Opportunities Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Opportunities sub-tab.

Field Description
Opportunity No. This field shows the sales opportunity number.
Description This field shows the sales opportunity number.
Contact Company This field shows the contact company where the sales opportunity is under.
Sales Rep. This field shows the name of the sales representative assigned to the sales opportunity.
Status This field shows whether a sales opportunity is open or closed as won or lost. You must reopen closed opportunities to make any changes.
Expected Closing Date This field displays the expected closing date for open opportunities and the actual closing date for closed opportunities.
Sales Estimate This field shows the estimated total sale from an opportunity.
Weighted Sales Est. This field shows the probability percentage rating for whether the opportunity will result in a sale.
Probability % This field shows the weighted sales value of the opportunity, which is equivalent to the probability percentage multiplied by the sales estimate.