Address Format Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Address Format Lines tab.

Field Description
Prefix Enter a text which will be put in front of an address format field. The text entered in this field is printed each time the table line is printed. For example, if the current line is of the type “Header,” the prefix entered in this field could be “Invoice No.” or “Amount.”. For the Attention field you can use the prefix @Att to indicate that the prefix on prints should be calculated according to the language text @Att.
Field 1–5 In these fields you can select the Maconomy fields to be included in the address format. The fields are included in the order you add them here.

For example, if you indicate Field 1: Postal District; Field 2: Country; Field 3: Zip Code =>, then on this address line, the Postal District, Country, and Zip Code will show, in this order.

Separator 1-5 In this field you can specify which separator to use between Fields 1- 5. For example, comma or space.
Suffix In this field, you can enter a text which will be appended to the address format field.