Specification of Outgoing Payment Form Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Outgoing Payment Form tab.

Outgoing Payment Format Island

Field Description
Outgoing Payment Format Select the name of an existing output data format that you want to specify an outgoing payment form for in this pop-up field.
Outgoing Payment Form In this field, you can specify a name for the outgoing payment form that you want to create for the current outgoing payment format. This is the name displayed in the pop-up field “Payment Form” in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Output Data Form In this field, you can specify the name of the output data form that you want to use as output data form for the current outgoing payment form. Output Data Forms are created in the window Specification of Output Data Forms. You can only specify existing forms.
Input Data Form In this field, you can specify the name of the input data form that you want to use as input data form for the current outgoing payment for. Input data forms are created in the Specification of Input Data Forms. You can only specify existing forms. The form is used when you import payment status files in the window Read Payment Status in the Banking module.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the form.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the form.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the form. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the form.

Payment Island

Field Description
Allow Blanket Payment In this pop-up field, you can specify whether it should be specified for the current outgoing payment form that payments should be combined, that is, that all payments to the same vendor are combined in one collective payment. If you select “Yes” in this field, you cannot remove the mark in the field “Blanket Payment” in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module. If you select “No,” however, you cannot mark the field. If you select “Partial” in this field, the payment mode can be used with or without blanket payment. The field must be completed. For more information, please see the description of the window Payment Modes.
Currency Payment If you mark this field, the current payment is made in foreign currency. This means that a warning message is displayed if the format is used for payments to domestic vendor (that is, in national currency).
Allow Zero Entries If you mark this field, payment orders with a zero balance are included in the payment file. This happens if the field “Include Payment Ord. with 0 Balance” in the window Payment Modes is marked.

Remittance Island

Field Description
Allow Remittance In this pop-up field, you can specify whether the current outgoing payment form should allow for remittance of the vendor. If you select “Yes” in this field, you cannot remove the marking of the field “Notify Payment Recipient” in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module. If you select “No,” however, you cannot mark the field. If you select “Partial” in this field, the payment mode can be used with or without remittance. The field must be completed.
Length on Lines This field corresponds to the field “Max characters per line” in the window Payment Modes and specifies the maximum length on a remittance line.
Maximum Number of Lines This field corresponds to the field “No. of Lines Per Paym. Order” in the window Payment Modes and specifies the maximum number of lines allowed in remittance per payment order.