Event Flow Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Event Flow tab.

Event Flow Island

Field Description
Event Flow In this field, you can write a description and specify a number for the event flow when creating a flow. If you do not specify a number, Maconomy assigns a number from the number series “Event Flow” in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module.
Event Flow Type In this field, you must specify an event flow type created in the window Event Flow Types. The event flow type contains template information which is copied to new current event flows. Most of this information can be changed on the individual event flows. Event flows created automatically as part of a campaign are assigned the event flow type specified for the campaign.

Please note that when creating an event flow and specifying a given event flow type with the application “History,” Maconomy rejects the creation of the flow if the system already contains an event flow of the same type for the same contact person. This ensures that no more than one event flow with a given combination of contact person and history event flow type exists in the system.

Flow Status Type This field shows the name of the option list containing the options available for specifying event flow statuses in the current event flow. The value is transferred from the corresponding field in the event flow type of the event flow, and cannot be changed here. You can specify an event flow status on the individual events in the flow using the field “New Event Flow Status” in the table part. See this field and the field Current Event Flow Status in the card part of the window for more information on assigning event flow statuses to a flow. Event flow types are defined in the window Event Flow Types.
Closed In this field, you can specify that the event flow is closed, for instance because the objective of the flow has been reached. An event flow can only be closed if there are no open events assigned to it. Once an event flow has been closed, you cannot change any of the fields on the event flow, and no further events can be assigned to it. However, an event flow can be reopened if the job (if any) to which the flow is assigned is still open. If the event flow is a subflow of an event, the event flow can only be reopened if the event in question is still open.
Blocked If you mark this field, you block the current event flow for changes. This means that it is not possible to change any of the fields on the event flow, and that all events in the event flow are also blocked. However, you can unmark the field at any time to unblock the event flow and all related events. See the field “Blocked” in the window Events for information about the effects of blocking events.
Current Flow Status This field shows the current status of the event flow. The status is updated when an event specified as a status changing event is closed, and the new event flow status will then be the one specified on the event that was closed. However, the status is only updated if the ending date (or, if the event flow type of the current event flow uses the application “History,” the starting date) of the event being closed is later than that of the last event which caused the event flow status to change. The number of this event is shown in the island Latest Status Change.

If the event flow is assigned to a job whose job processing status type is the same option list as the event flow status type, the job processing status of the job in question is also updated with the new event flow status when the event is closed. The job processing status type of a given job is specified in the job parameters to which the job is assigned. The event flow status type is specified in the window Event Flow Types. In the island Expected Status Change, you can see information on the event expected to cause the next status change.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Job In this field, you can specify the name and number of a job if the event flow pertains to a job. The company responsible for the job must be the same as the one responsible for the current event flow. All events in the event flow will also be assigned to this job.
Activity No. If the event flow has been assigned to a job, you can specify the number of a time activity in this field. This activity will be suggested on new events subsequently created in the flow.
Task If the event flow has been assigned to a job, you can specify the number of a task in this field. This task will be suggested on new events subsequently created in the flow.

Campaign Island

Field Description
Campaign If the event flow is part of a campaign, that is, it was created by selecting the action “Create Initial Events” in the window Campaigns, this field shows the name and number of the campaign in question.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Planned Date In these fields, you can specify a range of dates. The table part will only display events whose range of dates in the fields “Planned Starting Date” and “Planned Ending Date” covers one or more dates within the range specified here. When you browse between event flows, the values specified in these fields are kept so that you do not need to re-enter them each time you browse to a new flow.
Event Date In these fields, you can specify a range of dates. The table part will only display events whose range of dates in the fields “Event Starting Date” and “Event Closing Date” covers one or more dates within the range specified here. When you browse between event flows, the values specified in these fields are kept so that you do not need to re-enter them each time you browse to a new flow.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter the name and number of the company responsible for the event flow. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

The contents of this field determine which users have access to see information about the event flow. In the window Company Information in the G/L module it is possible to assign each company to an access level. A user only has access to see information about a given event flow if he has been granted access to the access level in the window Access Levels in the Set-Up module that the company is assigned to or a superordinate level. In addition, the user must have access to the access level specified in the island Access Level to have access to the event flow. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to event flows may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of dimension derivation.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Here you can enter the name of an access level created in the window Access Levels. Users only have access to information about the current event flow if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to event flows may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, this field has no influence on whether the user has access to information about the current event flow.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the event flow.

By assigning a document archive to an event flow, you can keep track of the various documents related to the flow. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.

Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Expected Status Change Island

Field Description
Flow Status This field shows the status expected to be the next event flow status in the current flow, that is, the status specified in the field New Event Flow Status on the event whose number is shown in the field Event No. below.
Event No. This field shows the number of the next status changing event. Of the open, status changing events in the table part (events where the field “Closed” is unmarked and the field “Status Changing Event” is marked), the next status changing event is the one with the earliest date in the field “Event Closing Date” or, if the current flow is of a type using the application “History,” the one with the earliest date in the field “Event Starting Date.”

If none of the currently open events are marked as the next status changing event, this field and the rest of the fields in this island are blank.

If the next status changing event has a subflow assigned to it, and one of the open events in the subflow is marked as a status changing event, this field shows the number of the status changing event in the subflow. If that event also has a subflow with a status changing event, this field will show the number of that event, and so on. This functionality applies to any number of subflow levels.

