Approval Hierarchy Rules Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Hierarchy Rules tab.

Approval Type Island

Field Description
Approval Type This field shows the Type of approval hierarchy: Purchase Order, Expense Sheet or Vendor Invoice. The Type cannot be changed here; to select a different Type you should use the search function.
Description In this field, you can add a description of the approval hierarchy type.

Deadline Island

Field Description
Deadline based on preferred delivery date If you mark this field, and the Type is Vendor Invoice, the deadline for the approval of the Vendor Invoice will be calculated based on the preferred delivery date. If the field is not marked, and the Type is Vendor Invoice, the deadline for the approval of the Vendor Invoice will be calculated based on the submission date.

If you mark this field, and the Type is Purchase Order, the deadline for the approval of the purchase order will be calculated based on the due date. If the field is not marked, and the Type is Purchase Order, the deadline for the approval of the Purchase Order will be calculated based on the submission date.

This field has no impact on deadline calculations for Expense Sheets.

No. of days for approval In this field, you can specify a number of days available for approval to be completed. The number of days can be negative.

The number of days is used in the approval deadline calculation as follows:

  • For purchase orders, if the Deadline based on due date field has been marked this is the number of days that is added to the preferred delivery date, otherwise this is the number of days added to the date submitted.
  • For expense sheets this is the number of days that is added to the date submitted.
  • For vendor invoices, if the Deadline based on due date field has been marked this is the number of days added to the due date, otherwise this is the number of days added to the date submitted.
Monthly approval day In this field, you can specify the number of the day later in the current month or in the next month which represents the approval deadline. If the day is after the last day in the current month, the deadline is set to the last day in the month. For example, if the approval is set for the 30th of each month, then for February it will be set to 28th February.
Weekly approval day In this field, you can specify the day of the week which represents the approval deadline. The day will be the next week day.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Approval Principles Island

Field Description
Approve Header, Always If you mark this field, the approval hierarchy will always be based on the header of the purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice. This is regardless of whether there are any lines in the purchase order / expense sheet / vendor invoice. You should only select this option if the associated Approval Hierarchy uses the header based Approval Relation, that is, for a purchase order the approval relation would need to be Purchase Order Header.
Approve Header, If no lines If you mark this field, the approval hierarchy will be based on the header of the purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice only where there are no lines in the purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice.
Approve Line, Always If you mark this field, the approval hierarchy will always be based on the lines of the purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice. You should only select this option if the associated Approval Hierarchy uses the line based Approval Relation, that is, for a purchase order the approval relation would need to be Purchase Order Line.
Reapprove header when adding a new line If you select this check box, Maconomy requires reapproval of any header resubmitted with added lines.

You cannot select this check box if you already selected the Reapprove all when adding a new line check box, and vice versa.

Reapprove header when changing a line If you select this check box, Maconomy requires reapproval of any header resubmitted with updated lines.

You cannot select this check box if you already selected the Reapprove all when changing a line check box, and vice versa.

Reapprove header when removing a line If you select this check box, Maconomy requires reapproval of any header resubmitted with deleted lines.

You cannot select this check box if you already selected the Reapprove all when removing a line check box, and vice versa.

Approve at Submission If you mark this field, wherever the setup of the approval hierarchy would allow for a user to submit and approve the same purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice, the purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice will be approved automatically when they submit.

In Approval Hierarchy Rules, if you select Approve at Submission, Maconomy automatically approves items submitted byusers, such as time or expense sheets.

However, you may prefer to disable these automatic approvals if the user is a Substitute, Supervisor, or Super Approver.

So for example if "Approve at Submission" is marked, but "Automatic Substitute Approval" is unmarked, then Maconomy does not automatically approve if the user who submits is set as a substitute on the approval hierarchy. It works the same for "Automatic Supervisor Approval" and "Automatic Super Approver Approval."

If you deselect the Allow Self Approval field, Maconomy automatically restricts the automatic approval of a transaction, such as purchase order, time, expense, or mileage sheet, even though you selected the Approve at Submission field.

Approve at Submission, Remark In this field, you can add a remark which will automatically populate the Approval Remarks field wherever Approve at Submission has been applied.
Automatic Substitute Approval If "Approve at Submission" is selected, select this check box to enable automatic approval by substitute approvals, and deselect to facilitate manual approval.
Automatic Supervisor Approval If "Approve at Submission" is selected, select this check box to enable automatic approval by supervisor approvals, and deselect to facilitate manual approval.
Automatic Super Approver Approval If "Approve at Submission" is selected, select this check box to enable automatic approval by super approver approvals, and deselect to facilitate manual approval.
Log Changes Before First Submission If you mark this field, changes made to a purchase order/expense sheet/vendor invoice prior to its first submission will be logged and will be available to be viewed in the Approval Changes workspace. If this field is not marked, changes made prior to first submission will not be logged.

Approver Access Tickets Island

Field Description
Approved Tickets Expire

Select this check box to enable deletion of access tickets after a specified number of days after approval. Maconomy runs a daily scheduled background task to delete expired tickets.

If this check box is deselected, approver access tickets do not expire. Note that not deleting tickets may gradually impact system performance.
Note: This functionality does not apply to approval hierarchies used in jobs, job budgets, job quotes, and draft invoices.
Days from Approval to Expiration

Specify the number of days before an approved access ticket expires and is deleted.

By default, the value in this field is 60. Maconomy deletes the ticket 60 days after the objects in the ticket are approved.

Unapproved Tickets Expire Select this check box to delete unapproved access tickets after a specified number of days. Maconomy runs a daily background task to delete expired tickets.
If this check box is deselected, unapproved access tickets do not expire. Note that not deleting tickets may gradually impact system performance.
Note: This functionality does not apply to approval hierarchies used in jobs, job budgets, job quotes and draft invoices.
Days from Submission to Expiratio Specify the number of days before a submitted and unapproved access ticket expires and is deleted.

By default, the value in this field is 120. Maconomy deletes the ticket 120 days after the ticket is submitted and remains unapproved.