of the relation where the connection of relation links starts.

When you create it from the Approval Hierarchy workspace, the source relation automatically populates with the approval hierarchy type.

Reference Relation 1

Select the field from the source relation, which serves as the reference to the next relation.

If you do not select any field, both source and target relation are the same. You can only select the Target Field Name from among the fields on the source relation (usually the approval relation).

The field is optional.

Reference Relation 2-5

Select the field from Reference Relation 1, which serves as the reference to the next relation.

These fields are optional, but you must fill the fields in continuous order from 1 to 5 when you use them.

Target Internal Field Name

Select a text field from this field. Maconomy derives the approver from the Target Internal Relation Name and Target Internal Field Name fields.

You can only select the target field from the last reference relation or from the source relation when no reference relation has been filled in.