Event Description This field shows the description of the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island. The description can be edited on the relevant line in the table part of this window or in the window Events.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee responsible for carrying out the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island. The employee number can be edited on the relevant line in the table part of this window or in the window Events.
Event Start This field shows the starting date and time of the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island. The starting date and time can be edited on the relevant line in the table part of this window or in the window Events.
Event Change These fields show the last date and time on which changes were made to the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List In these fields, you can select the option lists containing the values you wish to use for further specification of the event flow and its outcome. In the fields Value in this island, you can then select values from these lists. Maconomy will suggest the option list from the corresponding field in the event flow type of the event flow. However, you can change the suggested option lists here.
Value In these fields, you can specify values available in the respective option lists specified in this island. The fields can, for example, be used for further specification of the event flow and its outcome.

Employees Island

Field Description
Name 1-5 These fields show the names of the respective employees specified in the fields “Employee No. 1-5” in this island.
Number 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of employees related to the event flow.

Flow Texts Island

Field Description
Flow Text 1-20 In these fields, you can specify a number of descriptive texts related to the event flow. The fields are for information only.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer In this field, you can specify the customer whom the event flow concerns. This customer will also be suggested on all events created in the flow.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee In this field, you can specify the employee who should be responsible for the current event flow. This employee will also be suggested on all events created in the flow.

Event Plan Island

Field Description
Event Plan In this field, you can write the description and specify the number of the event plan on which events automatically created in the current event flow should be based. When you select the action “Create Secondary Events,” the information in this event plan will be used as basis for the created events. Maconomy suggests the event plan specified in the event flow type to which the event flow is assigned, but you can change it here as long as no events have been created in the flow. For further information on the creation of initial events and secondary events, please see the description of the actions in this window, the section “Introduction to the Contact Management Module,” and the window “Event Plans.”
Create Secondary Events When Closing In this field, you can specify whether secondary events should automatically be created when an event in the current event flow is closed. If the field is marked, closing an event in the flow will cause Maconomy to create secondary events for that event, and that event only, as if you had selected the action “Create Secondary Events” in the window Events. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the event flow type to which the current event flow is assigned, but you can change it here.
Include Only Closed Events In this field, you can specify whether the action “Create Secondary Events” should only be carried out on closed events in the current event flow when the action is selected either for the whole flow in this window or for individual events in the window Events. If the field is not marked, the action will apply to both open and closed events in the flow. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the event flow type to which the current event flow is assigned, but you can change it here. For further information, see the description of the action “Create Secondary Events” in this window and the window Events.

Contact Island

Field Description
Contact Company In this field, you can specify the name and number of the contact company to which the event flow pertains. If a customer was specified in the field “Customer” when the event flow was created, Maconomy suggests the contact company number of that customer in this field. However, the value can be changed as long as no events have been created in the flow. This contact company number will also be suggested on all events in the flow.

If you leave the field unchanged and enter a contact person assigned to a contact company, the number of the contact company in question is automatically inserted in this field.

Contact Person In this field, you can specify the name and number of the contact person to which the event flow pertains. This contact person will also apply to all events in the flow. If you specify both a contact company and a contact person at the same time before pressing Return, the contact person specified must be assigned to the contact company in question. If you specify a contact person without changing the contact company number, Maconomy automatically completes the field “Contact Company No.” with the number of the contact company (if any) to which the contact person in question is assigned.

Please note that when creating an event flow and specifying a given event flow type with the application “History,” Maconomy rejects the creation of the flow if the system already contains an event flow of the same type for the same contact person. This ensures that no more than one event flow with a given combination of contact person and history event flow type exists in the system.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. When dimension values are derived to the events created in the flow, the value in this field will be used as a context value for the dimension Location, and thus in some cases be transferred to events in the flow. For a description of the term “context values” and the cases where context values are derived, see the section “Deriving Dimensions” in the G/L module.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field Location above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field Location above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field Location above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field Location above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field Location above.

Note Island

Field Description
Note In this field, you can specify the name and number of a note relating to the current event flow.

If the value “Update Note at Status Change” has been selected in the field “Note Management” in the event type of the current event flow, this field is automatically updated each time a status changing event is closed, causing any note assigned to the status changing event to be assigned to the event flow by means of this field. This allows you to, for example, run reports where information on the latest status changing event includes the note information from the event in question.

Notes can be created manually in the window Notes in the Set-Up module where you can also edit the text and description.

Latest Status Change Island

Field Description
Event No. This field shows the number of the last event in the table part which caused the event flow status to change. For information about the criteria for an event to update the event flow status, see the field Current Flow Status.
Event Description This field shows the description of the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island.
Event Result This field shows the result of the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island.
Event Start This field shows the starting date and time of the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island.
Event End These fields show the last date and time on which changes were made to the event shown in the field “Event No.” in this island.

Statistics Island

Field Description
Number of Events This field shows how many events exist in the current event flow.
Number of Open Events This field shows how many of the events in the current flow is open.
Flow Start This field shows the starting date and time of the first event created in the flow.
Changed This field shows the closing date and time of the closed event in the flow which has the latest closing date. When you close an event in the table part, Maconomy automatically transfers the event’s closing date to this field if the event in question has a later closing date than the other closed events.
Planned Change These fields show the next planned change to the events contained in the event flow. All open events in the flow or in related sub flows are considered. The next planned change is the most proximate of the starting or ending dates of the events assigned to the flow. To find this, Maconomy considers the following:
  • The planned starting dates and times of events with blank event starting date
  • The planned ending dates and times of events that have been started (that is, have a value in the field “Event Starting Date”) but not ended
  • Of the times and dates found, this field shows the earliest date and time. Consequently, if the time and date in these fields are before current time, this indicates an overdue event.
Actual Time This field shows the total amount of time that has been spent working on the events assigned to the current event flow. The field shows the sum of the values in the field “Time Elapsed” on all events assigned to the event flow. For a description of the field “Time Elapsed,” please see the window Events.

Extra Date Fields Island

Field Description
Date and time 1-5 In these fields, you can specify certain key times regarding the current event flow. The fields are for information only.