Specification of Outgoing Payment Format Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Outgoing Payment Format tab.

Outgoing Payment Format Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the current outgoing payment format. Names of existing outgoing payment formats are displayed in the pop-up field “Payment Format” in the window Payment Agents in the Banking module.
Output Data Format In this field, you can specify the name of the output data format that you want to use in the current outgoing payment format. Output data formats are created in the window Specification of Output Data Formats. The format must already exist. Payment files are created on the basis of this format in the Banking module.
Input Data Format In this field, you can specify the name of the input data format that you want to use in the current outgoing payment format. Input data format are created in the window Specification of Input Data Formats. The format must already exist. This format is used when importing payment status files in the window Read Payment Status in the Banking module.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Show Control Listing If you mark this field, a control listing is printed after the payment file has been created. This listing can be attached to the payment file when sending it to the bank.
Show Extended Control Listing The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Show Control Listing” above. However, the printed listing contains more information, including payment numbers and the vendors’ company registration numbers.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Name Enter the name of the access level required to access the format and its forms.
Access Level Description Enter the description of the access level required to access the format and its forms.

System Numbers Island

Field Description
System Number 1-3 Maconomy can manage concurrent numbering of payment orders. In these fields, you can specify whether the three system numbers should be reset every day, month, year, or never. You can, for example, specify a system number that is reset once a year in one field, and a system number that is reset every day.

In the fields “Next System No. 1-3” in the island Payment Information in the window Payment Agents in the Banking module, you can change the current system number value, for example, to specify an initial value.

You can refer to these fields in an output data field be referring to the fields #PAYMENT.SYSTEMNUMBER1-3. System numbers are unique per payment agent.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the format.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the format.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the format. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the format.