Show EU Invoices Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show EU Invoices tab.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This is the number of the invoice or credit memo.
Debit/Credit This shows “Debit” for invoices and “Credit” for credit memos.
Invoice Date This is the date of the invoice or credit memo.
Manual Invoice This shows whether the invoice/credit memo is created manually or automatically from a sales order in the Sales Orders module.
Invoice on Account This is marked if the invoice is on account.
Order No. This is the number of the sales order which the invoice/credit memo is for, if applicable.
Job No. This is the number of the job in the Job Cost module the invoice/credit memo is for, if applicable.
Version This is the version number of the invoice/credit memo.
Information changed This field is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo and is purely for reference.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
EU Sale The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo. If you remove the mark, the invoice/credit memo cannot any longer be shown in this window.
Intrastat Reg. The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo. The field indicates whether the trade has to be reported to Intrastat.
EU Trade Type The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo.
Nature The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo.
Reference Date The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo.
Delivery Mode The value here is retrieved from the invoice/credit memo.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current invoice/credit note.