Contact Management Setup Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Contact Management Setup sub-tab.

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number for which the contact management setup should be used. If this field is empty, the contact management setup can be used for all companies.
Default Event Type Select a default event type. When you create an event that is not assigned to an event flow, the event type is initialized to the value that you enter in this field.
Default Event Flow Type Enter a default event flow type. When you create an event flow, the event flow type is initialized to the value that you enter in this field.
Default Opportunity Type Enter a default opportunity type. When you create an opportunity, the opportunity type is initialized to the value that you enter in this field.
Default Campaign Event Flow Type Enter a default campaign event flow. When you create a campaign, the event flow type is initialized to the value that you enter in this field.
Contact Person Note Type Enter a note type to be used when you create notes from a contact person.
Contact Person Position List Enter the name of an option list of positions to use for the position field for contact persons. When you create a contact person, you can select a value for the position field from a drop-down list or you can enter a position manually. Those drop-down list values come from the list whose name you enter in this field.
Contact Person Option List 1-10 Enter the names of default option lists in these fields. When you create a contact person the Option List 1-10 fields for that contact person are initialized to the values that you enter in these fields.
Contact Company Note Type Enter a note type to be used when you create notes from a contact company.
Contact Company Option List 1-10 Enter the names of default option lists in these fields. When you create a contact company, the Option List 1-10 fields for that contact company are initialized to the values that you enter in these fields.
Relation Type List Enter the name of an option list of relation types to use when you create a contact relation. When you create a relation, you can select a value from a drop-down list or you can enter a value manually. Those drop-down list values come from the list whose name you enter in this field.
Created by This field shows the user name of the person who created the content management setup.
Created on This field shows the date on which the content management setup was created.
Changed by This field shows the user name of the person who changed the content management setup.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the content management setup was changed.
Version This field shows the version number that corresponds to the update made to the content management setup.